Opticks : GPU Optical Photon Simulation for Particle Physics with NVIDIA OptiX

Progress with JUNO + Opticks : GPU Optical Photon Simulation with NVIDIA® OptiX™

Simon C Blyth, IHEP — https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/opticks — July 2019, IHEP



Optical Photon Simulation Problem...

JPMT Before Contact 2

Ray-tracing vs Rasterization

/env/presentation/nvidia/nv_rasterization.png /env/presentation/nvidia/nv_raytrace.png

Rendering + Photon Simulation : Limited by Ray Geometry Intersection

Ray Tracing Tools can Help Optical Photon Simulation


TITAN RTX : 72 Raytrace Dedicated RT Cores, 4608 CUDA Cores, 24GB VRAM, 2500 USD

NVIDIA® OptiX™ Ray Tracing Engine -- http://developer.nvidia.com/optix

OptiX makes GPU ray tracing accessible

NVIDIA expertise:


User provides (Yellow):

[1] Turing+ GPUs eg NVIDIA TITAN RTX


Opticks : GPU Geometry starts from ray-primitive intersection


CUDA/OptiX intersection for ~10 primitives -> Exact geometry translation

Ray intersection with general CSG binary trees, on GPU

Pick between pairs of nearest intersects, eg:

UNION tA < tB Enter B Exit B Miss B
Enter A ReturnA LoopA ReturnA
Exit A ReturnA ReturnB ReturnA
Miss A ReturnB ReturnB ReturnMiss
[1] Ray Tracing CSG Objects Using Single Hit Intersections, Andrew Kensler (2006)
with corrections by author of XRT Raytracer http://xrt.wikidot.com/doc:csg
[2] https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/opticks/src/tip/optixrap/cu/csg_intersect_boolean.h
Similar to binary expression tree evaluation using postorder traverse.

Opticks : Translate Geant4 Geometry to GPU, Without Approximation

Direct Geometry : Geant4 "World" -> Opticks CSG -> GPU
  • much simpler : fully automated geo-management
Material/Surface/Scintillator properties
  • interpolated to standard wavelength domain
  • interleaved into "boundary" texture
  • "reemission" texture for wavelength generation
  • repeated geometry instances identified (progeny digests)
  • instance transforms used in OptiX/OpenGL geometry
  • merge CSG trees into global + instance buffers
  • export meshes to glTF 2.0 for 3D visualization
Ease of Use
  • easy geometry : just handover "World"
[1] G4 primitives used need corresponding Opticks implementations, contributions for
any unsupported geometry are welcome

JUNO Geometry Changes to enable translation to GPU

First 2 change geometry, last 2 change modelling only

Guide Tube Torus : removed (for now)
AVOIDED : OptiX 6.0.0 NOT working with torus intersect
PMT_20inch_body : simplified neck
FIXED : "cylinder - torus" -> polycone
PMT_20inch_inner : simplified CSG modelling
FIXED : depth 4 tree (31 nodes) -> 1 primitive
sAirTT : CSG modelling coincidence avoided
FIXED : "box - cylinder" : growing the subtracted

20inch PMT neck : "cylinder-torus" -> polycone

Opticks : Translate Geant4 Optical Physics to GPU (OptiX/CUDA)

OptiX : single-ray programming model -> line-by-line translation

CUDA Ports of Geant4 classes
  • G4Cerenkov (only generation loop)
  • G4Scintillation (only generation loop)
  • G4OpAbsorption
  • G4OpRayleigh
  • G4OpBoundaryProcess (only a few surface types)
Modify Cerenkov + Scintillation Processes
  • collect genstep, copy to GPU for generation
  • avoids copying millions of photons to GPU
Scintillator Reemission
  • fraction of bulk absorbed "reborn" within same thread
  • wavelength generated by reemission texture lookup
Opticks (OptiX/Thrust GPU interoperation)
  • OptiX : upload gensteps
  • Thrust : seeding, distribute genstep indices to photons
  • OptiX : launch photon generation and propagation
  • Thrust : pullback photons that hit PMTs
  • Thrust : index photon step sequences (optional)


JUNO-360 benchmark with OptiX 6.0.0, RTX mode


bench_20190526_202537 2


bench_20190526_143808 2

Validation : Systematic Scan of All 40 JUNO Solids

Create test geometries using solids, materials, surfaces from base geometry geocache

40 geometries
test containers for all JUNO solids
input photons
feed same initial photons to Opticks and Geant4
input cuRAND randoms to Geant4
same random sequence for Opticks and Geant4
bi-simulation executable
save propagations from Opticks and Geant4 as OpticksEvents (.npy arrays)

Validation : Random Aligned Bi-Simulation -> Direct Array Comparison

NPY serialized arrays


In [11]: pdv = np.where(dv > 0.0001)[0]
In [12]: ab.dumpline(pdv)
      0   1230 : TO BR SC BT BR BT SA
      1   2413 : TO BT BT SC BT BR BR BT SA
      2   9041 : TO BT SC BR BR BR BR BT SA
      3  14510 : TO SC BT BR BR BT SA
      4  14747 : TO BT SC BR BR BR BR BR BR BR
      5  14747 : TO BT SC BR BR BR BR BR BR BR

