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MeshLab Collada Materials

Meshlab Collada Importer Abysmal Speed

Collader Import takes 41 min for full geometry on G

Pycollada using numpy takes maybe 40 s. C++ Qt meshlab taking 41 min.

In [50]: 2494335./1000./60.
Out[50]: 41.572250000000004
====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180'
Parsing matrix node; text value is '0.707107 -0.707107 0 6603.82 0.707107 0.707107 0 3603.82 0 0 1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0'
====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180'
Parsing matrix node; text value is '6.12303e-17 -1 0 0 1 6.12303e-17 0 5150 0 0 1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0'
====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180'
Parsing matrix node; text value is '-0.707107 -0.707107 0 -6603.82 0.707107 -0.707107 0 3603.82 0 0 1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0'
====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180'
Parsing matrix node; text value is '-1 -1.22461e-16 0 -8150 1.22461e-16 -1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0'
====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180'
Parsing matrix node; text value is '-0.707107 0.707107 0 -6603.82 -0.707107 -0.707107 0 -3603.82 0 0 1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0'
====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180'
Parsing matrix node; text value is '6.12303e-17 1 0 0 -1 6.12303e-17 0 -5150 0 0 1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0'
====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180'
Parsing matrix node; text value is '0.707107 0.707107 0 6603.82 -0.707107 0.707107 0 -3603.82 0 0 1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0'
====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180'
Parsing matrix node; text value is '1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -5150 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0'
====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180'
====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__RadRock_fx_0xca9e180'
LOG: 0 Opened mesh /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/20131119-1632/g4_00.dae in 2494335 msec
LOG: 0 All files opened in 2518742 msec

11 min after Geometry Cache addition, but exploded!

Hmm, its faster but geometry is “exploded” into little pieces.

******                 Reading face[ 95].V(0) =   45  (570-th of the index list) (face has 3 vertices)
*******                 Reading face[ 95].V(1) =   43  (572-th of the index list) (face has 3 vertices)
*******                 Reading face[ 95].V(2) =   40  (574-th of the index list) (face has 3 vertices)
****** LoadPolygonalListMesh (final  mesh size vn 50 vertsize 50 - fn 192 facesize 192)
**** Loading a Geometry Mesh **** (final   mesh size 50 50 - 192 192)
** instance_geometry with url #near-radslab-box-90xc8e73c0 (final mesh size 1246046 1246046 - 2452916 2452916)
LOG: 0 Opened mesh /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/VDGX_20131121-1957/g4_00.dae in 657315 msec
LOG: 0 All files opened in 663948 msec
In [7]: 2518742./663948.
Out[7]: 3.7935832324218164

In [8]: 663948./1000./60.
Out[8]: 11.065799999999999

Why is collada importer so slow ?


104 bool ColladaIOPlugin::open(const QString &formatName, const QString &fileName, MeshModel &m, int& mask, const RichParameterSet &, CallBackPos *cb, QWidget *parent)
118     if(formatName.toUpper() == tr("DAE"))
119     {
121         tri::io::InfoDAE  info;
122         if (!tri::io::ImporterDAE<CMeshO>::LoadMask(filename.c_str(), info))
123             return false;
129         int result = vcg::tri::io::ImporterDAE<CMeshO>::Open(, filename.c_str(),info);


27 //importer for collada's files
29 #include <wrap/dae/util_dae.h>
31 // uncomment one of the following line to enable the Verbose debugging for the parsing
32 #define QDEBUG if(1) ; else {assert(0);}
33 //#define QDEBUG qDebug
35 namespace vcg {
36 namespace tri {
37 namespace io {
38     template<typename OpenMeshType>
39     class ImporterDAE : public UtilDAE
40     {
41   public:


713         //merge all meshes in the collada's file in the templeted mesh m
714         //I assume the mesh
716         static int Open(OpenMeshType& m,const char* filename, InfoDAE& info, CallBackPos *cb=0)
717         {
718             (void)cb;
720             QDEBUG("----- Starting the processing of %s ------",filename);
721             //AdditionalInfoDAE& inf = new AdditionalInfoDAE();
722             //info = new InfoDAE();
724             QDomDocument* doc = new QDomDocument(filename);
725             info.doc = doc;

Code looks like it is not doing any caching, repeatedly searching DOM for for every refernence.


