JUNO Opticks/Geant4 Optical Photon Simulation Matching

Opticks replaces Geant4 optical photon simulation with an equivalent implementation that benefits from state-of-the-art GPU ray tracing from NVIDIA OptiX. All optically relevant aspects of Geant4 context must be translated+copied to GPU:

  • geometry : solids, structure, material+surface properties
  • generation : Cerenkov + Scintillation (using Gensteps from Geant4)
  • propagation : Rayleigh scattering, absorption, reemission, boundary

Achieving+maintaining equivalence is time consuming, BUT:

  • transformative performance benefits >1000x Geant4
Simon C Blyth, July 12, 2021


Feb 2021 Review : "More manpower to Opticks"

Helpful addition of active users, BUT: JUNO-Opticks still needs many more active users

Outline 1 : Matching Machinery + Fixes


Outline 2 : Scintillation + Cerenkov + Geometry


Outline 3 : Extras on Opticks NVIDIA OptiX 7 future


JUNO Offline : Tools for Optical Photon Simulation Matching

tut_detsim.py options:

Using GtOpticksTool GenTool to run from input photons : NumPy arrays (num_photons,4,4):

tut_detsim.py ...
   --opticks-mode 3 ... opticks
   --input-photon-path /path/to/input_photons.npy
   --input-photon-repeat 10000                         ## repeat photons
   --input-photon-wavelength 360,380,400,420,440,460   ## override

Opticks : Tools for Optical Photon Simulation Matching


~/opticks/ana/evt.py ab.py ... NumPy based analysis machinery

C+S Gensteps : Geant4 -> Opticks

G4OpticksRecorder : full details of Geant4 simulation passed to Opticks

 34 struct G4OK_API G4OpticksRecorder
 35 {
 47     G4OpticksRecorder();
 48     virtual ~G4OpticksRecorder();
 50     void setGeometry(const GGeo* ggeo);
 52     virtual void BeginOfRunAction(const G4Run*);
 53     virtual void EndOfRunAction(const G4Run*);
 55     virtual void BeginOfEventAction(const G4Event*);
 56     virtual void EndOfEventAction(const G4Event*);
 58     virtual void PreUserTrackingAction(const G4Track*);
 59     virtual void PostUserTrackingAction(const G4Track*);
 61     virtual void UserSteppingAction(const G4Step*);
 63     void ProcessHits( const G4Step* step, bool efficiency_collect );
 65     static G4OpticksRecorder*  fInstance;
 67 private:
 68     void TerminateEvent();
 70 };

JUNO Offline DsG4Scintillation : Reemission Bookkeeping

 200 G4VParticleChange*
 201 DsG4Scintillation::PostStepDoIt(const G4Track& aTrack, const G4Step& aStep)
 235             flagReemission= doReemission
 236                 && aTrack.GetTrackStatus() == fStopAndKill
 237                 && aStep.GetPostStepPoint()->GetStepStatus() != fGeomBoundary;

Geant4 WITH_G4OPTICKS photon_id

CRecorder/CWriter : REJOIN reemission secondary tracks with ancestors

Comparing OK/G4 photon history counts for "tut_detsim.py gun" event

 epsilon:ana blyth$ tds3gun.sh 1    ## seqhis: 64bit uint : 16x4bit step flags for each photon
 In [1]: ab.his[:20]   ##  OK:1    G4:-1     OK-G4   "c2" deviation

