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Groupvel Kludge Unintended Consequences

Optical Photon Propagation Times need to use GROUPVEL

GROUPVEL material property is auto added by Geant4 (calulated from RINDEX) at the first G4MaterialPropertiesTable::GetProperty

Where/when/how to bring into GGeo ?

Another material property added to the G4DAE export ?

Just need to call mpt->GetProperty(“GROUPVEL”) on all G4 materials before (or as part of) the export for the property to be created and thus seen by the exporter.

Thus approach is simple but somewhat arduous, if the calulation can easily be reproduced can do so on RINDEX at later stage.

ggv-;ggv-pmt-test --cdetector --export --exportconfig /tmp/test.dae

delta:issues blyth$ grep GROUPVEL /tmp/test.dae
        <matrix coldim="2" name="GROUPVEL0x7f8f5147a3d0">1.512e-06 205.619 1.5498e-06 205.619 1.58954e-06 205.619 1.63137e-06 205.619 1.67546e-06 205.619 1.722e-06 205.619 1.7712e-06 205.619 1.8233e-06 205.619 1.87855e-06 205.619 1.93725e-06 205.619 1.99974e-06 205.619 2.0664e-06 205.619 2.13766e-06 205.619 2.214e-06 205.619 2.296e-06 205.619 2.38431e-06 205.619 2.47968e-06 205.619 2.583e-06 205.619 2.69531e-06 205.619 2.81782e-06 205.619 2.952e-06 205.619 3.0996e-06 205.619 3.26274e-06 205.619 3.44401e-06 205.619 3.64659e-06 205.619 3.87451e-06 205.619 4.13281e-06 205.619 4.42801e-06 205.619 4.76862e-06 205.619 5.16601e-06 205.619 5.63564e-06 205.619 6.19921e-06 205.619 6.88801e-06 205.619 7.74901e-06 205.619 8.85601e-06 205.619 1.0332e-05 205.619 1.23984e-05 205.619 1.5498e-05 205.619 2.0664e-05 205.619</matrix>
        <property name="GROUPVEL" ref="GROUPVEL0x7f8f5147a3d0"/>


431             //printf("AssimpGGeo::convertMaterials aiScene materialIndex %u (GMaterial) name %s \n", i, name);
432             GMaterial* gmat = new GMaterial(name, index);
433             gmat->setStandardDomain(standard_domain);
434             addProperties(gmat, mat );
435             gg->add(gmat);
437             {
438                 // without standard domain applied
439                 GMaterial* gmat_raw = new GMaterial(name, index);
440                 addProperties(gmat_raw, mat );
441                 gg->addRaw(gmat_raw);
442             }

All properties get incorporated into the pmap by AssimpGGeo

void AssimpGGeo::addPropertyVector(GPropertyMap<float>* pmap, const char* k, aiMaterialProperty* property )

GROUPVEL in Geant4

Optical photons were incorrectly propagating at phase velocity, should be group velocity

G. Horton-Smith, 2005/04/14

As described in Geant4 bug report #741, optical photons in Geant4 release 7.0 propagate at the phase velocity c/n(E), where E is the energy of the photon. This is a bug because photons in real life propagate at the group velocity vg = c/(n(E)+dn/d(log(E)).

Geant4 fix into 4.7.1

Added SetGROUPVEL() to G4MaterialPropertiesTable. Addresses problem report #741.


034 // File:
 35 // Version:     1.0
 36 // Created:     1996-02-08
 37 // Author:      Juliet Armstrong
 38 // Updated:     2005-05-12 add SetGROUPVEL(), courtesy of
 39 //              Horton-Smith (bug report #741), by P. Gumplinger