478         /* Very important procedure
479             it has the task to finde the name of the image node corresponding to a given material id,
480             it assuemes that the material name that is passed have already been bound with the current bindings
481         */
483         inline static QDomNode textureFinder(QString& boundMaterialName, QString &textureFileName, const QDomDocument doc)
484         {
485             boundMaterialName.remove('#');
486             //library_material -> material -> instance_effect
487             QDomNodeList lib_mat = doc.elementsByTagName("library_materials");
488             if (lib_mat.size() != 1)
489                 return QDomNode();
490             QDomNode material = findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(,QString("material"),QString("id"),boundMaterialName);
491             if (material.isNull())
492                 return QDomNode();
493             QDomNodeList in_eff = material.toElement().elementsByTagName("instance_effect");
494             if (in_eff.size() == 0)
495                 return QDomNode();
496             QString url ="url");
497             if ((url.isNull()) || (url == ""))
498                 return QDomNode();
499             url = url.remove('#');
500       qDebug("====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '%s' ",qPrintable(url));
501             //library_effects -> effect -> instance_effect
502             QDomNodeList lib_eff = doc.elementsByTagName("library_effects");
503             if (lib_eff.size() != 1)
504                 return QDomNode();
505             QDomNode effect = findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(,QString("effect"),QString("id"),url);
506             if (effect.isNull())
507                 return QDomNode();
508             QDomNodeList init_from = effect.toElement().elementsByTagName("init_from");
509             if (init_from.size() == 0)
510                 return QDomNode();
511             QString img_id =;
512             if ((img_id.isNull()) || (img_id == ""))
513                 return QDomNode();
515             //library_images -> image
516             QDomNodeList libraryImageNodeList = doc.elementsByTagName("library_images");
517             qDebug("====== searching among library_images the effect with id '%s' ",qPrintable(img_id));
518             if (libraryImageNodeList.size() != 1)
519                 return QDomNode();
520             QDomNode imageNode = findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(,QString("image"),QString("id"),img_id);
521             QDomNodeList initfromNode = imageNode.toElement().elementsByTagName("init_from");
522             textureFileName=;
523             qDebug("====== the image '%s' has a %i init_from nodes text '%s'",qPrintable(img_id),initfromNode.size(),qPrintable(textureFileName));
525             return imageNode;
526         }


249         inline static QDomNode findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(const QDomNodeList& ndl,const QString& attrname,const QString& attrvalue)
250         {
251             int ndl_size = ndl.size();
252             int ind = 0;
253             while(ind < ndl_size)
254             {
255                 QString st =;
256                 if (st == attrvalue)
257                     return;
258                 ++ind;
259             }
260             return QDomNode();
261         }
263         inline static QDomNode findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(const QDomNode n,const QString& tag,const QString& attrname,const QString& attrvalue)
264         {
265             return findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(n.toElement().elementsByTagName(tag),attrname,attrvalue);
266         }
268         inline static QDomNode findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(const QDomDocument n,const QString& tag,const QString& attrname,const QString& attrvalue)
269         {
270             return findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(n.elementsByTagName(tag),attrname,attrvalue);
271         }

Separate plugin build output

First section all in the Open( /usr/local/env/graphics/meshlab/vcglib/wrap/io_trimesh/import_dae.h:

----- Starting the processing of /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/VDGX_20131121-1957/g4_00.dae ------
File Contains 1 Scenes
Scene 0 contains 1 instance_visual_scene
instance_visual_scene 0 refers DefaultScene
instance_visual_scene DefaultScene has 1 children
Processing Visual Scene child 0 - of type 'node'

Subsequentluy goes recursive /usr/local/env/graphics/meshlab/vcglib/wrap/io_trimesh/import_dae.h