 .  n           seqhis        a        b      a-b     (a-b)^2/(a+b)   label                ## optickscore/OpticksPhoton.h enum
           ## hexstring
 0000               42     1822     1721      101            2.88     SI AB                ## AB : BULK_ABSORB 
 0001            7ccc2     1446     1406       40            0.56     SI BT BT BT SD       ## SD : SURFACE_DETECT 
 0002           7ccc62      672      666        6            0.03     SI SC BT BT BT SD    ## SC : BULK_SCATTER 
 0003            8ccc2      649      597       52            2.17     SI BT BT BT SA       ## BT : BOUNDARY_TRANSMIT 
 0004             8cc2      606      615       -9            0.07     SI BT BT SA          ## SI : SCINTILLATION 
 0005              452      538      536        2            0.00     SI RE AB             ## RE : BULK_REEMIT 
 0006           7ccc52      433      438       -5            0.03     SI RE BT BT BT SD
 0007              462      397      405       -8            0.08     SI SC AB
 0008           8ccc62      269      262        7            0.09     SI SC BT BT BT SA
 0009          7ccc662      242      222       20            0.86     SI SC SC BT BT BT SD
 0010            8cc62      217      212        5            0.06     SI SC BT BT SA
 0011          7ccc652      211      205        6            0.09     SI RE SC BT BT BT SD
 0012           8ccc52      200      201       -1            0.00     SI RE BT BT BT SA
 0013            8cc52      158      192      -34            3.30     SI RE BT BT SA
 0014             4552      181      165       16            0.74     SI RE RE AB
 0015               41      164      145       19            1.17     CK AB                ## CK : CERENKOV
 0016          7ccc552      135      160      -25            2.12     SI RE RE BT BT BT SD
 0017             4cc2      130      115       15            0.92     SI BT BT AB
 0018             4652      120      117        3            0.04     SI RE SC AB

 .             TOTALS:    11684    11684                    52.92     52.92/63 =  0.84   pvalue:P[C2>]:0.814  1-pvalue:P[C2<]:0.186

 In [2]: ab.his.ss[ab.his.c2 > 2.7]       ## largest chi-squared contributors -> next issue to look into  
 array(['0000               42     1822     1721      101            2.88     SI AB',
        '0013            8cc52      158      192      -34            3.30     SI RE BT BT SA',
        '0020          8ccc662       75      108      -33            5.95     SI SC SC BT BT BT SA',
        '0027           8cc552       49       70      -21            3.71     SI RE RE BT BT SA',
        '0029             4562       39       66      -27            6.94     SI SC RE AB'],

Overview of fixed JUNO-Opticks material property/geometry issues


Photons not stopping at Tyvek, FIXED by adding explicit surfaces

In [7]: ab.a.seqhis_ana.table.compare(ab.b.seqhis_ana.table, ordering="sum")
.                   cfo:sum  1:g4live:tds3gun   -1:g4live:tds3gun
.                         11278     11278                  1766.28/69 = 25.60  (pval:0.000 prob:1.000)
0000               42      1653      1665    -12             0.04    [2 ] SI AB
0001            7ccc2      1292      1230     62             1.52    [5 ] SI BT BT BT SD
0002            8ccc2       590       674    -84             5.58    [5 ] SI BT BT BT SA
0003           7ccc62       581       552     29             0.74    [6 ] SI SC BT BT BT SD
0004              452       422       534   -112            13.12    [3 ] SI RE AB
0005           7ccc52       380       397    -17             0.37    [6 ] SI RE BT BT BT SD
0006              462       392       367     25             0.82    [3 ] SI SC AB
0007           8ccc62       251       267    -16             0.49    [6 ] SI SC BT BT BT SA
0008             8cc2         0       464   -464           464.00    [4 ] SI BT BT SA  ## LS->Acrylic->Water->SURFACE_ABSORB on Tyvek 
0009          7ccc662       219       213      6             0.08    [7 ] SI SC SC BT BT BT SD
0010             4cc2       278       127    151            56.30    [4 ] SI BT BT AB
0011           8ccc52       154       188    -34             3.38    [6 ] SI RE BT BT BT SA
0012          7ccc652       157       159     -2             0.01    [7 ] SI RE SC BT BT BT SD
0013               41       142       144     -2             0.01    [2 ] CK AB
0014            4cc62       197        71    126            59.24    [5 ] SI SC BT BT AB
0015             4552       124       142    -18             1.22    [4 ] SI RE RE AB
0016             4662       137       121     16             0.99    [4 ] SI SC SC AB
0017             4652       121       112      9             0.35    [4 ] SI RE SC AB
0018          7ccc552       102       124    -22             2.14    [7 ] SI RE RE BT BT BT SD
0019           7cccc2        53       154   -101            49.28    [6 ] SI BT BT BT BT SD
0020            8cc62         0       186   -186           186.00    [5 ] SI SC BT BT SA
0021          8ccc662        69       107    -38             8.20    [7 ] SI SC SC BT BT BT SA