119 G4MaterialPropertyVector* G4MaterialPropertiesTable::SetGROUPVEL()
120 {
141   G4MaterialPropertyVector* groupvel = new G4MaterialPropertyVector();
143   // fill GROUPVEL vector using RINDEX values
144   // rindex built-in "iterator" was advanced to first entry above
145   //
146   G4double E0 = rindex->Energy(0);
147   G4double n0 = (*rindex)[0];
160     G4double E1 = rindex->Energy(1);
161     G4double n1 = (*rindex)[1];
169     G4double vg;
171     // add entry at first photon energy
172     //
173     vg = c_light/(n0+(n1-n0)/std::log(E1/E0));
175     // allow only for 'normal dispersion' -> dn/d(logE) > 0
176     //
177     if((vg<0) || (vg>c_light/n0))  { vg = c_light/n0; }
179     groupvel->InsertValues( E0, vg );
181     // add entries at midpoints between remaining photon energies
182     //
184     for (size_t i = 2; i < rindex->GetVectorLength(); i++)
185     {
186       vg = c_light/( 0.5*(n0+n1)+(n1-n0)/std::log(E1/E0));
188       // allow only for 'normal dispersion' -> dn/d(logE) > 0
189       //
190       if((vg<0) || (vg>c_light/(0.5*(n0+n1))))  { vg = c_light/(0.5*(n0+n1)); }
191       groupvel->InsertValues( 0.5*(E0+E1), vg );
193       // get next energy/value pair, or exit loop
194       //
195       E0 = E1;
196       n0 = n1;
197       E1 = rindex->Energy(i);
198       n1 = (*rindex)[i];
200       if (E1 <= 0.)
201       {
202         G4Exception("G4MaterialPropertiesTable::SetGROUPVEL()", "mat205",
203                     FatalException, "Optical Photon Energy <= 0");
204       }
205     }
207     // add entry at last photon energy
208     //
209     vg = c_light/(n1+(n1-n0)/std::log(E1/E0));
211     // allow only for 'normal dispersion' -> dn/d(logE) > 0
212     //
213     if((vg<0) || (vg>c_light/n1))  { vg = c_light/n1; }
214     groupvel->InsertValues( E1, vg );
215   }
216   else // only one entry in RINDEX -- weird!
217   {
218     groupvel->InsertValues( E0, c_light/n0 );
219   }
221   this->AddProperty( "GROUPVEL", groupvel );
223   return groupvel;
224 }

Recreate the calc ?

In [22]: np.dstack([w, n])
array([[[  60.   ,    1.434],
        [  79.737,    1.434],
        [  99.474,    1.434],
        [ 119.211,    1.434],
        [ 138.947,    1.642],

Negative is normal dispersion (n down and w up):

In [26]: 1000.*dn/dw
array([  0.   ,   0.   ,   0.   ,  10.542,   5.896, -12.743,   4.491,
        -0.933,  -0.933,  -0.933,  -0.933,  -0.933,  -0.264,  -0.264,
        -0.264,  -0.264,  -0.264,  -0.144,  -0.105,  -0.095,  -0.095,
        -0.072,  -0.062,  -0.062,  -0.06 ,  -0.059,  -0.048,  -0.039,
        -0.039,  -0.039,  -0.039,  -0.028,  -0.016,  -0.016,  -0.016,
        -0.016,  -0.016,   0.   ])

In [27]: n
array([ 1.434,  1.434,  1.434,  1.434,  1.642,  1.758,  1.507,  1.596,
        1.577,  1.559,  1.54 ,  1.522,  1.503,  1.498,  1.493,  1.488,
        1.483,  1.477,  1.475,  1.473,  1.471,  1.469,  1.467,  1.466,
        1.465,  1.464,  1.463,  1.462,  1.461,  1.46 ,  1.459,  1.459,
        1.458,  1.458,  1.457,  1.457,  1.457,  1.456,  1.456], dtype=float32)

Bringing GROUPVEL into Opticks

Properties are fed in via the boundary texture:

705 void App::prepareOptiX()
706 {
723     m_olib = new OBndLib(context,m_ggeo->getBndLib());
724     m_olib->convert();

