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Fat Trac DB

The Trac DB needs to be shrunk, currently at 5.5G Extract trac.db from tarball and interactively check with:

[dayabay] /tmp/tt > tar zxf dybsvn.tar.gz dybsvn/db/trac.db
[dayabay] /tmp/tt > du -h dybsvn/db/trac.db
5.5G    dybsvn/db/trac.db
[dayabay] /tmp/tt > sqlite3 dybsvn/db/trac.db
SQLite version 3.3.3
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> .tables
attachment          bitten_report       node_change         ticket
auth_cookie         bitten_report_item  permission          ticket_change
bitten_build        bitten_rule         report              ticket_custom
bitten_config       bitten_slave        revision            version
bitten_error        bitten_step         session             wiki
bitten_log          component           session_attribute
bitten_log_message  enum                system
bitten_platform     milestone           tags

Which tables hold the fat:

./ /tmp/tt/dybsvn/db/trac.db

bitten_config                  : 5
bitten_platform                : 16
bitten_rule                    : 16
bitten_error                   : 8164
bitten_build                   : 13170
bitten_report                  : 98520
bitten_slave                   : 162784
bitten_log                     : 298469
bitten_step                    : 300033
bitten_report_item             : 18051235     ## more than 18M
bitten_log_message             : 39656123     ## almost 40M

Schema of fatties:

sqlite> .schema bitten_log_message
CREATE TABLE bitten_log_message (
    log integer,
    line integer,
    level text,
    message text,
    UNIQUE (log,line)

sqlite> .schema bitten_report_item
CREATE TABLE bitten_report_item (
    report integer,
    item integer,
    name text,
    value text,
    UNIQUE (report,item,name)

sqlite> select max(length(message)) from bitten_log_message ;

sqlite> select sum(length(message)) from bitten_log_message ;
2048409596      ## 2 billion chars of log messages

Work out the query:

sqlite> select count(*) FROM bitten_log_message WHERE log < (SELECT max(id) FROM bitten_log WHERE build < 10000 ) ;

sqlite> SELECT max(id) FROM bitten_log WHERE build < 10000 ;

sqlite> select count(*) FROM bitten_log_message ;

sqlite> select cast(rev as integer) from bitten_build limit 10 ;

sqlite> select count(*) from bitten_build where cast(rev as int) < 10000 ;

sqlite> select count(distinct(id)) from bitten_build where cast(rev as int) < 10000 ;

sqlite> select count(distinct(id)) from bitten_build where cast(rev as int) > 10000 ;

sqlite> SELECT min(rev+0),max(rev+0) FROM bitten_build  ;

Hmm will killing all of a configs builds cause problems for Trac/Bitten web interface:

sqlite> select distinct(config) from bitten_build;

How to slim

The 10 slaves are calling home every 5 minutes so lots of contention potential for what is probably an expensive sequence of deletes, and the probable vacuuming. Slave death during this operation would not be surprising : however their supervisord should auto-restart them.

Adding arbitary tracadmin command

Need a backup trac environment dir to test, just the db is insufficient as need the config file.

[blyth@cms02 trac-0.11]$ TRAC_INSTANCE=toysvn trac-admin-

Hmm difficult develop at trac admin level first, so do at pysqlite level to allow practicing on a copy of the DB.

Transactions at pysqlite level

But pysqlite already using this it seems.:

       [blyth@cms02 trac-0.11]$ which trac-admin

* :google:`pysqlite try except finally rollback commit`

Transaction Control At The SQL Level

Quoting from

The changes to locking and concurrency control in SQLite version 3 also introduce some subtle changes in the way transactions work at the SQL language level. By default, SQLite version 3 operates in autocommit mode. In autocommit mode, all changes to the database are committed as soon as all operations associated with the current database connection complete.

The SQL command “BEGIN TRANSACTION” (the TRANSACTION keyword is optional) is used to take SQLite out of autocommit mode. Note that the BEGIN command does not acquire any locks on the database. After a BEGIN command, a SHARED lock will be acquired when the first SELECT statement is executed. A RESERVED lock will be acquired when the first INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement is executed. No EXCLUSIVE lock is acquired until either the memory cache fills up and must be spilled to disk or until the transaction commits. In this way, the system delays blocking read access to the file file until the last possible moment.