Prepare an input photon that misses PMTs for checking the Water

epsilon:ana blyth$ tds3gun.sh 1      # IPython session using Opticks NumPy based analysis machinery  

In [1]: b.sel = "SI BT BT SA"    # selecting G4 photons that go direct to Tyvek

In [2]: b.ox.shape               # ox : final photons array honours the selection
Out[2]: (464, 4, 4)

In [3]: p = b.ox[0:1] ; p        # first photon
A([[[ 14210.083 ,   5228.8896, -13142.859 ,    110.41  ],        # position, time
    [     0.7191,      0.2595,     -0.6447,      1.    ],        # direction, weight
    [    -0.4468,     -0.538 ,     -0.7148,    415.3976],        # polarization, wavelength 
    [     0.    ,      0.    ,      0.    ,      0.    ]]],      # uint flags: not visible as float

In [4]: p[0,0,:3] -= p[0,1,:3]*2220.   # back up the photon by 2220mm to position 10mm into the water

In [5]: np.save("/tmp/check_innerwater.npy", p )   # save photon array with 1 photon to .npy file 

Perform both Geant4 and Opticks simulations with 100k repeats of the input photon

tut_detsim.py ...
    --opticks-mode 3     # enable Geant4 + Opticks simulations
    --opticks-anamgr     # G4Track, G4Step --> G4OpticksRecorder
    opticks              # GtOpticksTool input photon "GenTool"
    --input-photon-path /tmp/check_innerwater.npy
    --input-photon-repeat 100000

Opticks : excess AB, lack SA in innerWater (FIX: remove degenerates)

In [2]: ab.his          # repr of opticks.ana.seq:SeqTable object 
.       seqhis_ana  cfo:sum  1:g4live:tds3gun   -1:g4live:tds3gun        c2        ab        ba
.                         11142     11142                  616.50/66 =  9.34
   n             iseq         a         b    a-b               c2    [ns] label
0000               42      1666      1621     45             0.62    [2 ] SI AB
0001            7ccc2      1264      1258      6             0.01    [5 ] SI BT BT BT SD
0002            8ccc2       581       766   -185            25.41    [5 ] SI BT BT BT SA
0003           7ccc62       579       543     36             1.16    [6 ] SI SC BT BT BT SD
0004             8cc2       570       496     74             5.14    [4 ] SI BT BT SA
0005              452       408       495    -87             8.38    [3 ] SI RE AB
0006              462       399       351     48             3.07    [3 ] SI SC AB
0007           7ccc52       360       385    -25             0.84    [6 ] SI RE BT BT BT SD
0008           8ccc62       239       258    -19             0.73    [6 ] SI SC BT BT BT SA
0009          7ccc662       218       195     23             1.28    [7 ] SI SC SC BT BT BT SD
0010            8cc62       195       180     15             0.60    [5 ] SI SC BT BT SA
0011             4cc2       268       104    164            72.30    [4 ] SI BT BT AB
0012           8ccc52       160       191    -31             2.74    [6 ] SI RE BT BT BT SA
0013          7ccc652       163       165     -2             0.01    [7 ] SI RE SC BT BT BT SD
0014               41       156       160     -4             0.05    [2 ] CK AB
0015             4552       118       152    -34             4.28    [4 ] SI RE RE AB
0016            8cc52       136       133      3             0.03    [5 ] SI RE BT BT SA
0017             4662       125       114     11             0.51    [4 ] SI SC SC AB
0018            4cc62       189        40    149            96.95    [5 ] SI SC BT BT AB
.                         11142     11142                  616.50/66 =  9.34
photons that (BT) BOUNDARY_TRANSMIT from : LS -> Acrylic -> Water where they are (AB) BULK_ABSORB-ed
LS -> Acrylic -> Water -> Pyrex where they are (SA) SURFACE_ABSORB-ed on Pyrex/Vacuum boundary

Opticks : excess AB, lack SA in innerWater (FIX: remove degenerates)

In [3]: a.sel = "SI BT BT BT SA"      ## select photons with this history
In [15]: a.bn.reshape(-1,4).view(np.int8)[:20]     ## signed boundary at up to 16 steps of the photon 
A([[ 18,  17, -23, -25,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0],
   [ 18,  17, -23, -27,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0],
   [ 18,  17, -23, -27,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0],
   [ 18,  17, -24, -25,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0]], dtype=int8)

