Use hg-month n to review commits for the numbered month,
negative n eg -12 for December of last year.
- start bringing materials to GPU via textures
- introduce the geocache
- material code translation in Lookup
- adopt ImGui
- develop highly compressed photon records
- ViewNPY machinery for OpenGL uploading
- get animation working
- add GOpticalSurface, for transporting surface props thru Assimp/AssimpWrap into GGeo
- learning Thrust
- OptiX 3.8 , CUDA 7.0 update
- photon indexing with Thrust
- verifying ThrustIndex by comparison against the much slower SequenceNPY
- auto-finding repeated geometry assemblies by progeny transform/mesh-index digests in GTreeCheck
- interim Linux compatibility working with Tao
- 4-GPU machine testing with Tao
- OpenGL instancing
- trying to get JUNO geometry to work
- computeTest timings for Juno Scintillation as vary CUDA core counts
- OptiX instancing
- intro BBox standins
- Thrust interop
- use interop Thrust/CUDA/OptiX to make photons fully GPU resident, eliminating overheads
- add Torch for testing
- investigate bad material for upwards going photons, find cause is bad geometry
- integrate OpenMesh to enable mesh fixing
- vertex deduping as standard
- IAV and OAV mesh surgery
- sensor handling
- identity with instancing
- analytic geometry description of DYB PMT via detdesc parsing and geometrical partitioning
- flexible boundary creation
- overhaul material/surface/boundary handling to allow dynamic boundary creation post geocache
- implement dynamic test geometry creation controlled by commandline argument, using “–test” option
- npy analysis for Fresnel reflection testing
- adopt more rational PMT partitioning surfaces (not a direct translation)
- prism test with Plankian light source using GPU texture
- rainbow comparisons against expectation
- cfg4 : new package for comparison against standalone geant4
- cfg4 G4StepPoint recording : creating opticks format photon/step/history records with cfg4-
- Opticks/Geant4 rainbow scatter matching achieved
- enable loading of photons/records into ggv, in pricipal enables visualizing both Opticks and G4 cfg4- generated/propagated events on non-CUDA machines
- begin revival of compute mode
- rework Bookmarks, split off state handling into NState
- add InterpolatedView for viewpoint animation
- JUNO meeting presentation
- PSROC meeting presentation
- create analytic geometry description of Dayabay PMT
- PMTInBox debugging
- compositing OptiX raytrace with OpenGL rasterized
- resolved PMT skimmer BR BR vs BR BT issue : turned out to be Opticks TIR bug
- PmtInBox step-by-step record distribution chi2 comparison
- rejig material/surface/boundary buffer layout to match OptiX tex2d float4 textures, with wavelength samples and float4 at the tip of the array serialization
- Dayabay presentation
- screen capture movie making
- GTC presentation
- factoring usage of OptiX to provide functionality on non-CUDA/OptiX capable nodes
- CMake superbuild with CTests
- external get/build/install scripts
- prep for spawning Opticks repository
- shifts
- getting more CTests to pass