In [20]: ab.b.ox[pdv,0]                                 In [21]: ab.a.ox[pdv,0]
Out[20]:                                                Out[21]:
A()sliced                                               A()sliced
A([    [-191.6262, -240.3634,  450.    ,    5.566 ],    A([    [-191.626 , -240.3634,  450.    ,    5.566 ],
       [ 185.7708, -133.8457,  450.    ,    7.3141],           [ 185.7708, -133.8456,  450.    ,    7.3141],
       [-450.    , -104.4142,  311.143 ,    9.0581],           [-450.    , -104.4142,  311.1431,    9.0581],
       [  83.6955,  208.9171, -450.    ,    5.6188],           [  83.6954,  208.9172, -450.    ,    5.6188],
       [  32.8972,  150.    ,   24.9922,    7.6757],           [  32.8973,  150.    ,   24.992 ,    7.6757],
       [  32.8972,  150.    ,   24.9922,    7.6757],           [  32.8973,  150.    ,   24.992 ,    7.6757],
       [ 450.    , -186.7449,  310.6051,    5.0707],           [ 450.    , -186.7451,  310.605 ,    5.0707],
       [ 299.2227,  318.1443, -450.    ,    4.8717],           [ 299.2229,  318.144 , -450.    ,    4.8717],



tv21_1M_a 2




absmry_1M 2


ta34_1M 2

Validation Issue 1 : History Mis-alignment : 0.01-0.50% of photons

Large Range 0.01% 0.50% 3% depending on extent

PMT_20inch_inner2_solid(LV 19) 163/1M
extra BR(boundary reflect) or BT(boundary transmit)
sWorld(LV 39) 29906/1M ~3%
  • large extent : direct photons travel 360m
  • many "maxbounce" truncations, lots of scattering

ab.mal (LV 19)
aligned   999837/1000000 : 0.9998 : 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24
maligned     163/1000000 : 0.0002 : 2908,4860,5477,12338,17891,18117,28709,32764,37671,43675,45874,...

      0   2908 : * :                   TO BT BR BR BT SA                 TO BT BR BR BR BT SA
      1   4860 : * :                      TO BT BT BT SA                    TO BT BT BT BT SA
      2   5477 : * :                      TO BT BT BT SA                    TO BT BT BT BT SA
      3  12338 : * :                      TO BT BR BT SA        TO BT BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR
ab.mal (LV 39)
aligned   970094/1000000 : 0.9701 : 0,1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,26,27
maligned   29906/1000000 : 0.0299 : 3,15,25,80,132,288,294,329,376,377,379,436,511,536,655,662,...
slice(0, 25, None)
      0      3 : * :        TO BT SC BR BR BR BR BR BR BR        TO BT SC BR BR BR BR BR SC BR
      1     15 : * :        TO BT SC BR BR BR BR BR SC BR        TO BT SC BR BR SC BT SC BT SC
      2     25 : * :                 TO BT SC BR BR BR AB        TO BT SC BR BR BR BR BR BR BR
      3     80 : * :                 TO BT BT SC BT BR AB        TO BT BT SC BT BR BR SC BR AB

[1] https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/opticks/src/tip/notes/issues/alignment_options_review.rst

Validation Issue 2 : History Aligned but Deviant : Mostly < 0.05% of photons

float vs double precision

Likely cause of deviations
  • small deviations grow from bounce to bounce
  • "lever arm" amplification of small errors depending on geometry
  • Opticks uses double only when unavoidable (eg scattering/absorption distance from log(u) [1])
  • Geant4 uses double everywhere
  • double has high performance cost on GPU
  • OptiX can only partially[2] operate in double precision
  • attempt to isolate sources, with double precision tests

[1] https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/opticks/src/tip/optixrap/cu/propagate.h

[2] https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1036155/optix/double-precision-of-ray-lengths/

Performance : Scanning from 1M to 60M photons

tboolean-box test Geometry + input photons

Production Mode : does the minimum

Multi-Event Running : measure interval and launch

interval : avg time between successive launches (includes all overheads)
  • upload photons/gensteps
  • launch : avg photon generation + propagation time
  • download hits

[1] TCURAND GPU randoms on host https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/opticks/src/tip/thrustrap/TCURAND.hh



Opticks_vs_Geant4 2




Opticks[1] : Aims to Revolutionize JUNO Muon Simulation

State-of-the-art GPU ray tracing[2] applied to optical simulation

Optical photons generated+propagated entirely on GPU

Status : validation iterations ongoing

[1] Open source project http://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/opticks

[2] NVIDIA OptiX ray tracing engine

[3] using innovative Constructive Solid Geometry implementation on GPU

[4] scattering, boundary, reemission, absorption