In [17]: print(a.blib.format(a.bn.reshape(-1,4).view(np.int8)[0]))   ## 16*char(int8) packed into uint4 4*32bit

 18 : Acrylic///LS            ##  boundary : outer-material/outer-surface/inner-surface/inner-material  
 17 : Water///Acrylic         ## +ve boundary : photon direction is with the normal, exiting the shape  
-23 : Water///Pyrex           ## -ve boundary : photon direction against the normal, entering the shape 
-25 : Pyrex/NNVTMCPPMT_photocathode_logsurf2/NNVTMCPPMT_photocathode_logsurf1/Vacuum

In [18]: print(a.blib.format(a.bn.reshape(-1,4).view(np.int8)[1]))
 18 : Acrylic///LS
 17 : Water///Acrylic
-23 : Water///Pyrex
-27 : Pyrex/HamamatsuR12860_photocathode_logsurf2/HamamatsuR12860_photocathode_logsurf1/Vacuum

In [19]: print(a.blib.format(a.bn.reshape(-1,4).view(np.int8)[19]))
 18 : Acrylic///LS
 17 : Water///Acrylic
-24 : Pyrex///Pyrex   ## expect Water///Pyrex --> GEOMETRY PROBLEM 
-25 : Pyrex/NNVTMCPPMT_photocathode_logsurf2/NNVTMCPPMT_photocathode_logsurf1/Vacuum

gpmt Hamamatsu jun28

gpmt NNVT jun28

Opticks : excess AB, lack SA in innerWater : FIX remove degenerates

Possible approaches to handle degenerate geometry:

  1. fix source geometry removing the pointless Pyrex///Pyrex -0.001mm boundary
    • seems to cause no problem for Geant4 : get "microStep" of ~0.001-0.002mm
      • eg --dbgseqhis 0x7ccccd dumps Geant4 details for photons in category
    • experience shows is time consuming to get agreement on geometry change
  2. runtime workaround trying to notice inconsistency by maintaining state of which material are in
    • need very strong reasons to add complexity to GPU code, so disqualify this
  3. skip the near degenerate inner Pyrex solids in the translated GPU geometry
    • easy, causing no problems because are removing a pointless Pyrex///Pyrex border
    • BUT: requires suppression of Geant4 "microSteps" in CRecorder to facilitate history comparison

Currently using 3, with Opticks commandline option:


Less scattering with 100k input photons in Water, FIX: X4MaterialWater

epsilon:ana blyth$ tds3ip.sh 1
In [1]: ab.his[:15]
.       seqhis_ana  cfo:sum  1:g4live:tds3ip   -1:g4live:tds3ip
.                        100000    100000                  739.41/9 = 82.16  (pval:0.000 prob:1.000)
0000               8d     93766     92777    989             5.24   [2 ] TO SA
0001               4d      6031      5918    113             1.07   [2 ] TO AB
0002             7c6d        38       311   -273           213.55   [4 ] TO SC BT SD
0003              86d        33       236   -203           153.19   [3 ] TO SC SA
0004            4cc6d        10       212   -202           183.80   [5 ] TO SC BT BT AB
0005             8c6d        13        80    -67            48.27   [4 ] TO SC BT SA
0006              46d        20        63    -43            22.28   [3 ] TO SC AB
0007          8ccac6d         0        72    -72            72.00   [7 ] TO SC BT SR BT BT SA
0008           46cc6d         1        39    -38            36.10   [6 ] TO SC BT BT SC AB
0009             4c6d        10        21    -11             3.90   [4 ] TO SC BT AB
0010            7cc6d         2        27    -25             0.00   [5 ] TO SC BT BT SD
0011       ccacccac6d         0        26    -26             0.00   [10] TO SC BT SR BT BT BT SR BT BT
0012           4ccc6d         0        19    -19             0.00   [6 ] TO SC BT BT BT AB
0013         7ccccc6d         9         9      0             0.00   [8 ] TO SC BT BT BT BT BT SD
0014          466cc6d         1        17    -16             0.00   [7 ] TO SC BT BT SC SC AB
.                        100000    100000                  739.41/9 = 82.16  (pval:0.000 prob:1.000)

