OptiX 7 Experiments
Overview of Migration Task
export OPTIX_PREFIX=/usr/local/OptiX_700
git clone
cd opticks/examples/UseOptiX7GeometryInstancedGASCompDyn
./ # -> .ppm , posi.npy for NumPy analysis
33 std::vector<OptixInstance> instances ;
34 for(unsigned i=0 ; i < num_tr ; i++)
35 {
... grab glm::uvec4 idv from "spare" slots of the 4x4 transform
41 glm::mat4 imat = glm::transpose(mat);
43 glm::uvec4 idv ; // last row identity info
44 memcpy( glm::value_ptr(idv), &imat[3], 4*sizeof(float) );
46 unsigned instanceId = idv.x ;
47 unsigned gasIdx = idv.y ;
48 const GAS& gas = geo->getGAS(gasIdx);
50 OptixInstance instance = {} ;
51 instance.flags = flags ;
52 instance.instanceId = instanceId ; // TODO: pack gasIdx
53 instance.sbtOffset = geo->getOffsetBI(gasIdx);
54 instance.visibilityMask = 255;
55 instance.traversableHandle = gas.handle ;
56 memcpy( instance.transform, glm::value_ptr(imat),
12*sizeof( float ) );
58 instances.push_back(instance);
59 }
GAS_0 --> 0 BI_0 BI_1 GAS_1 --> 2 BI_0 BI_1 GAS_2 --> 4 BI_0
007 struct GAS : public AS 8 { 9 std::vector<float> extents ; 10 unsigned num_sbt_rec ; 11 std::vector<BI> bis ; 12 }; 258 void Geo::addGAS(const GAS& gas) 259 { 260 vgas.push_back(gas); 261 unsigned num_bi = gas.bis.size() ; 262 assert(gas.num_sbt_rec == num_bi ); 263 nbis.push_back(num_bi); 264 } 266 unsigned Geo::getOffsetBI(unsigned gas_idx) const 267 { 268 assert( gas_idx < nbis.size()); 270 unsigned offset = 0 ; 271 for(unsigned i=0 ; i < nbis.size() ; i++) 272 { 273 if( i == gas_idx ) break ; 274 offset += nbis[i]; 275 } 276 return offset ; 277 }
Hitgroup SBT Layout
1 AABB -> 1 BI (BuildInput) -> 1 SBT record
114 void SBT::createHitgroup(const Geo* geo) 115 { 116 unsigned num_gas = geo->getNumGAS(); 117 unsigned num_rec = 0 ; 118 for(unsigned i=0 ; i < num_gas ; i++) num_rec += geo->getGAS(i).bis.size() ; 127 hitgroup = new HitGroup[num_rec] ; 128 HitGroup* hg = hitgroup ; 130 131 for(unsigned i=0 ; i < num_rec ; i++) 132 optixSbtRecordPackHeader( pip->hitgroup_pg, hitgroup + i ); 133 134 for(unsigned i=0 ; i < num_gas ; i++) 135 { 136 const GAS& gas = geo->getGAS(i) ; 137 const std::vector& extents = gas.extents ; 138 unsigned num_sub = extents.size(); 141 142 for(unsigned j=0 ; j < num_sub ; j++) 143 { 145 float* values = new float[1]; 146 values[0] = extents[j] ; 147 float* d_values = UploadArray (values, 1) ; 150 hg->data.bindex = j ; 151 hg->data.values = d_values ; // set device pointer into CPU struct about to be copied to device 152 hg++ ; 154 } 155 }
222 void Geo::makeGAS(const std::vector<float>& extents)
223 {
228 std::vector<float> bb ;
230 // fudge enlarges bbox compared to expectation for the geometry
231 float fudge = Util::GetEValue("FUDGE", 1.0f) ;
235 for(unsigned i=0 ; i < extents.size() ; i++)
236 {
237 float extent = extents[i]*fudge ;
242 bb.push_back(-extent);
243 bb.push_back(-extent);
244 bb.push_back(-extent);
245 bb.push_back(+extent);
246 bb.push_back(+extent);
247 bb.push_back(+extent);
248 }
249 std::cout << std::endl ;
252 GAS gas = {} ;
253 GAS_Builder::Build(gas, bb);
posi : position-identity
Every intersect pixel:
