Other styles more resonable, spagetti is finnicky as its LINE_STRIP based. So trying to hide steps by sending off to infinity creates funny renders.:
udp.py --surface RSOil
max slots of 100 or 50 load noodle style photon render, but on switching to movie style get a bus error:
*** Break *** bus error
Generating stack trace...
0x00007fff8a06c3a9 in glMultiDrawArrays_ACC_Exec (in GLEngine) + 565
0x00000001073706e7 in ffi_call_unix64 (in _ctypes.so) + 79
0x00007fff59315790 in <unknown function>
PyCUDA ERROR: The context stack was not empty upon module cleanup.
A context was still active when the context stack was being
cleaned up. At this point in our execution, CUDA may already
have been deinitialized, so there is no way we can finish
cleanly. The program will be aborted now.
Use Context.pop() to avoid this problem.
/Users/blyth/env/bin/g4daeview.sh: line 64: 61267 Abort trap: 6 g4daeview.py $*
delta:e blyth$
delta:e blyth$
delta:e blyth$ g4daeview.sh --load 1 --wipepropagate --debugkernel --debugphoton 0 --max-slots 30
Guessed causes ?
udp.py --style spagetti,confetti,noodles,movie-extra --sid 3354
Works OK in movie mode. Not so well in noddles, confetti modes. Because is looking at the nearest positioned photon at a particular time using slot -1.
014-07-07 16:39:49,336 env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daephotonsanalyzer:209 summary for pid 4041
p_flags[4041] p_lht[4041]
[[ 228.349 228.349 ] [[ 1237 3 5 0] GdDopedLS Acrylic
[ 228.349 234.2408] [ 949 5 11 1] Acrylic LiquidScin
[ 228.349 234.3079] [ 615 11 5 2] LiquidScin Acrylic
[ 228.349 237.0455] [ 327 5 6 3] Acrylic MineralOil
[ 228.349 237.1461] [363865 6 15 4] MineralOil Pyrex
[ 228.349 238.4965] [364826 15 9 5] Pyrex Vacuum
[ 228.349 238.5126] [365759 9 12 6] Vacuum Bialkali
R_SPECULAR [ 228.349 307.1889] [635507 5 6 7] Acrylic MineralOil
R_SPECULAR [ 228.349 307.1889] [635507 5 6 7] Acrylic MineralOil
R_SPECULAR [ 228.349 307.1889]] [635507 5 6 7]] Acrylic MineralOil
p_post[4041] p_dirw[4041]
Study these, are they just due to lots of specular reflections ?
Truncation transitions result in zombie/drunken photons linearly interpolating around. Need some visual distinction to make clear not real propagation paths.
eg to see photons crossing acrylic This is due to view jumping when bookmarking
Selecting ESR see many more from bottom ESR than from top ? This is true with “noodle” style, but not “movie-extra”.
This asymmetry problem (not in movie-extra) remains following the wider presentation mode discrepancy fix below.
Selecting steps that start in particular materials mostly gives understandable results, with steps in expected places in geometry.
But some materials lead to seemingly wrong results, eg for steps starting in Acrylic having entries along muon path.
NB to test this in animation modes be sure to push out the time otherwise the zombies could be misleading.:
udp.py --timerange 0,5000 --time 5000
After that the liquids look OK, but still problems with Acrylic and ESR.
The dots and lines were not lining up. Fixed by restoration of VBO slot contiguity (at expense of always duplicating the last slot):
udp.py --style noodles,movie-extra --time 60 # red (absorbed) are mostly matching at 60ns
udp.py --style confetti,noodles
Is this a problem with firsts, counts following moving last to -2:
gl.glMultiDrawArrays( mode, firsts, counts, drawcount )
Yep. Drawing needs contiguity.
Using spagetti with material selection results in lines going off to infinity. This is how photon selection is implemented but thats not compatible with LINE_STRIP drawing.
FIXED by providing a reemission_cdf obtained by np.cumsum of the FASTCOMPONENT property.