Scintillation Wavelength : Compare Geant4 and Opticks implementations

 200 G4VParticleChange*
 201 DsG4Scintillation::PostStepDoIt(
        const G4Track& aTrack, const G4Step& aStep)
 208 {
 540     G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector* ScintillationIntegral = NULL;
 543     ScintillationIntegral =
 544       (G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector*)
 579    for(G4int i = 0 ; i < NumPhoton ; i++) {
 583    G4double sampledEnergy;
 586       G4double CIIvalue = G4UniformRand()*
 587          ScintillationIntegral->GetMaxValue();
 588       sampledEnergy=
 589          ScintillationIntegral->GetEnergy(CIIvalue);  

 096 G4double G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector::GetEnergy(G4double aValue)
  97 {
  98         G4double e;
 104           size_t closestBin = FindValueBinLocation(aValue);
 105           e = LinearInterpolationOfEnergy(aValue, closestBin);
 107         return e;
 108 }
 110 size_t G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector::FindValueBinLocation(G4double aValue)
 111 {
 112         size_t bin = std::lower_bound(dataVector.begin(), dataVector.end(), aValue)
 113                    - dataVector.begin() - 1;
 114         bin = std::min(bin, numberOfNodes-2);
 115         return bin;
 116 } 

Scintillation Wavelength Matching : Explanations of following plots

DsG4Scintillator compared with chi2 note
hd0_cudaFilterModePoint 13.79 "artifact" issue in tails, terrible chi2
hd0 1.00 interpolation enabled, fixes chi2
hd20 0.88 effectively x20 bins, improves chi2
hd20_cudaFilterModePoint 1.29 XHD "HD20" even OK without interpolation

1M Wavelength Sample comparison hd0 no interpolation

1M Wavelength Sample comparison hd0

1M Wavelength Sample comparison hd20

1M Wavelength Sample comparison hd20 no interpolation

GScintillatorLib ICDF

"Multi-resolution" GPU texture (3,4096,1) : 20x Resolution for 3x bins

156 NPY<double>* X4Scintillation::CreateGeant4InterpolatedInverseCDF(
157        const G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector* ScintillatorIntegral,
158        unsigned num_bins, unsigned hd_factor, ..
161 )
164     double mx = ScintillatorIntegral->GetMaxValue() ;
166     NPY<double>* icdf = NPY<double>::make(3, num_bins, 1 );
170     int nj = icdf->getShape(1);
180     double edge = 1./double(hd_factor) ;
202     for(int j=0 ; j < nj ; j++)
203     {
204     double u_all = double(j)/double(nj) ;
205     double u_lhs = double(j)/double(hd_factor*nj) ;
206     double u_rhs = 1. - edge + double(j)/double(hd_factor*nj) ;
208     double energy_all = ScintillatorIntegral->GetEnergy( u_all*mx );
209     double energy_lhs = ScintillatorIntegral->GetEnergy( u_lhs*mx );
210     double energy_rhs = ScintillatorIntegral->GetEnergy( u_rhs*mx );
212     double wavelength_all = h_Planck*c_light/energy_all/nm ;
213     double wavelength_lhs = h_Planck*c_light/energy_lhs/nm ;
214     double wavelength_rhs = h_Planck*c_light/energy_rhs/nm ;
217     icdf->setValue(0, j, 0, 0,  wavelength_all );
218     icdf->setValue(1, j, 0, 0,  wavelength_lhs );
219     icdf->setValue(2, j, 0, 0,  wavelength_rhs );
220     }
221     return icdf ;
222 }



JUNO Offline trunk G4Cerenkov_modified : BUG FIXED in "Pre1"

