instant reality player
- Zoom
- Scroll with the mouse wheel or click the right mouse button and move the cursor vertical.
On OSX laptop use move two fingers up/down on trackpad to zoom in/out.
- Shove
- Click the middle mouse button and move the cursor around.
- Rotate
- Click the left mouse button and move the cursor around or press the arrow keys.
- Cameras
- Select a defined Viewpoint in the scene using Navigation > Cameras
The Viewpoint node must have the description field set in order to get listed.
- CenterOfRotation
- Double click on object to redefine the center of rotation at that point
When running the player a web server is available at
This allows to change Node properties, such as emissiveColor at URLs like the below.
Tedious to use, as internal node names are used.
Created to change volume properties, see eai- esp eai-edit
Most useful navigation modes keys to swap between:
- lookat(l)
- click on volume to go have a look
- examine(e)
- 3D rotate around by dragging
In app menu choose View > Statistic > Keyboard Mapping for some guidance
Find the text of the help message by grepping the dylibs and stringing the hit:
simon:MacOS blyth$ pwd
simon:MacOS blyth$ strings libavalonNavigationNodePool.dylib
- +
- increase navigation speed
- -
- decrease navigation speed
(it is far too fast, this seems to not work, better when you center the coordinates)
- B
- toggle fast ray intersect on/off
- C
- toggle Back-Face culling
- D
- dump the message List to the System Log
- E
- switch to GEOEXAMINE navigation mode
- F
- switch to FREEFLY navigation mode
- G
- grep and dump the current scene to an image file, dumps ~/Desktop/out.png with scene image
- I
- toggle front collision while navigating
- N
- export the backend graph as a BIN file, writes 340K binary file to ~/Desktop/out.osb
- O
- switch Occulsion culling mode
- R
- Reload the current context trees (e.g. scene)
- S
- toggle Small-Feature culling
- T
- toggle sorting of transparent objects
- V
- export the scene-graph as VRML file, dumps ~/Desktop/out.wrl but IndexedFaceSet geometry is empty
- X
- export the scene-graph as X3D file, dumped file ~/Desktop/out.x3d again with empty geomerty
- [
- Decrease the culling feature (e.g. pixel, threshold)
- ]
- Increase the culling feature (e.g. pixel, threshold)
- a
- change camera transformation to show whole scene
(very useful, to get started)
- b
- start the backend web interface
- c
- toggle View-Frustum culling
- d
- dump the key mapping to the System Log
- e
- switch to EXAMINE navigation mode
- f
- switch to FLY navigation mode
- g
- switch to GAME navigation mode
- h
- toggle head light
- i
- toggle lazy Interaction evaluation
- l
- switch to LOOKAT navigation mode
(handy, can click on volumes to go and have a close look)
- m
- switch polygon draw mode (point/line/fill)
- n
- export the backend graph as ASC file
- o
- toggle Occlusion culling
- p
- switch to PAN navigation mode
- q
- switch to NONE navigation mode
- r
- reset view position/orientation to initial values
- s
- switch to SLIDE navigation mode
- u
- change camera transformation to straighten up
- v
- toggle Draw Volume
- w
- switch to WALK navigation mode
- x
- toggle global Shadow state
- {
- switch to prev allowed nav mode
- }
- switch to next allowed nav mode
- switch to the first Viewpoint
- switch to the last Viewpoint
- switch to previous Viewpoint
- switch to next Viewpoint
- UP
- forward navigation command
- backward navigation command
- left navigation command
- right navigation command
- escape the immersion, close fullscreen/window
- toggle full screen
- switch the info screen foreground