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HG Convert of env repo from SVN to HG

SVN env r1599 causing grief

INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:compare_contents paths 499 svn_digest 499 hg_digest 499 mismatch 0  svn_only 0 hg_only 0
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 1586 svnrev 1599 hgrev-svnrev -13
INFO:env.svn.bindings.svnclient:checkout file:///var/scm/subversion/env/trunk rev 1599 to /tmp/subversion/env/ clean True
INFO:env.svn.bindings.svnclient:rmtree /tmp/subversion/env/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/blyth/env/bin/", line 4, in <module>
File "/usr/local/env/adm_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/scm/migration/", line 353, in main, svnrev)
File "/usr/local/env/adm_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/scm/migration/", line 244, in compare
File "/usr/local/env/adm_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/scm/migration/", line 164, in recurse
File "/usr/local/env/adm_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/svn/bindings/", line 146, in recurse
    self.checkout(rev, clean=clean)
File "/usr/local/env/adm_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/svn/bindings/", line 135, in checkout
    self.client.checkout(self.url, self.path, revision=rev_(rev), ignore_externals=self.ignore_externals)
pysvn._pysvn_2_7.ClientError: Revision 1599 doesn't match existing revision 1598 in '/tmp/subversion/env'
(adm_env)delta:~ blyth$

SVN Tree Conflict

Cannot navigate through this slice of history, get tree conflicts. This means that the comparisons with the hg convert fail.

Recall that Subversion performs renames as a combination of a copy and a delete.

Stepping through the HG converted history doesnt go into conflict state:

delta:histogram blyth$ hg update -r1586
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
delta:histogram blyth$ l
total 16
-rw-r--r--  1 blyth  wheel  5258 Jul 31 16:32

delta:histogram blyth$ hg update -r1587
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
delta:histogram blyth$ l
total 32
-rw-r--r--  1 blyth  wheel  5258 Jul 31 16:49
-rw-r--r--  1 blyth  wheel  5258 Jul 31 16:32

delta:histogram blyth$ hg update -r1588
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
delta:histogram blyth$ l
total 16
-rw-r--r--  1 blyth  wheel  5258 Jul 31 16:49

Despite the apparent clean run tree conflicts are lurking:

delta:subversion blyth$ -r1599,1600,1601
INFO:env.svn.bindings.svnclient:checkout file:///var/scm/subversion/env/trunk/ rev 1599 to /tmp/subversion/env/
INFO:env.svn.bindings.svnclient:checkout file:///var/scm/subversion/env/trunk/ rev 1600 to /tmp/subversion/env/
INFO:env.svn.bindings.svnclient:checkout file:///var/scm/subversion/env/trunk/ rev 1601 to /tmp/subversion/env/
delta:subversion blyth$

Despite the above there is lurking tree conflict

delta:env blyth$ svn st
D     C thho/NuWa/python/histogram/
      >   local file unversioned, incoming file add upon update
Summary of conflicts:
  Tree conflicts: 1
delta:env blyth$

Workaround this pain, by doing clean checkouts for these revisions:

(adm_env)delta:~ blyth$ -r1599 --clean-checkout-revs 1599,1600,1601
INFO:env.svn.bindings.svnclient:checkout file:///var/scm/subversion/env/trunk/ rev 1599 to /tmp/subversion/env/ clean True
INFO:env.svn.bindings.svnclient:rmtree /tmp/subversion/env/
(adm_env)delta:~ blyth$ l /tmp/subversion/env/thho/NuWa/python/histogram/
total 16
-rw-r--r--  1 blyth  wheel  5258 Jul 31 18:11
(adm_env)delta:~ blyth$
(adm_env)delta:~ blyth$ -r1600 --clean-checkout-revs 1599,1600,1601
INFO:env.svn.bindings.svnclient:checkout file:///var/scm/subversion/env/trunk/ rev 1600 to /tmp/subversion/env/ clean True
INFO:env.svn.bindings.svnclient:rmtree /tmp/subversion/env/
{'repos_lock': None, 'text_status': <wc_status_kind.missing>, 'repos_text_status': <wc_status_kind.none>, 'is_locked': 0, 'is_copied': 0, 'is_switched': 0, 'is_versioned': 1, 'prop_status': <wc_status_kind.none>, 'entry': <PysvnEntry u''>, 'path': u'/tmp/subversion/env/thho/NuWa/python/histogram/', 'repos_prop_status': <wc_status_kind.none>}
(adm_env)delta:~ blyth$ l /tmp/subversion/env/thho/NuWa/python/histogram/
total 16
-rw-r--r--  1 blyth  wheel  5258 Jul 31 18:12
(adm_env)delta:~ blyth$ svn status  /tmp/subversion/env
!       /tmp/subversion/env/thho/NuWa/python/histogram/
(adm_env)delta:~ blyth$
(adm_env)delta:~ blyth$
(adm_env)delta:~ blyth$ -r1601 --clean-checkout-revs 1599,1600,1601
INFO:env.svn.bindings.svnclient:checkout file:///var/scm/subversion/env/trunk/ rev 1601 to /tmp/subversion/env/ clean True
INFO:env.svn.bindings.svnclient:rmtree /tmp/subversion/env/
(adm_env)delta:~ blyth$ l /tmp/subversion/env/thho/NuWa/python/histogram/
total 16
-rw-r--r--  1 blyth  wheel  5258 Jul 31 18:13
(adm_env)delta:~ blyth$
delta:env blyth$ st
!     C thho/NuWa/python/histogram/
      >   local file delete, incoming file delete upon update
Summary of conflicts:
  Tree conflicts: 1
delta:env blyth$ svn resolve --accept base thho/NuWa/python/histogram/
svn: warning: W155027: Tree conflict can only be resolved to 'working' or 'mine-conflict' state; '/private/tmp/subversion/env/thho/NuWa/python/histogram/' not resolved
svn: E205011: Failure occurred resolving one or more conflicts
delta:env blyth$