168 G4VParticleChange*
169 G4Cerenkov_modified::PostStepDoIt(
      const G4Track& aTrack, const G4Step& aStep)
252   G4double Pmin = Rindex->GetMinLowEdgeEnergy();
253   G4double Pmax = Rindex->GetMaxLowEdgeEnergy();
254   G4double dp = Pmax - Pmin;
268   G4double maxCos = BetaInverse / nMax;
270   G4double maxSin2 = (1.0 - maxCos) * (1.0 + maxCos);
315   for (G4int i = 0; i < fNumPhotons; i++) {
318       G4double rand;
319       G4double sampledEnergy, sampledRI;
320       G4double cosTheta, sin2Theta;
324       do {
325          rand = G4UniformRand();
326          sampledEnergy = Pmin + rand * dp;
327          sampledRI = Rindex->Value(sampledEnergy);
329          // check if n(E) > 1/beta
330          if (sampledRI < BetaInverse) {
331              continue;
332          }
334          cosTheta = BetaInverse / sampledRI;
342          sin2Theta = (1.0 - cosTheta)*(1.0 + cosTheta);
343          rand = G4UniformRand();
346       } while (rand*maxSin2 > sin2Theta);


Cerenkov Cone Angle + Beta requirements reminder

              \    B    /
          \    .   |   .    /                            AC     ct / n          1         i       BetaInverse
      \    C       |       C    /             cos th =  ---- =  --------   =  ------ =   ---  =  -------------
  \    .    \      |      /    .     /                   AB       bct           b n       n        sampledRI
   .         \    bct    /          .
              \    |    /                                  BetaInverse
               \   |   /  ct                  maxCos  =  -----------------
                \  |th/  ----                                nMax
                 \ | /    n

Particle travels AB, light travels AC,  ACB is right angle

 Only get Cerenkov radiation when

        cos th <= 1 ,

        beta >= beta_min = 1/n        BetaInverse <= BetaInverse_max = n

 At the small beta threshold AB = AC,   beta = beta_min = 1/n     eg for n = 1.333, beta_min = 0.75

        cos th = 1,  th = 0         light is in direction of the particle

 For ultra relativistic particle beta = 1, there is a maximum angle

        th = arccos( 1/n )



1.5/1.8 = .83, 1.5/1.62 = 0.92

2.82M Sample Cerenkov Wavelength comparison

FIRST LOOK, AFTER BUG FIX.  Fixed BetaInverse = 1.50

Poor Cerenkov Chi2 Match : Few Bins + Interpolation difference ?

 In [1]: ri = np.load(os.path.join(kd, "GScintillatorLib/LS_ori/RINDEX.npy")) ; ri[:,0] *= 1e6
 In [2]: ri_w = ri.copy() ; ri_w[:,0] = 1240./ri_w[:,0] ;
 In [2]: np.c_[ri, ri_w]
 array([[  1.55  ,   1.4781, 800.    ,   1.4781],
        [  1.7951,   1.48  , 690.7886,   1.48  ],
        [  2.105 ,   1.4842, 589.0764,   1.4842],
        [  2.2708,   1.4861, 546.0703,   1.4861],
        [  2.5511,   1.4915, 486.0629,   1.4915],
        [  2.845 ,   1.4955, 435.8554,   1.4955],
        [  3.0636,   1.4988, 404.7513,   1.4988],
        [  4.1328,   1.5264, 300.038 ,   1.5264],
        [  6.2   ,   1.6185, 200.    ,   1.6185],
        [  6.526 ,   1.6176, 190.0092,   1.6176],
        [  6.889 ,   1.527 , 179.9971,   1.527 ],
        [  7.294 ,   1.5545, 170.0027,   1.5545],
        [  7.75  ,   1.793 , 160.    ,   1.793 ],
        [  8.267 ,   1.7826, 149.994 ,   1.7826],
        [  8.857 ,   1.6642, 140.0023,   1.6642],
        [  9.538 ,   1.5545, 130.0063,   1.5545],
        [ 10.33  ,   1.4536, 120.0387,   1.4536],
        [ 15.5   ,   1.4536,  80.    ,   1.4536]])

Remaining JUNO-Opticks Issues, TODO List

Expected Straightforward Updates

Uncertain Difficulty : JUNO Geometry Issues

Currently skipping LSExpDetectorConstruction::setupCD_Sticks to allow fair comparisons.



