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Geant4 Touchable


G4TouchableHistory object is a vector of information with an entry at each level of a geometrical hierarchy containing

  • copy number
  • transformation/rotation to its mother

DsPmtSensDet::SensDetElem TH to DE


231 const DetectorElement* DsPmtSensDet::SensDetElem(const G4TouchableHistory& hist)
232 {
233     const IDetectorElement* idetelem = 0;
234     int steps=0;
241     StatusCode sc =
242         m_t2de->GetBestDetectorElement(&hist,m_sensorStructures,idetelem,steps);
257     return dynamic_cast<const DetectorElement*>(idetelem);
258 }


12 #include "G4DataHelpers/ITouchableToDetectorElement.h"
13 #include "GaudiAlg/GaudiTool.h"
15 #include <string>
16 #include <vector>
17 #include <map>
19 class TH2DE : public GaudiTool, virtual ITouchableToDetectorElement
20 {
21 public:
22     TH2DE(const std::string& type,
23          const std::string& name,
24          const IInterface* parent);
25     virtual ~TH2DE();
27     virtual StatusCode GetBestDetectorElement(const G4TouchableHistory* inHistory,
28                                               const std::vector<std::string>& /*ignored*/,
29                                               const IDetectorElement* &outElement,
30                                               int& outCompatibility);
32     virtual StatusCode G4VolumeToDetDesc(const G4VPhysicalVolume* inVol,
33                                          const IPVolume* &outVol);
35     virtual StatusCode ClearCache();
37 private:
39     typedef std::pair<std::string,std::string> LvPvPair_t;
40     typedef std::vector<LvPvPair_t> NameHistory_t;
41     typedef std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*> TouchableHistory_t;
42     typedef std::map<TouchableHistory_t,const IDetectorElement*> THCache_t;
43     typedef std::map<const G4VPhysicalVolume*,const IPVolume*> PVCache_t;
44     THCache_t m_THcache;
45     PVCache_t m_PVcache;
48     const IDetectorElement* FindChildDE(const IDetectorElement* de, NameHistory_t& name_history);
49     const IDetectorElement* FindDE(const IDetectorElement* de, NameHistory_t& name_history);
50     int InHistory(const IDetectorElement* de, const NameHistory_t& name_history);
52     const IDetectorElement* CheckCache(const G4TouchableHistory* g4hist);
54 };

Where to write idmap ?

Run test with:

[blyth@belle7 export]$ MX DayaBay


Ahha, tis upside down. Normally start from “deepest” level of a point and work way back up to world.


53 class G4TouchableHistory : public G4VTouchable
54 {
56  public:  // with description
58   G4TouchableHistory( const G4NavigationHistory& history );
59   G4TouchableHistory();
60     // The default constructor produces a touchable-history of
61     // 'zero-depth', ie an "unphysical" and not very unusable one.
62     // It is for initialisation only.
64  ~G4TouchableHistory();
66   inline G4VPhysicalVolume* GetVolume( G4int depth=0 ) const;
67   inline G4VSolid* GetSolid( G4int depth=0 ) const;
68   const G4ThreeVector& GetTranslation( G4int depth=0 ) const;
69   const G4RotationMatrix* GetRotation( G4int depth=0 ) const;
71   inline G4int GetReplicaNumber( G4int depth=0 ) const;
72   inline G4int GetHistoryDepth()  const;
73   G4int MoveUpHistory( G4int num_levels = 1 );
74     // Access methods for touchables with history
76   void  UpdateYourself( G4VPhysicalVolume*   pPhysVol,
77                         const G4NavigationHistory* history=0 );
78     // Update methods for touchables with history
80  public:  // without description
82   inline const G4NavigationHistory* GetHistory() const;
83     // Should this method be "deprecated" ?
84     // it is used now in G4Navigator::LocateGlobalPointAndSetup
86   inline void *operator new(size_t);
87   inline void operator delete(void *aTH);
88     // Override "new" and "delete" to use "G4Allocator".
90  private:
92   inline G4int CalculateHistoryIndex( G4int stackDepth ) const;
94   G4RotationMatrix frot;
95   G4ThreeVector ftlate;
96   G4NavigationHistory fhistory;
97 };
99 #include "G4TouchableHistory.icc"