806                         if(node.toElement().tagName()=="node")
807                         {
808                             ColladaMesh newMesh;
809                             AddNodeToMesh(node.toElement(), newMesh, baseTr,info);
810                             tri::Append<OpenMeshType,ColladaMesh>::Mesh(m,newMesh);
811                         }
590         static void AddNodeToMesh(QDomElement node,
591                                                             ColladaMesh& m, Matrix44f curTr,
592                                                             InfoDAE& info)
593         {
594                 QDEBUG("Starting processing <node> with id %s",qPrintable(node.attribute("id")));
596                 curTr = curTr * getTransfMatrixFromNode(node);
598                 QDomNodeList geomNodeList = node.elementsByTagName("instance_geometry");
599                 for(int ch = 0;ch < geomNodeList.size();++ch)
600                 {
601                     QDomElement instGeomNode=;
602                     if(instGeomNode.parentNode()==node) // process only direct child
603                     {
604                         QDEBUG("** instance_geometry with url %s (intial mesh size %i %i T = %i)",qPrintable(instGeomNode.attribute("url")),,m.fn,m.textures.size());
605                         //assert(m.textures.size()>0 == HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m));
606                         QString geomNode_url;
607                         referenceToANodeAttribute(instGeomNode,"url",geomNode_url);
608                         QDomNode refNode = findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(*(info.doc),"geometry","id",geomNode_url);
609                         QDomNodeList bindingNodes = instGeomNode.toElement().elementsByTagName("bind_material");
610                         QMap<QString,QString> materialBindingMap;
611                         if( bindingNodes.size()>0) {
612                             QDEBUG("**    instance_geometry has a material binding");
613                             GenerateMaterialBinding(instGeomNode,materialBindingMap);
614                         }

////  this is the place to cache the mesh keyed by refNode , is ColladaMesh up to living in a container ?

616                         ColladaMesh newMesh;
617 //                      newMesh.face.EnableWedgeTex();
618                         LoadGeometry(newMesh, info, refNode.toElement(),materialBindingMap);
619                         tri::UpdatePosition<ColladaMesh>::Matrix(newMesh,curTr);
620                         tri::Append<ColladaMesh,ColladaMesh>::Mesh(m,newMesh);
621                         QDEBUG("** instance_geometry with url %s (final mesh size %i %i - %i %i)",qPrintable(instGeomNode.attribute("url")),,m.vert.size(),m.fn,m.face.size());
622                     }
623                 }


415 private:
416     // TriMesh cannot be copied. Use Append (see vcg/complex/append.h)
417   TriMesh operator =(const TriMesh &  /*m*/){assert(0);return TriMesh();}
418     TriMesh(const TriMesh & ){}
Starting processing <node> with id top
getTrans form node with tag node
Found a instance_node with url 'World0xc7ba680'
Starting processing <node> with id World0xc7ba680
getTrans form node with tag node
** instance_geometry with url #WorldBox0xc8e27e0 (intial mesh size 0 0 T = 0)
**    instance_geometry has a material binding
++++ Found 1 instance_material binding
++++++ WHITE -> #__dd__Materials__Vacuum0xbd75258
**** Loading a Geometry Mesh **** (initial mesh size 0 0)
****** LoadPolygonalListMesh (initial mesh size 8 0)
******    material id 'WHITE' -> '#__dd__Materials__Vacuum0xbd75258'
====== searching among library_effects the effect with id '__dd__Materials__Vacuum_fx_0xbd75258'
******   but we were not able to find the corresponding image node
*******                 Start Reading faces. Attributes Offsets: offtx 0 - offnm 1 - offcl 0
*******                 Reading face[  0].V(0) =    0  (0-th of the index list) (face has 4 vertices)
*******                 Reading face[  0].V(1) =    3  (2-th of the index list) (face has 4 vertices)
*******                 Reading face[  0].V(2) =    2  (4-th of the index list) (face has 4 vertices)
*******                 Reading face[  0].V(3) =    1  (6-th of the index list) (face has 4 vertices)
*******                 Reading face[  1].V(0) =    4  (8-th of the index list) (face has 4 vertices)
*******                 Reading face[  1].V(1) =    7  (10-th of the index list) (face has 4 vertices)

Before profiling/optimising need to check the SVN future of meshlab/vcglib

Sourceforge yuck.