590 "uni_acrylic3" Fasteners : cost 65x more than all 45.6k PMTs


quicktime lAddition_uni_acrylic3

quicktime 2 lAddition_uni_acrylic3

gplt lAddition_uni_acrylic3

Possible cause of slow geometry : Subtracting 17.82 m sphere

092 AdditionAcrylicConstruction::makeAdditionLogical(){
108         double ZNodes3[3];
109         double RminNodes3[3];
110         double RmaxNodes3[3];
111         ZNodes3[0] = 5.7*mm; RminNodes3[0] = 0*mm; RmaxNodes3[0] = 450.*mm;
112         ZNodes3[1] = 0.0*mm; RminNodes3[1] = 0*mm; RmaxNodes3[1] = 450.*mm;
113         ZNodes3[2] = -140.0*mm; RminNodes3[2] = 0*mm; RmaxNodes3[2] = 200.*mm;
115         solidAddition_down = new G4Polycone("solidAddition_down",0.0*deg,360.0*deg,3,ZNodes3,RminNodes3,RmaxNodes3);
122     solidAddition_up = new G4Sphere("solidAddition_up",0*mm,17820*mm,0.0*deg,360.0*deg,0.0*deg,180.*deg); 
124     uni_acrylic1 = new G4SubtractionSolid("uni_acrylic1",solidAddition_down,solidAddition_up,0,G4ThreeVector(0*mm,0*mm,+17820.0*mm));
126     solidAddition_up1 = new G4Tubs("solidAddition_up1",120*mm,208*mm,15.2*mm,0.0*deg,360.0*deg);
127     uni_acrylic2 = new G4SubtractionSolid("uni_acrylic2",uni_acrylic1,solidAddition_up1,0,G4ThreeVector(0.*mm,0.*mm,-20*mm));
128     solidAddition_up2 = new G4Tubs("solidAddition_up2",0,14*mm,52.5*mm,0.0*deg,360.0*deg);
130     for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
131     {
132     uni_acrylic3 = new G4SubtractionSolid("uni_acrylic3",uni_acrylic2,solidAddition_up2,0,G4ThreeVector(164.*cos(i*pi/4)*mm,164.*sin(i*pi/4)*mm,-87.5));
133     uni_acrylic2 = uni_acrylic3;
135     }

Subtraction of huge sphere from small polycone

Back to OK/G4 photon history counts : small LS absorption excess ?

 epsilon:ana blyth$ tds3gun.sh 1    ## seqhis: 64bit uint : 16x4bit step flags for each photon
 In [1]: ab.his[:20]   ##  OK:1    G4:-1     OK-G4   "c2" deviation

 .  n           seqhis        a        b      a-b     (a-b)^2/(a+b)   label                ## optickscore/OpticksPhoton.h enum
           ## hexstring
 0000               42     1822     1721      101            2.88     SI AB                ## AB : BULK_ABSORB 
 0001            7ccc2     1446     1406       40            0.56     SI BT BT BT SD       ## SD : SURFACE_DETECT 
 0002           7ccc62      672      666        6            0.03     SI SC BT BT BT SD    ## SC : BULK_SCATTER 
 0003            8ccc2      649      597       52            2.17     SI BT BT BT SA       ## BT : BOUNDARY_TRANSMIT 
 0004             8cc2      606      615       -9            0.07     SI BT BT SA          ## SI : SCINTILLATION 
 0005              452      538      536        2            0.00     SI RE AB             ## RE : BULK_REEMIT 
 0006           7ccc52      433      438       -5            0.03     SI RE BT BT BT SD
 0007              462      397      405       -8            0.08     SI SC AB
 0008           8ccc62      269      262        7            0.09     SI SC BT BT BT SA
 0009          7ccc662      242      222       20            0.86     SI SC SC BT BT BT SD
 0010            8cc62      217      212        5            0.06     SI SC BT BT SA
 0011          7ccc652      211      205        6            0.09     SI RE SC BT BT BT SD
 0012           8ccc52      200      201       -1            0.00     SI RE BT BT BT SA
 0013            8cc52      158      192      -34            3.30     SI RE BT BT SA
 0014             4552      181      165       16            0.74     SI RE RE AB
 0015               41      164      145       19            1.17     CK AB                ## CK : CERENKOV
 0016          7ccc552      135      160      -25            2.12     SI RE RE BT BT BT SD
 0017             4cc2      130      115       15            0.92     SI BT BT AB
 0018             4652      120      117        3            0.04     SI RE SC AB

 .             TOTALS:    11684    11684                    52.92     52.92/63 =  0.84   pvalue:P[C2>]:0.814  1-pvalue:P[C2<]:0.186

LS Wavelength

"Extra" Slides Follow

NVIDIA OptiX 7 : Entirely new thin API (Introduced Aug 2019)

NVIDIA OptiX 6->7 : drastically slimmed down


More control/flexibility over everything.