35 inline
36 void  G4TouchableHistory::UpdateYourself( G4VPhysicalVolume*   pPhysVol,
37                                     const G4NavigationHistory* pHistory )
38 {
39   fhistory = *pHistory;
40   G4AffineTransform tf(fhistory.GetTopTransform().Inverse());
41   if( pPhysVol == 0 )
42   {
43     // This means that the track has left the World Volume.
44     // Since the Navigation History does not already reflect this,
45     // we must correct this problem here.
46     //
47     fhistory.SetFirstEntry(pPhysVol);
48   }
49   ftlate = tf.NetTranslation();
50   frot = tf.NetRotation();
51 }
53 inline
54 G4int G4TouchableHistory::CalculateHistoryIndex( G4int stackDepth ) const
55 {
56   return (fhistory.GetDepth()-stackDepth); // was -1
57 }
59 inline
60 G4VPhysicalVolume* G4TouchableHistory::GetVolume( G4int depth ) const
61 {
62   return fhistory.GetVolume(CalculateHistoryIndex(depth));
63 }
65 inline
66 G4VSolid* G4TouchableHistory::GetSolid( G4int depth ) const
67 {
68   return fhistory.GetVolume(CalculateHistoryIndex(depth))
69                             ->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid();
70 }
72 inline
73 G4int G4TouchableHistory::GetReplicaNumber( G4int depth ) const
74 {
75   return fhistory.GetReplicaNo(CalculateHistoryIndex(depth));
76 }
78 inline
79 G4int G4TouchableHistory::GetHistoryDepth()  const
80 {
81   return  fhistory.GetDepth();
82 }
84 inline
85 G4int G4TouchableHistory::MoveUpHistory( G4int num_levels )
86 {
87   G4int maxLevelsMove = fhistory.GetDepth();
88   G4int minLevelsMove = 0;              // Cannot redescend today!
89                                         // Soon it will be possible
90                                         // by adding a data member here
91                                         //     fCurrentDepth;
92   if( num_levels > maxLevelsMove )
93   {
94     num_levels = maxLevelsMove;
95   }
96   else if( num_levels < minLevelsMove )
97   {
98     num_levels = minLevelsMove;
99   }
00   fhistory.BackLevel( num_levels );
02   return num_levels;
03 }
05 inline
06 const G4NavigationHistory* G4TouchableHistory::GetHistory() const
07 {
08   return &fhistory;
09 }


Attempt to use NavigationHistory is lacking depth. Need to initiate the levels.

delta:geant4.10.00.p01 blyth$ find . -name '*.cc' -exec grep -H NewLevel {} \;
./source/geometry/navigation/src/              fHistory.NewLevel(fBlockedPhysicalVolume, kNormal,
./source/geometry/navigation/src/              fHistory.NewLevel(fBlockedPhysicalVolume, kReplica,
./source/geometry/navigation/src/                fHistory.NewLevel(fBlockedPhysicalVolume, kParameterised,
./source/geometry/navigation/src/      history.NewLevel(pPhysical, kParameterised, replicaNo);
./source/geometry/navigation/src/  history.NewLevel(pPhysical, kParameterised, replicaNo );
./source/processes/electromagnetic/dna/management/src/              fHistory.NewLevel(fBlockedPhysicalVolume, kNormal,
./source/processes/electromagnetic/dna/management/src/              fHistory.NewLevel(fBlockedPhysicalVolume, kReplica,
./source/processes/electromagnetic/dna/management/src/                fHistory.NewLevel(fBlockedPhysicalVolume, kParameterised,
./source/processes/hadronic/models/de_excitation/photon_evaporation/src/      if(0 < nLevels) { MakeNewLevel(levels); }
./source/processes/hadronic/models/de_excitation/photon_evaporation/src/    MakeNewLevel(levels);
./source/processes/hadronic/models/de_excitation/photon_evaporation/src/ G4LevelReader::MakeNewLevel(std::vector<G4NucLevel*>* levels)
./source/processes/scoring/src/    ptrNavHistory->NewLevel( curPhysicalVol, kParameterised, newVoxelNum );


