Using a Shared Opticks Installation

If someone has installed Opticks for you already you just need to set the PATH variable in your .bash_profile to easily find the Opticks executables and scripts.

# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
    . ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs

ini(){ . ~/.bash_profile ; }

ok-local(){    echo /home/simonblyth/local ; }
ok-opticks(){  echo /home/simonblyth/opticks ; }
ok-ctest(){    ( cd $(ok-local)/opticks/build ; ctest3 $* ; ) }

export PATH=$(ok-opticks)/ana:$(ok-opticks)/bin:$(ok-local)/opticks/lib:$PATH

You can test the installation using the ok-ctest function defined in the .bash_profile. The output shoule look like the below. The permission denied error is not a problem.

[blyth@optix ~]$ ok-ctest
Test project /home/simonblyth/local/opticks/build
CMake Error: Cannot open file for write: /home/simonblyth/local/opticks/build/Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log.tmp
CMake Error: : System Error: Permission denied
Problem opening file: /home/simonblyth/local/opticks/build/Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log
Cannot create log file: LastTest.log
        Start   1: SysRapTest.SEnvTest
  1/155 Test   #1: SysRapTest.SEnvTest ........................   Passed    0.00 sec
        Start   2: SysRapTest.SSysTest
154/155 Test #154: cfg4Test.G4StringTest ......................   Passed    0.06 sec
        Start 155: cfg4Test.G4BoxTest
155/155 Test #155: cfg4Test.G4BoxTest .........................   Passed    0.05 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 155

Total Test time (real) =  48.30 sec