  • Fully benefit from future GPUs
  • Keep pace with state-of-the-art GPU ray tracing

Demands much more developer effort than OptiX 6

  • Major re-implementation of Opticks required

New "Foundry" Model : Shared CPU/GPU Geometry Context

Simple intersect headers, common CPU/GPU types

https://github.com/simoncblyth/CSG "Foundry" model
simple headers common to pre-7/7/CPU-testing
Convert Opticks/GGeo -> CSGFoundry
OptiX 7 + pre-7 rendering

GAS : Geometry Acceleration Structure

IAS : Instance Acceleration Structure

CSG : Constructive Solid Geometry

[9]cxr_i0_t8,_-1 : EXCLUDE SLOWEST

Current JUNO Geometry : Auto-Factorized by "progeny digest"

ridx plc prim component note
0 1 3084 3084:sWorld non-repeated remainder
1 25600 5 5:PMT_3inch_pmt_solid 4 types of PMT
2 12612 5 5:NNVTMCPPMTsMask
3 5000 5 5:HamamatsuR12860sMask
4 2400 5 5:mask_PMT_20inch_vetosMask
5 590 1 1:sStrutBallhead 4 parts of same assembly, BUT not grouped as siblings (not parent-child)
6 590 1 1:uni1
7 590 1 1:base_steel
8 590 1 1:uni_acrylic3
9 504 130 130:sPanel repeated parts of TT

Increasing instancing : reduces memory for geometry -> improved performance

JUNO OptiX 7 : "Foundry" Geometry Scan

JUNO Geometry : OptiX 7 Ray Trace Times ~2M pixels : TITAN RTX

idx -e time(s) relative enabled geometry description
0 9, 0.0017 0.1702 ONLY: 130:sPanel
1 7, 0.0017 0.1714 ONLY: 1:base_steel
2 6, 0.0019 0.1923 ONLY: 1:uni1
3 5, 0.0027 0.2780 ONLY: 1:sStrutBallhead
4 4, 0.0032 0.3268 ONLY: 5:mask_PMT_20inch_vetosMask
5 1, 0.0032 0.3287 ONLY: 5:PMT_3inch_pmt_solid
6 2, 0.0055 0.5669 ONLY: 5:NNVTMCPPMTsMask
7 3, 0.0074 0.7582 ONLY: 5:HamamatsuR12860sMask
8 1,2,3,4 0.0097 1.0000 ONLY PMT
9 t8,0 0.0099 1.0179 EXCL: 1:uni_acrylic3 3084:sWorld
10 0, 0.1171 12.0293 ONLY: 3084:sWorld
11 t8, 0.1186 12.1769 EXCL: 1:uni_acrylic3
12 t0, 0.5278 54.2066 EXCL: 3084:sWorld
13 8, 0.5310 54.5298 ONLY: 1:uni_acrylic3
14 t3, 0.6017 61.7954 EXCL: 5:HamamatsuR12860sMask
15 t2, 0.6043 62.0620 EXCL: 5:NNVTMCPPMTsMask
16 t5, 0.6171 63.3787 EXCL: 1:sStrutBallhead
17 t6, 0.6196 63.6301 EXCL: 1:uni1
18 t7, 0.6226 63.9458 EXCL: 1:base_steel
19 t0 0.6240 64.0879 3084:sWorld
20 t4, 0.6243 64.1169 EXCL: 5:mask_PMT_20inch_vetosMask
21 t9, 0.6335 65.0636 EXCL: 130:sPanel
22 t1, 0.6391 65.6384 EXCL: 5:PMT_3inch_pmt_solid

JUNO ALL PMTs : 2M ray traced pixels in 0.0097 s : NVIDIA TITAN RTX, NVIDIA OptiX 7.0.0, Opticks