091 extern "C" __global__ void __raygen__rg(){ ... 114 trace( 115 params.handle, 116 origin, 117 direction, 118 tmin, 119 tmax, 120 &normal, 121 &t, 122 &position, 123 &identity 124 ); 127 unsigned index = idx.y * params.width + idx.x ; 128 params.pixels[index] = make_color( normal, identity ); 129 params.isect[index] = make_float4( position.x, position.y, position.z, int_as_float(identity)) ; 130 } 196 extern "C" __global__ void __closesthit__ch(){ ... 217 unsigned instance_id = 1u + optixGetInstanceIndex() ; // see IAS_Builder::Build 218 unsigned primitive_id = 1u + optixGetPrimitiveIndex() ; // see GAS_Builder::MakeCustomPrimitivesBI 219 unsigned buildinput_id = 1u + bindex ; // TODO: get rid of this, its the same as primitive_id 220 221 unsigned identity = ( instance_id << 16 ) | (primitive_id << 8) | ( buildinput_id << 0 ) ; ... 225 const float3 world_origin = optixGetWorldRayOrigin() ; 226 const float3 world_direction = optixGetWorldRayDirection() ; 227 const float3 world_position = world_origin + t*world_direction ; 229 setPayload( normal, t, world_position, identity ); 230 }
66 if __name__ == '__main__': 67 69 posi = load_("posi.npy") 77 ias_ = {} 78 for ias_idx, ias_path in enumerate(sorted(glob.glob("%s/ias_*.npy" % base))): 79 ias_[ias_idx] = load_(ias_path) 81 gas_ = {} 82 for gas_idx, gas_path in enumerate(sorted(glob.glob("%s/gas_*.npy" % base))): 83 gas_[gas_idx] = load_(gas_path) 85 86 ias_ins_idx = ias_[0][:,0,3].view(np.uint32) 87 ias_gas_idx = ias_[0][:,1,3].view(np.uint32) 88 89 gtrs = ias_[0].copy() 90 gtrs[:,0,3] = 0. # scrub the identity info 91 gtrs[:,1,3] = 0. 92 gtrs[:,2,3] = 0. 93 gtrs[:,3,3] = 1. 94 gitrs = np.linalg.inv(gtrs) ## invert all the IAS transforms at once 99 100 pxid = posi[:,:,3].view(np.uint32) # pixel identity 101 102 instance_id = ( pxid & 0xffff0000 ) >> 16 # all three _id are 1-based to distinguish from miss at zero 103 primitive_id = ( pxid & 0x0000ff00 ) >> 8 104 buildinput_id = ( pxid & 0x000000ff ) >> 0 105 106 assert np.all( primitive_id == buildinput_id ) 107 108 # identities of all intersected pieces of geometry 109 upxid, upxid_counts = np.unique(pxid, return_counts=True) ...
... 114 # loop over all identified pieces of geometry with intersects 115 for i in range(1,len(upxid)): 116 zid = upxid[i] 117 zid_count = upxid_counts[i] 119 120 zinstance_idx = (( zid & 0xffff0000 ) >> 16 ) - 1 121 zprimitive_idx = (( zid & 0x0000ff00 ) >> 8 ) - 1 122 zbuildinput_idx = (( zid & 0x000000ff ) >> 0 ) - 1 123 assert zprimitive_idx == zbuildinput_idx 127 128 tr = gtrs[zinstance_idx] 129 itr = gitrs[zinstance_idx] 130 131 gas_idx = ias_gas_idx[zinstance_idx] 132 ins_idx = ias_ins_idx[zinstance_idx] 133 assert ins_idx == zinstance_idx 134 135 gas = gas_[gas_idx] 136 extents = gas.ravel() 137 sz = extents[zprimitive_idx] 138 139 z = np.where(pxid == zid) 140 141 zpxid = posi[z][:,3].view(np.uint32).copy() 142 zposi = posi[z].copy() 143 zposi[:,3] = 1. # global 3d coords for intersect pixels, ready for transform 144 145 zlpos = zposi, itr ) # transform global positions into instance local ones 146 147 d = sdf_sphere(zlpos[:,:3], sz) # sdf : distances to sphere surface
Despite appearances all intersects are on sphere surfaces : with small SDF distances