delta:env blyth$ svn resolve --accept mine-conflict thho/NuWa/python/histogram/
delta:histogram blyth$ svn update -r1599
Updating '.':
Skipped '' -- Node remains in conflict
At revision 1599.
Summary of conflicts:
  Skipped paths: 1

delta:histogram blyth$ svn st
D     C
      >   local file unversioned, incoming file add upon update
Summary of conflicts:
  Tree conflicts: 1

delta:histogram blyth$ svn update -r1600
Updating '.':
At revision 1600.
delta:histogram blyth$
delta:histogram blyth$ ll
total 16
drwxr-xr-x  10 blyth  wheel   340 Jul 31 16:05 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 blyth  wheel  5258 Jul 31 16:32
drwxr-xr-x   3 blyth  wheel   102 Jul 31 16:32 .
delta:histogram blyth$
delta:histogram blyth$ svn update -r1601
Updating '.':
Updated to revision 1601.
delta:histogram blyth$ ll
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  10 blyth  wheel  340 Jul 31 16:05 ..
drwxr-xr-x   2 blyth  wheel   68 Jul 31 16:56 .
delta:histogram blyth$ svn update -r1602
Updating '.':
At revision 1602.
delta:histogram blyth$ l
delta:histogram blyth$ st
D     C
      >   local file unversioned, incoming file add upon update
Summary of conflicts:
  Tree conflicts: 1
delta:histogram blyth$
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 1587 svnrev 1600 hgrev-svnrev -13
INFO:env.svn.bindings.svnclient:checkout file:///var/scm/subversion/env/trunk rev 1600 to /tmp/subversion/env/
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:1 ['hg_only_paths'] issues encountered in compare_paths

 [l ] thho/NuWa/python/histogram/
Python 2.7.8 (default, Jul 13 2014, 17:11:32)
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In [1]: hg_only_paths
Out[1]: ['thho/NuWa/python/histogram/']
delta:histogram blyth$ ll /tmp/{mercurial,subversion}/env/thho/NuWa/python/histogram
total 16
drwxr-xr-x  10 blyth  wheel   340 Jul 31 16:05 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 blyth  wheel  5258 Jul 31 16:32
drwxr-xr-x   3 blyth  wheel   102 Jul 31 16:32 .

total 32
drwxr-xr-x  10 blyth  wheel   340 Jul 31 15:33 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 blyth  wheel  5258 Jul 31 16:32
-rw-r--r--   1 blyth  wheel  5258 Jul 31 16:32
drwxr-xr-x   4 blyth  wheel   136 Jul 31 16:32 .
delta:histogram blyth$

[RESOLVED] Degeneracy Back again

Leading slash in paths prevent the filemap renames being applied. Resolved by ensuring recursion roots have a trailing slash, hence ensuring root relatives to not have a leading slash.

INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 1583 svnrev 1596 hgrev-svnrev -13
INFO:env.svn.bindings.svnclient:checkout rev 1596 to /tmp/subversion/env
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:1 ['hg_only_paths'] issues encountered in compare_paths

 [ r] /thho/NuWa/python/histogram/
 [l ] /thho/NuWa/python/histogram/
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:compare_contents paths 499 svn_digest 500 hg_digest 500 mismatch 0  svn_only 1 hg_only 1
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:issues encountered in compare_contents : [('hg_keys', False), ('svn_only', False), ('hg_only', False)]
Python 2.7.8 (default, Jul 13 2014, 17:11:32)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 2.1.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help      -> Python's own help system.
object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.