Slow code is actually in vcglib

simon:dae blyth$ vcglib-cd
simon:vcglib_trunk blyth$ pwd
simon:vcglib_trunk blyth$ cd wrap/dae
simon:dae blyth$
simon:dae blyth$ svn log . -v
r4985 | granzuglia | 2013-10-25 04:51:03 +0800 (Fri, 25 Oct 2013) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/vcglib/wrap/dae/poly_triangulator.h

- added missing include file
r4983 | granzuglia | 2013-10-25 00:18:13 +0800 (Fri, 25 Oct 2013) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/vcglib/wrap/dae/colladaformat.h
   A /trunk/vcglib/wrap/dae/poly_triangulator.h
   M /trunk/vcglib/wrap/dae/util_dae.h

- updated collada format in order to manage alpha channel colour
r4861 | granzuglia | 2013-03-25 03:51:43 +0800 (Mon, 25 Mar 2013) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/vcglib/wrap/dae/util_dae.h
   M /trunk/vcglib/wrap/dae/xmldocumentmanaging.h

- small changes for qt5.0 compatibility

r4752 | cignoni | 2012-11-28 06:31:48 +0800 (Wed, 28 Nov 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/vcglib/wrap/dae/colladaformat.h
   M /trunk/vcglib/wrap/io_trimesh/export_idtf.h

Added a few missing const specifiers
r4180 | cignoni | 2011-10-05 23:04:40 +0800 (Wed, 05 Oct 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   A /trunk/vcglib (from /trunk/vcglib:4178)
   R /trunk/vcglib/apps (from /trunk/vcglib/apps:4178)
   R /trunk/vcglib/apps/metro (from /trunk/vcglib/apps/metro:4178)
   R /trunk/vcglib/apps/metro/defs.h (from /trunk/vcglib/apps/metro/defs.h:4178)
   R /trunk/vcglib/apps/metro/history.txt (from /trunk/vcglib/apps/metro/history.txt:4178)
simon:meshlab blyth$ diff -r --brief $(meshlab-dir)/../../vcglib/wrap/dae $(vcglib-dir)/wrap/dae
Files /usr/local/env/graphics/meshlab/meshlab/src/../../vcglib/wrap/dae/colladaformat.h and /usr/local/env/graphics/vcglib_trunk/wrap/dae/colladaformat.h differ
Only in /usr/local/env/graphics/vcglib_trunk/wrap/dae: poly_triangulator.h
Files /usr/local/env/graphics/meshlab/meshlab/src/../../vcglib/wrap/dae/util_dae.h and /usr/local/env/graphics/vcglib_trunk/wrap/dae/util_dae.h differ
Files /usr/local/env/graphics/meshlab/meshlab/src/../../vcglib/wrap/dae/xmldocumentmanaging.h and /usr/local/env/graphics/vcglib_trunk/wrap/dae/xmldocumentmanaging.h differ
simon:meshlab blyth$

Fix by addition of a geometry cache

Using a QCache would have been nice for eviction control to restrict memory usage, but the ColladaMesh type structure is too contorted to be usable outside of its definition class, hence the void* cheating.


53 #include <QHash>
54 #endif
56 namespace vcg {
57 namespace tri {
58 namespace io {
62     class InfoDAE  : public AdditionalInfo
63     {
64         public:
66         InfoDAE() :AdditionalInfo(){
67             doc = NULL;
68             textureIdMap.clear();
69         }
71         ~InfoDAE(){
72             if(doc!=NULL) delete doc;
74             geometry_cache.clear() ;
75 #endif
76         }
78         QDomDocument* doc;
79         QMap<QString,int> textureIdMap;
82        QHash<QString, void* > geometry_cache ;
83 #endif
86     };