23 void OBndLib::makeBoundaryTexture(NPY<float>* buf)
24 {
25     //  eg (123, 4, 39, 4)   boundary, imat-omat-isur-osur, wavelength-samples, 4-props
27     unsigned int ni = buf->getShape(0);
28     unsigned int nj = buf->getShape(1);
29     unsigned int nk = buf->getShape(2);
30     unsigned int nl = buf->getShape(3);
32     assert(ni == m_lib->getNumBnd()) ;
33     assert(nj == GPropertyLib::NUM_QUAD && nk == Opticks::DOMAIN_LENGTH && nl == GPropertyLib::NUM_PROP );
35     unsigned int nx = nk ;
36     unsigned int ny = ni*nj ;   // not nl as using float4
38     LOG(debug) << "OBndLib::makeBoundaryTexture buf "
39               << buf->getShapeString()
40               << " ---> "
41               << " nx " << nx
42               << " ny " << ny
43               ;
45     optix::TextureSampler tex = makeTexture(buf, RT_FORMAT_FLOAT4, nx, ny);

Source Bnd buffer is a memcpy interweave of Material and Surface buffers

393 NPY<float>* GBndLib::createBuffer()
394 {
395     NPY<float>* mat = m_mlib->getBuffer();
396     NPY<float>* sur = m_slib->getBuffer();
398     unsigned int ni = getNumBnd();
399     unsigned int nj = NUM_QUAD ;       // im-om-is-os
400     unsigned int nk = Opticks::DOMAIN_LENGTH ;
401     unsigned int nl = NUM_PROP ;       // 4 interweaved props
        // for materials the 4 props are refractive_index, scattering_length, absorption_length, reemission_probability

60 static __device__ __inline__ float4 wavelength_lookup(float nm, unsigned int line )
61 {
62     // x:low y:high z:step w:mid   tex coords are offset by 0.5
63     // texture lookups benefit from hardware interpolation
64     float nmi = (nm - boundary_domain.x)/boundary_domain.z + 0.5f ;
66     if( line > boundary_bounds.w )
67     {
68         rtPrintf("wavelength_lookup OUT OF BOUNDS line %4d nmi %10.4f \n", line, nmi );
69     }
71     return line <= boundary_bounds.w ?
72                   tex2D(boundary_texture, nmi, line + 0.5f ) :
73                   make_float4(1.123456789f, 123456789.f, 123456789.f, 1.0f )    ;    // some obnoxious values for debug
75     // refractive_index, absorption_length, scattering_length, reemission_prob
76     // DEBUG KLUDGE
77 }

27 __device__ void fill_state( State& s, int boundary, uint4 identity, float wavelength )
28 {
29     // boundary : 1 based code, signed by cos_theta of photon direction to outward geometric normal
30     // >0 outward going photon
31     // <0 inward going photon
33     int line = boundary > 0 ? (boundary - 1)*BNUMQUAD : (-boundary - 1)*BNUMQUAD  ;
35     // pick relevant lines depening on boundary sign, ie photon direction relative to normal
36     //
37     int m1_line = boundary > 0 ? line + IMAT : line + OMAT ;
38     int m2_line = boundary > 0 ? line + OMAT : line + IMAT ;
39     int su_line = boundary > 0 ? line + ISUR : line + OSUR ;
41     //  consider photons arriving at PMT cathode surface
42     //  geometry normals are expected to be out of the PMT
43     //
44     //  boundary sign will be -ve : so line+3 outer-surface is the relevant one
46     s.material1 = wavelength_lookup( wavelength, m1_line );
47     s.material2 = wavelength_lookup( wavelength, m2_line ) ;
48     s.surface   = wavelength_lookup( wavelength, su_line );

define.h:#define BNUMQUAD 4  // quads per boundary in wavelength texture

Would need to increase NUM_PROP(nl) and BNUMQUAD from 4 to 8 Extra props could then be accessed at:

int m1x_line = m1_line + 4 ;

This approach did not work as the buffer layout must did not match that of the 2d float4 texture, instead used float buffer shape with the 2 in the middle:

(128, 4, 2, 39, 4)

How to handle GROUPVEL in comparison against cfg4- ?

  • have extended the texture to accomodate GROUPVEL property, but without redoing the original G4DAE export only have placeholder GROUPVEL property values in the materials buffer (and hence bnd buffer and texture)
  • could just live with the GROUPVEL kludge of using phase velocity for now