In [1]:

[RESOLVED] Credentials callback from r731

Attempts to checkout revisions from 731 need credentials. Resolved by ignoring externals in the pysvn checkout

(adm_env)delta:~ blyth$ -r732
INFO:env.svn.bindings.svnclient:checkout rev 732 to /tmp/subversion/env
INFO:env.svn.bindings.svnclient:get_login realm <> svn-repos username blyth may_save 1
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/blyth/env/bin/", line 4, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/env/adm_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/svn/bindings/", line 259, in main
  File "/usr/local/env/adm_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/svn/bindings/", line 121, in recurse
  File "/usr/local/env/adm_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/svn/bindings/", line 117, in checkout
    self.client.checkout(self.url, self.path, revision=rev_(rev))
pysvn._pysvn_2_7.ClientError: unhandled exception in callback_get_login
(adm_env)delta:~ blyth$
delta:NuWa blyth$ svn pg svn:externals
dybgaudi -r1863
gaudi -r1864
lcgcmt -r1867
ldm -r1868
tut_anal1 -r1869

[RESOLVED] What is special about this stretch of SVN history ?

Creation of a folder than contains nothing but other empties was not skipped by –skipempty in SVNCrawler. Resolved by judging emptiness at the tail rather than head of the recursion based on the total leaves beneath a node.

Discrepant folder /thho/NuWa despite –skipempty enables for the SVN crawl:

INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 1433 svnrev 1445
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 1434 svnrev 1447
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:1 ['svn_only_dirs'] issues encountered in compare_paths
 [ r] /thho/NuWa

INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 1435 svnrev 1448
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:1 ['svn_only_dirs'] issues encountered in compare_paths
 [ r] /thho/NuWa

INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 1436 svnrev 1449
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 1437 svnrev 1450
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 1438 svnrev 1451

Maybe resolved too ?

Even with skipempty, this is still tripping up:

INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 644 svnrev 646
 [ r] /thho

[RESOLVED] Comparison needs to apply the filemap

Resolved by application of hg convert filemap renames to SVN paths before comparison with the HG paths. The renames were needed in the first place to avoid case folding problem.

INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 1583 svnrev 1596
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:2 ['hg_only_paths', 'svn_only_paths'] issues encountered in compare_paths

 [ r] /thho/NuWa/python/histogram/
 [l ] /thho/NuWa/python/histogram/
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:issues encountered in compare_contents
Python 2.7.6 (default, Nov 18 2013, 15:12:51)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Dud svn rev 10

While restructing to trunk the following offsets are seen. Observing early offsets of 3 when doing fullrepo.

(adm_env)delta:~ blyth$ /tmp/mercurial/env /var/scm/backup/cms02/repos/env/2014/07/20/173006/env-4637 --svnrev 1:10 --hgrev 0:9
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 0 svnrev 1
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 1 svnrev 2
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 2 svnrev 3
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 3 svnrev 4
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 4 svnrev 5
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 5 svnrev 6
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 6 svnrev 7
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 7 svnrev 8
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 8 svnrev 9       ## offset of 1 due to trunk restriction, up to dud svn rev 10 /tmp/mercurial/env /var/scm/backup/cms02/repos/env/2014/07/20/173006/env-4637 --svnrev 10 --hgrev 9

(adm_env)delta:~ blyth$ /tmp/mercurial/env /var/scm/backup/cms02/repos/env/2014/07/20/173006/env-4637 --svnrev 10:19 --hgrev 8:17
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 8 svnrev 10
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 9 svnrev 11
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 10 svnrev 12
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 11 svnrev 13
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 12 svnrev 14
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 13 svnrev 15
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 14 svnrev 16
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 15 svnrev 17
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 16 svnrev 18       ## beyond the dud, need offset of 2 to match /tmp/mercurial/env /var/scm/backup/cms02/repos/env/2014/07/20/173006/env-4637 --svnrev 10 --hgrev 8 -A

INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 388 svnrev 390
 [ r] /seed

Other issues

  1. empty folders
  2. symbolic links

[RESOLVED] Case folding collision

SVN permits case degenerate paths to have distinct entries in its DB, but Mercurial doesnt. Resolved, by filemap rename within the hg convert to avoid the degeneracy ever happening.