224         if ( fEntering )
225         {
226           switch (VolumeType(fBlockedPhysicalVolume))
227           {
228             case kNormal:
229               fHistory.NewLevel(fBlockedPhysicalVolume, kNormal,
230                                 fBlockedPhysicalVolume->GetCopyNo());
231               break;
232             case kReplica:
233               freplicaNav.ComputeTransformation(fBlockedReplicaNo,
234                                                 fBlockedPhysicalVolume);
235               fHistory.NewLevel(fBlockedPhysicalVolume, kReplica,
236                                 fBlockedReplicaNo);
237               fBlockedPhysicalVolume->SetCopyNo(fBlockedReplicaNo);
238               break;


58 class G4NavigationHistory
59 {
61  public:  // with description
63   friend std::ostream&
64   operator << (std::ostream &os, const G4NavigationHistory &h);
66   G4NavigationHistory();
67     // Constructor: sizes history lists & resets histories.
69   ~G4NavigationHistory();
70     // Destructor.
72   G4NavigationHistory(const G4NavigationHistory &h);
73     // Copy constructor.
75   G4NavigationHistory& operator=(const G4NavigationHistory &h);
76     // Assignment operator.
78   inline void Reset();
79     // Resets history. It now does clear most entries.
80     // Level 0 is preserved.
82   inline void Clear();
83     // Clears entries, zeroing transforms, matrices & negating
84     // replica history.
86   inline void SetFirstEntry(G4VPhysicalVolume* pVol);
87     // Setup initial entry in stack: copies through volume transform & matrix.
88     // The volume is assumed to be unrotated.
90   inline const G4AffineTransform& GetTopTransform() const;
91     // Returns topmost transform.
93   inline const G4AffineTransform* GetPtrTopTransform() const;
94     // Returns pointer to topmost transform.
96   inline G4int GetTopReplicaNo() const;
97     // Returns topmost replica no record.
99   inline EVolume GetTopVolumeType() const;
00     // Returns topmost volume type.
02   inline G4VPhysicalVolume* GetTopVolume() const;
03     // Returns topmost physical volume pointer.
05   inline G4int GetDepth() const;
08   inline G4int GetMaxDepth() const;
09     // Returns current maximum size of history.
10     // Note: MaxDepth of 16 mean history entries [0..15] inclusive.
12   inline const G4AffineTransform& GetTransform(G4int n) const;
13     // Returns specified transformation.
15   inline G4int GetReplicaNo(G4int n) const;
16     // Returns specified replica no record.
18   inline EVolume GetVolumeType(G4int n) const;
19     // Returns specified volume type.
21   inline G4VPhysicalVolume* GetVolume(G4int n) const;
22     // Returns specified physical volume pointer.
24   inline void NewLevel(G4VPhysicalVolume *pNewMother,
25                        EVolume vType=kNormal,
26                        G4int nReplica=-1);
27     // Changes navigation level to that of the new mother.
29   inline void BackLevel();
30     // Back up one level in history: from mother to grandmother.
31     // It does not erase history record of current mother.
33   inline void BackLevel(G4int n);
34     // Back up specified number of levels in history.
36  private:
38   inline void EnlargeHistory();
39     // Enlarge history if required: increase size by kHistoryStride.
40     // Note that additional history entries are `dirty' (non zero) apart
41     // from the volume history.
43  private:
45 #if defined(WIN32)
46   std::vector<G4NavigationLevel> fNavHistory;
47 #else
48   std::vector<G4NavigationLevel,
49               G4EnhancedVecAllocator<G4NavigationLevel> > fNavHistory;
50     // The geometrical tree; uses specialized allocator to optimize memory
51     // handling, reduce possible fragmentation and use of malloc in MT mode
52 #endif
54   G4int fStackDepth;
55     // Depth of stack: effectively depth in geometrical tree
57 };
59 #include "G4NavigationHistory.icc"