The SQL command “COMMIT” does not actually commit the changes to disk. It just turns autocommit back on. Then, at the conclusion of the command, the regular autocommit logic takes over and causes the actual commit to disk to occur. The SQL command “ROLLBACK” also operates by turning autocommit back on, but it also sets a flag that tells the autocommit logic to rollback rather than commit.

If the SQL COMMIT command turns autocommit on and the autocommit logic then tries to commit change but fails because some other process is holding a SHARED lock, then autocommit is turned back off automatically. This allows the user to retry the COMMIT at a later time after the SHARED lock has had an opportunity to clear.

If multiple commands are being executed against the same SQLite database connection at the same time, the autocommit is deferred until the very last command completes. For example, if a SELECT statement is being executed, the execution of the command will pause as each row of the result is returned. During this pause other INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE commands can be executed against other tables in the database. But none of these changes will commit until the original SELECT statement finishes.

Using SQLite transactions

    select ...

dev shrink sql

Objective : come up with SQL that does the desired shrinkage

  • env/sqlite/

dev do_arbitary on C2

Objective : add arbitary command allowing execution of arbitary SQL from a file specified from trac admin console or command line with locking/unlocking based on the hotcopy command

Get there:

vi trac/admin/

No motivation to stuff into git for cleaner maintenance that current patch approach as this my first change to

[blyth@cms02 trac-0.11]$ svn st trac/admin/
[blyth@cms02 trac-0.11]$ svn log trac/admin/
r7236 | jonas | 2008-06-22 23:43:50 +0800 (Sun, 22 Jun 2008) | 1 line

Tagging trac-0.11
r6940 | jonas | 2008-05-01 01:44:57 +0800 (Thu, 01 May 2008) | 1 line

Creating branch 0.11-stable

Caution uncommitted on C2

[blyth@cms02 trac-0.11]$ svn diff trac/admin/
Index: trac/admin/
--- trac/admin/       (revision 7236)
+++ trac/admin/       (working copy)
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
     _help_help = [('help', 'Show documentation')]

     def all_docs(cls):
-        return (cls._help_help + cls._help_initenv + cls._help_hotcopy +
+        return (cls._help_help + cls._help_initenv + cls._help_hotcopy + cls._help_arbitary +
                 cls._help_resync + cls._help_upgrade + cls._help_deploy +
                 cls._help_permission + cls._help_wiki +
                 cls._help_ticket + cls._help_ticket_type +
@@ -1151,6 +1151,35 @@

         print 'Hotcopy done.'

+    _help_arbitary = [('arbitary <path/to/sql/script>',
+                      'Run arbitary sql script against the SQLite DB (expensive/dangerous query sequences should use transactions)')]
+    def do_arbitary(self, line):
+        arg = self.arg_tokenize(line)
+        if arg[0]:
+            script = arg[0]
+        else:
+            self.do_help('arbitary')
+            return
+        if not os.path.exists(script):
+            raise TracError(_("arbitary can't read script '%(script)s'",
+                              script=script))
+        sql = open(script,"r").read()
+        cnx = self.db_open()
+        cursor = cnx.cursor()
+        try:
+            print 'Running arbitary script %s sql %s against %s ...' % (script, sql, self.__env.path),
+            self.db_update(sql, cursor)
+        except:
+            cursor.close()
+            cnx.rollback()
+        finally:
+            cnx.commit()
+        print 'Arbitary done.'
     _help_deploy = [('deploy <directory>',
                      'Extract static resources from Trac and all plugins.')]

testing on C2

[root@cms02 dayabay]# pwd
[root@cms02 dayabay]# mkdir -p tracs/dybsvn/2012/09/18/120001
[root@cms02 dayabay]# scp WW:/home/scm/backup/dayabay/tracs/dybsvn/2012/09/18/120001/dybsvn.tar.gz.dna tracs/dybsvn/2012/09/18/120001/
[root@cms02 dayabay]# screen time scp WW:/home/scm/backup/dayabay/tracs/dybsvn/2012/09/18/120001/dybsvn.tar.gz tracs/dybsvn/2012/09/18/120001/
[screen is terminating]
[root@cms02 dayabay]# time screen scp WW:/home/scm/backup/dayabay/svn/dybsvn/2012/09/18/120001/dybsvn-18208.tar.gz svn/dybsvn/2012/09/18/120001/
[screen is terminating]
real    44m12.252s
user    0m0.001s
sys     0m0.003s