Problematic bits of history:

The update to (hgrev 1587 svnrev 1600) gives case-folding collision still (filemap rename not working?):

INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 1586 svnrev 1599
INFO:env.scm.migration.compare_hg_svn:hgrev 1587 svnrev 1600
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/blyth/env/bin/", line 4, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/env/adm_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/scm/migration/", line 318, in main
    hg.recurse(hgrev)   # updates hg working copy to this revision
  File "/usr/local/env/adm_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/hg/bindings/", line 216, in recurse
  File "/usr/local/env/adm_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/hgapi/", line 173, in hg_update
  File "/usr/local/env/adm_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/hgapi/", line 113, in hg_command
    return Repo.command(self.path, self._env, *args)
  File "/usr/local/env/adm_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/hgapi/", line 95, in command
hgapi.hgapi.HgException: Error running hg --cwd /tmp/mercurial/env update 1587:
" + tErr: abort: case-folding collision between thho/NuWa/python/histogram/ and thho/NuWa/python/histogram/

    Exit: 255
(adm_env)delta:env blyth$ hg update -r1586
251 files updated, 0 files merged, 2641 files removed, 0 files unresolved

filemap not working without the trunk:

(adm_env)delta:env blyth$ hg update -r1586
251 files updated, 0 files merged, 2641 files removed, 0 files unresolved
(adm_env)delta:env blyth$
(adm_env)delta:env blyth$
(adm_env)delta:env blyth$ cd thho/NuWa/python/histogram/
(adm_env)delta:histogram blyth$ l
total 16
-rw-r--r--  1 blyth  wheel  5258 Jul 29 20:44
(adm_env)delta:histogram blyth$ pwd
(adm_env)delta:histogram blyth$

(adm_env)delta:histogram blyth$ hg update -r1587
abort: case-folding collision between thho/NuWa/python/histogram/ and thho/NuWa/python/histogram/

Argh case degenerate entries at SVN rev 1600:

delta:~ blyth$ /var/scm/backup/cms02/repos/env/2014/07/20/173006/env-4637 --revision 1599 -v | grep -i PyHist

delta:~ blyth$ /var/scm/backup/cms02/repos/env/2014/07/20/173006/env-4637 --revision 1600 -v | grep -i PyHist

delta:~ blyth$ /var/scm/backup/cms02/repos/env/2014/07/20/173006/env-4637 --revision 1601 -v | grep -i PyHist

delta:~ blyth$ /var/scm/backup/cms02/repos/env/2014/07/20/173006/env-4637 --revision 1602 -v | grep -i PyHist

hg only

The hg repo is created from original SVN repo via network. The snapshot of SVN repo comes from a backup. This explains these contiguous recent commits being only in hg.

In [22]: for _ in sorted(ho):print "%(hrev)s %(log)s " % hh[_]

4608 looking into trac migration into mercurial, comparing checkout from hg converted repo to original svn working copy
4609 eliminating empty directories by deletion or adding empty README.txt as cause problems for comparison with mercurial migrated repo checkouts
4610 a few more empty dirs, now with README
4611 hg convert testing, so need to keep getting SVN to clean revisions
4612 more svn/hg diffs
4613 env working copy between svn and hg converted almost perfect match now
4614 mercurial notes
4615 comparing env hg/svn history, find dud revision 10
4616 machinery for new virtualenv adm- python, for sysadmin tasks like migarted to mercurial vs svn history comparisons
4617 generalize tracmigrate into scmmigrate, investigate hgapi and svn bindings
4618 svn and hg crawlers now check directory correspondence between revisions, not yet content
4619 extend hg and svn crawlers to compare file content at all revisions, fix issues with symbolic links, problem of case degeneracy remains

svn only

Manual log check doing:

delta:e blyth$ svn log -r4000 -v
r4000 | lint | 2013-10-22 13:24:09 +0800 (Tue, 22 Oct 2013) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/lintao/archive

add the latest directory.

Indicates SVN onlys are caused by

  1. creations/deletions of empty directories
  2. dud revision 10
  3. svn property changes
In [24]: for _ in sorted(so):print "%(srev)s %(log)s " % ss[_]
1 initial import from dummy
delete swp

390 for random seed, hostid checking

646 thho work area
729 tidy up unused folders
730 tidy
731 svn:externals testing
738 avoid slow NuWa update on every env-u !
1264 acrylic sample study
1443 try to move some if the bitten setup into the server rather than the checkout scripts with svn:externals
1444 switch order to workaround ... ''SSL is not supported'' in the bitten checkout
1446 NuWa tips