591         static void AddNodeToMesh(QDomElement node,
592                                                             ColladaMesh& m, Matrix44f curTr,
593                                                             InfoDAE& info)
594         {
595                 QDEBUG("Starting processing <node> with id %s",qPrintable(node.attribute("id")));
597                 curTr = curTr * getTransfMatrixFromNode(node);
599                 QDomNodeList geomNodeList = node.elementsByTagName("instance_geometry");
600                 for(int ch = 0;ch < geomNodeList.size();++ch)
601                 {
602                     QDomElement instGeomNode=;
603                     if(instGeomNode.parentNode()==node) // process only direct child
604                     {
605                         QDEBUG("** instance_geometry with url %s (intial mesh size %i %i T = %i)",qPrintable(instGeomNode.attribute("url")),,m.fn,m.textures.size());
606                         //assert(m.textures.size()>0 == HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m));
607                         QString geomNode_url;
608                         referenceToANodeAttribute(instGeomNode,"url",geomNode_url);
611                        // cache them for reuse
612                         bool geometry_cached = info.geometry_cache.contains(geomNode_url) ;
613                         ColladaMesh* newMeshPtr ;
615                         if( geometry_cached )
616                         {
617                             QDEBUG("**   instance_geometry cache hit %s ", qPrintable(geomNode_url));
618                             newMeshPtr = (ColladaMesh*)info.geometry_cache.value(geomNode_url) ;
619                         }
620                         else
621                         {
622                             QDEBUG("**   instance_geometry CACHE MISS %s ", qPrintable(geomNode_url));
623                             newMeshPtr = new ColladaMesh ;
625                             QDomNode refNode = findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(*(info.doc),"geometry","id",geomNode_url);
626                             QDomNodeList bindingNodes = instGeomNode.toElement().elementsByTagName("bind_material");
627                             QMap<QString,QString> materialBindingMap;
628                             if( bindingNodes.size()>0) {
629                                 QDEBUG("**    instance_geometry has a material binding");
630                                 GenerateMaterialBinding(instGeomNode,materialBindingMap);
631                              }
633                              LoadGeometry(*newMeshPtr, info, refNode.toElement(),materialBindingMap);
634                              info.geometry_cache.insert(geomNode_url, (void*)newMeshPtr) ;
635                         }
636                         ColladaMesh& newMesh = *newMeshPtr ;
637 #else
639                         QDomNode refNode = findNodeBySpecificAttributeValue(*(info.doc),"geometry","id",geomNode_url);
640                         QDomNodeList bindingNodes = instGeomNode.toElement().elementsByTagName("bind_material");
641                         QMap<QString,QString> materialBindingMap;
642                         if( bindingNodes.size()>0) {
643                             QDEBUG("**    instance_geometry has a material binding");
644                             GenerateMaterialBinding(instGeomNode,materialBindingMap);
645                         }
646                         ColladaMesh newMesh;
647 //                      newMesh.face.EnableWedgeTex();
648                         LoadGeometry(newMesh, info, refNode.toElement(),materialBindingMap);
649 #endif
650                         tri::UpdatePosition<ColladaMesh>::Matrix(newMesh,curTr);
651                         tri::Append<ColladaMesh,ColladaMesh>::Mesh(m,newMesh);
652                         QDEBUG("** instance_geometry with url %s (final mesh size %i %i - %i %i)",qPrintable(instGeomNode.attribute("url")),,m.vert.size(),m.fn,m.face.size());

Build this from graphics/meshlab/meshlabplugins/io_collada with:


Install into the separately built meshlabserver with:

simon:io_collada blyth$ t meshlab-collada-install
meshlab-collada-install is a function
meshlab-collada-install ()
    cd_func $(env-home)/graphics/meshlab/meshlabplugins/io_collada;
    local dest=../../distrib/plugins/;
    mkdir -p $dest;
    local plug=libio_collada.dylib;
    local target=$dest/$plug;
    rm -rf $target;
    [ -f $plug ] && cp $plug $target

Exploded due to UpdatePosition

Contrary to assumption that this was just setting a matrix, it is actually iterating over all vertices and multiplying by the matrix.:

650                         tri::UpdatePosition<ColladaMesh>::Matrix(newMesh,curTr);

Thus the cached newMesh position keeps changing for each use. Isolate the cache from its usage with Append, there is no copy ctor:

636                         ColladaMesh newMesh ;   // avoid exploding the geometry by keeping the cached mesh and newMesh distinct
637                         tri::Append<ColladaMesh,ColladaMesh>::Mesh(newMesh,*cacheMeshPtr);
****** LoadPolygonalListMesh (final  mesh size vn 50 vertsize 50 - fn 192 facesize 192)
**** Loading a Geometry Mesh **** (final   mesh size 50 50 - 192 192)
** instance_geometry with url #near-radslab-box-90xc8e73c0 (final mesh size 1246046 1246046 - 2452916 2452916)
LOG: 0 Opened mesh /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/VDGX_20131121-1957/g4_00.dae in 587294 msec
LOG: 0 All files opened in 594080 msec

Thats better, geometry looks OK, and loading in less than 10 min on ancient laptop:

In [9]: 594080./1000./60.
Out[9]: 9.9013333333333335