092 inline
093 const G4AffineTransform* G4NavigationHistory::GetPtrTopTransform() const
094 {
095   return fNavHistory[fStackDepth].GetPtrTransform();
096 }
098 inline
099 const G4AffineTransform& G4NavigationHistory::GetTopTransform() const
100 {
101   return fNavHistory[fStackDepth].GetTransform();
102 }
104 inline
105 G4int G4NavigationHistory::GetTopReplicaNo() const
106 {
107   return fNavHistory[fStackDepth].GetReplicaNo();
108 }
110 inline
111 EVolume G4NavigationHistory::GetTopVolumeType() const
112 {
113   return fNavHistory[fStackDepth].GetVolumeType();
114 }
116 inline
117 G4VPhysicalVolume* G4NavigationHistory::GetTopVolume() const
118 {
119   return fNavHistory[fStackDepth].GetPhysicalVolume();
120 }
191 inline
192 void G4NavigationHistory::NewLevel( G4VPhysicalVolume *pNewMother,
193                                     EVolume vType,
194                                     G4int nReplica )
195 {
196   fStackDepth++;
197   EnlargeHistory();  // Enlarge if required
198   fNavHistory[fStackDepth] =
199     G4NavigationLevel( pNewMother,
200                        fNavHistory[fStackDepth-1].GetTransform(),
201                        G4AffineTransform(pNewMother->GetRotation(),
202                        pNewMother->GetTranslation()),
203                        vType,
204                        nReplica );
205   // The constructor computes the new global->local transform
206 }


30 // class G4VTouchable
31 //
32 // Class description:
33 //
34 // Base class for `touchable' objects capable of maintaining an
35 // association between parts of the geometrical hierarchy (volumes
36 // &/or solids) and their resultant transformation.
37 //
38 // Utilisation:
39 // -----------
40 // A touchable is a geometrical volume (solid) which has a unique
41 // placement in a detector description. It is an abstract base class which
42 // can be implemented in a variety of ways. Each way must provide the
43 // capabilities of obtaining the transformation and solid that is described
44 // by the touchable.
45 //
46 // All G4VTouchable implementations must respond to the two following
47 // "requests":
48 //
49 //   1) GetTranslation and GetRotation that return the components of the
50 //      volume's transformation.
51 //
52 //   2) GetSolid that gives the solid of this touchable.
53 //
54 //
55 // Additional capabilities are available from implementations with more
56 // information. These have a default implementation that causes an exception.
57 //
58 // Several capabilities are available from touchables with physical volumes:
59 //
60 //   3) GetVolume gives the physical volume.
61 //
62 //   4) GetReplicaNumber or GetCopyNumber gives the copy number of the
63 //      physical volume, either if it is replicated or not.
64 //
65 // Touchables that store volume hierarchy (history) have the whole stack of
66 // parent volumes available. Thus it is possible to add a little more state
67 // in order to extend its functionality. We add a "pointer" to a level and a
68 // member function to move the level in this stack. Then calling the above
69 // member functions for another level, the information for that level can be
70 // retrieved.
71 //
72 // The top of the history tree is, by convention, the world volume.
73 //
74 //   5) GetHistoryDepth gives the depth of the history tree.
75 //
76 //   6) GetReplicaNumber/GetCopyNumber, GetVolume, GetTranslation and
77 //      GetRotation each can be called with a depth argument.
78 //      They return the value of the respective level of the touchable.
79 //
80 //   7) MoveUpHistory(num) moves the current pointer inside the touchable
81 //      to point "num" levels up the history tree. Thus, eg, calling
82 //      it with num=1 will cause the internal pointer to move to the mother
83 //      of the current volume.
84 //      NOTE: this method MODIFIES the touchable.
85 //
86 // An update method, with different arguments is available, so that the
87 // information in a touchable can be updated:
88 //
89 //   8) UpdateYourself takes a physical volume pointer and can additionally
90 //      take a NavigationHistory.
92 // History:
93 // Created: Paul Kent, August 1996
107 class G4VTouchable
108 {
110  public:  // with description
112   G4VTouchable();
113   virtual ~G4VTouchable();
114     // Constructor and destructor.
116   virtual const G4ThreeVector& GetTranslation(G4int depth=0) const = 0;
117   virtual const G4RotationMatrix* GetRotation(G4int depth=0) const = 0;
118     // Accessors for translation and rotation.
119   virtual G4VPhysicalVolume* GetVolume(G4int depth=0) const;
120   virtual G4VSolid* GetSolid(G4int depth=0) const;
121     // Accessors for physical volumes and solid.
123   virtual G4int GetReplicaNumber(G4int depth=0) const;
124   inline  G4int GetCopyNumber(G4int depth=0) const;
125   virtual G4int GetHistoryDepth() const;
126   virtual G4int MoveUpHistory(G4int num_levels=1);
127     // Methods for touchables with history.
129   virtual void  UpdateYourself(G4VPhysicalVolume* pPhysVol,
130                    const G4NavigationHistory* history=0);
131     // Update method.
133  public:  // without description
135   // virtual void  ResetLevel();
137   virtual const G4NavigationHistory* GetHistory() const;
138     // Should this method be deprecated ?  It is used in G4Navigator!
139 };
141 #include "G4VTouchable.icc"
143 #endif
delta:geant4.10.00.p01 blyth$ find . -name '*.cc' -exec grep -H UpdateYourself {} \;
./source/geometry/management/src/ G4VTouchable::UpdateYourself(G4VPhysicalVolume*,
./source/geometry/management/src/  G4Exception("G4VTouchable::UpdateYourself()", "GeomMgt0001",
./source/geometry/navigation/src/    touchHist->UpdateYourself( locatedVolume, touchHist->GetHistory() );
./source/geometry/navigation/src/     touchHist->UpdateYourself( locatedVolume, touchHist->GetHistory() );
delta:geant4.10.00.p01 blyth$
461 G4TouchableHistoryHandle
462 G4MultiNavigator::CreateTouchableHistoryHandle() const
463 {
464   G4Exception( "G4MultiNavigator::CreateTouchableHistoryHandle()",
465                "GeomNav0001", FatalException,
466                "Getting a touchable from G4MultiNavigator is not defined.");
468   G4TouchableHistory* touchHist;
469   touchHist= fpNavigator[0] -> CreateTouchableHistory();
471   G4VPhysicalVolume* locatedVolume= fLocatedVolume[0];
472   if( locatedVolume == 0 )
473   {
474     // Workaround to ensure that the touchable is fixed !! // TODO: fix
475     //
476     touchHist->UpdateYourself( locatedVolume, touchHist->GetHistory() );
477   }
479   return G4TouchableHistoryHandle(touchHist);
480 }
764 G4TouchableHandle
765 G4PathFinder::CreateTouchableHandle( G4int navId ) const
766 {
768   if( fVerboseLevel > 2 )
769   {
770     G4cout << "G4PathFinder::CreateTouchableHandle : navId = "
771            << navId << " -- " << GetNavigator(navId) << G4endl;
772   }
773 #endif
775   G4TouchableHistory* touchHist;
776   touchHist= GetNavigator(navId) -> CreateTouchableHistory();
778   G4VPhysicalVolume* locatedVolume= fLocatedVolume[navId];
779   if( locatedVolume == 0 )
780   {
781      // Workaround to ensure that the touchable is fixed !! // TODO: fix
783      touchHist->UpdateYourself( locatedVolume, touchHist->GetHistory() );
784   }
787   if( fVerboseLevel > 2 )
788   {
789     G4String VolumeName("None");
790     if( locatedVolume ) { VolumeName= locatedVolume->GetName(); }
791     G4cout << " Touchable History created at address " << touchHist
792            << "  volume = " << locatedVolume << " name= " << VolumeName
793            << G4endl;
794   }
795 #endif
797   return G4TouchableHandle(touchHist);
798 }


073 class G4Navigator
074 {
075   public:  // with description
085   virtual G4double ComputeStep(const G4ThreeVector &pGlobalPoint,
086                                const G4ThreeVector &pDirection,
087                                const G4double pCurrentProposedStepLength,
088                                      G4double  &pNewSafety);
089     // Calculate the distance to the next boundary intersected
090     // along the specified NORMALISED vector direction and
091     // from the specified point in the global coordinate
092     // system. LocateGlobalPointAndSetup or LocateGlobalPointWithinVolume
093     // must have been called with the same global point prior to this call.
094     // The isotropic distance to the nearest boundary is also
095     // calculated (usually an underestimate). The current
096     // proposed Step length is used to avoid intersection
097     // calculations: if it can be determined that the nearest
098     // boundary is >pCurrentProposedStepLength away, kInfinity
099     // is returned together with the computed isotropic safety
100     // distance. Geometry must be closed.
153   inline void LocateGlobalPointAndUpdateTouchableHandle(
154                 const G4ThreeVector&       position,
155                 const G4ThreeVector&       direction,
156                       G4TouchableHandle&   oldTouchableToUpdate,
157                 const G4bool               RelativeSearch = true);
158     // First, search the geometrical hierarchy like the above method
159     // LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(). Then use the volume found and its
160     // navigation history to update the touchable.
162   inline void LocateGlobalPointAndUpdateTouchable(
163                 const G4ThreeVector&       position,
164                 const G4ThreeVector&       direction,
165                       G4VTouchable*        touchableToUpdate,
166                 const G4bool               RelativeSearch = true);
167     // First, search the geometrical hierarchy like the above method
168     // LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(). Then use the volume found and its
169     // navigation history to update the touchable.
171   inline void LocateGlobalPointAndUpdateTouchable(
172                 const G4ThreeVector&       position,
173                       G4VTouchable*        touchableToUpdate,
174                 const G4bool               RelativeSearch = true);
175     // Same as the method above but missing direction.
202   inline G4TouchableHistory* CreateTouchableHistory() const;
203   inline G4TouchableHistory* CreateTouchableHistory(const G4NavigationHistory*) const;
204     // `Touchable' creation methods: caller has deletion responsibility.
206   virtual G4TouchableHistoryHandle CreateTouchableHistoryHandle() const;
207     // Returns a reference counted handle to a touchable history.
344  protected:  // without description
346   G4double kCarTolerance;
347     // Geometrical tolerance for surface thickness of shapes.
349   //
350   // BEGIN State information
351   //
353   G4NavigationHistory fHistory;
354     // Transformation and history of the current path
355     // through the geometrical hierarchy.


199 void Par01PionShowerModel::FillFakeStep(const Par01EnergySpot &eSpot)
200 {
201   //-----------------------------------------------------------
202   // find in which volume the spot is.
203   //-----------------------------------------------------------
204   if (!fNaviSetup)
205     {
206       fpNavigator->
207         SetWorldVolume(G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->
208                        GetNavigatorForTracking()->GetWorldVolume());
209       fpNavigator->
210         LocateGlobalPointAndUpdateTouchableHandle(eSpot.GetPosition(),
211                                             G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,0.),
212                                             fTouchableHandle,
213                                             false);
214       fNaviSetup = true;
215     }
216   else
217     {
218       fpNavigator->
219         LocateGlobalPointAndUpdateTouchableHandle(eSpot.GetPosition(),
220                                             G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,0.),
221                                             fTouchableHandle);
222      }

G4TouchableHistory to DetectorElement

231 const DetectorElement* DsPmtSensDet::SensDetElem(const G4TouchableHistory& hist)
232 {
233     const IDetectorElement* idetelem = 0;
234     int steps=0;
236     if (!hist.GetHistoryDepth()) {
237         error() << "DsPmtSensDet::SensDetElem given empty touchable history" << endreq;
238         return 0;
239     }
241     StatusCode sc =
242         m_t2de->GetBestDetectorElement(&hist,m_sensorStructures,idetelem,steps);
243     if (sc.isFailure()) {      // verbose warning
244         warning() << "Failed to find detector element in:\n";
245         for (size_t ind=0; ind<m_sensorStructures.size(); ++ind) {
246             warning() << "\t\t" << m_sensorStructures[ind] << "\n";
247         }
248         warning() << "\tfor touchable history:\n";
249         for (int ind=0; ind < hist.GetHistoryDepth(); ++ind) {
250             warning() << "\t (" << ind << ") "
251                       << hist.GetVolume(ind)->GetName() << "\n";
252         }
253         warning() << endreq;
254         return 0;
255     }
257     return dynamic_cast<const DetectorElement*>(idetelem);
258 }
...   //