This is following the spirit of whats done by void DsG4Scintillation::BuildThePhysicsTable() whether its close enough remains to be determined.
delta:~ blyth$ collada_to_chroma.sh
INFO:env.geant4.geometry.collada.collada_to_chroma:daeload path /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/export/DayaBay_VGDX_20140414-1300/g4_00.dae
WARNING:env.geant4.geometry.collada.collada_to_chroma:setting parent_material to __dd__Materials__Vacuum0xbf9fcc0 as parent is None for node top.0
INFO:env.geant4.geometry.collada.collada_to_chroma:dropping into IPython.embed() try: g.<TAB>
Python 2.7.6 (default, Nov 18 2013, 15:12:51)
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In [1]: g.
g.add_solid g.colors g.flatten g.material2_index g.solid_displacements g.solid_rotations g.surface_index g.unique_surfaces
g.bvh g.detector_material g.material1_index g.mesh g.solid_id g.solids g.unique_materials
In [1]: g.material1_index
Out[1]: array([13, 13, 13, ..., 34, 34, 34], dtype=int32)
In [2]: map(len,[g.material1_index,g.material2_index,g.surface_index,g.unique_materials,g.unique_surfaces])
Out[2]: [2448160, 2448160, 2448160, 36, 35]
Clicking a green photon at random, see the usual infinite wavelength:
2014-07-02 16:20:52,345 env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daephotonsanalyzer:192 summary for pid 1337
p_flags[1337] p_lht[1337]
[[ 0 1093812380 1093812380 2] [[ 1217 1337 1 0]
[ 512 1093812380 1093812380 2] [ 1254 1337 2 1]
[ 512 1093812380 1100465654 3] [ 990 1337 3 2]
[ 512 1093812380 1100505046 5] [ 634 1337 4 3]
[ 512 1093812380 1101658367 15] [631702 1337 5 4]
[ 512 1093812380 1101704640 3] [632006 1337 6 5]
[ 512 1093812380 1101730630 0] [632304 1337 7 6]
[ 512 1093812380 1101730719 13] [632331 1337 8 7]
[ 514 1093812380 1101730719 13] [ -1 1337 8 8]
[ 514 1093812380 1101730719 13]] [ -1 1337 8 8]]
p_post[1337] p_dirw[1337] p_polw[1337] p_ccol[1337]
[[ -18229.1035 -799469.375 -7061.5503 11.1408] [[ -0.0442 0.9029 0.4276 88.9868] [[ 0.9737 -0.0568 0.2204 1. ] [[ 1. 1. 1. 1.]
[ -18229.1035 -799469.375 -7061.5503 11.1408] [ 0.0269 0.1337 -0.9907 inf] [ 0.8209 0.5626 0.0982 1. ] [ 0. 1. 0. 1.]
[ -18186.377 -799257.0625 -8635. 18.9717] [ 0.0267 0.1328 -0.9908 inf] [ 0.1955 0.9713 0.1355 1. ] [ 0. 1. 0. 1.]
[ -18185.9727 -799255.0625 -8650. 19.0468] [ 0.0269 0.1337 -0.9907 inf] [ 0.1955 0.9712 0.1363 1. ] [ 0. 1. 0. 1.]
[ -18173.9707 -799195.4375 -9092. 21.2466] [ 0.0267 0.1328 -0.9908 inf] [ 0.1955 0.9713 0.1355 1. ] [ 0. 1. 0. 1.]
[ -18173.4844 -799193. -9110. 21.3348] [ 0.0262 0.13 -0.9912 inf] [ 0.1956 0.9717 0.1326 1. ] [ 0. 1. 0. 1.]
[ -18173.2227 -799191.6875 -9119.9004 21.3844] [ 0.0389 0.1934 -0.9804 inf] [ 0.1934 0.9611 0.1972 1. ] [ 0. 1. 0. 1.]
[ -18173.2207 -799191.6875 -9119.9502 21.3846] [ 0.0389 0.1934 -0.9803 inf] [ 0.1934 0.9611 0.1973 1. ] [ 0. 1. 0. 1.]
[ -18173.2207 -799191.6875 -9119.9502 21.3846] [ 0.0389 0.1934 -0.9803 inf] [ 0.1934 0.9611 0.1973 1. ] [ 1. 0. 0. 1.]
[ -18199.0137 -799319.875 -8169.6206 16.6555]] [ 0.0269 0.1337 -0.9907 inf]] [ 0.8209 0.5626 0.0982 1. ]] [ 0. 1. 0. 1.]]
t_post[1337] t_dirw[1337] t_polw[1337] t_ccol[1337]
[ -18199.0137 -799319.875 -8169.6206 16.6555] [ 0.0269 0.1337 -0.9907 inf] [ 0.8209 0.5626 0.0982 1. ] [ 0. 1. 0. 1.]
2014-07-02 16:20:52,350 env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daephotons:108 clicked_point (-18198.09676577193, -799326.9836636602, -8180.765649884277) => index 1337
Rerun with that photon in debug:
g4daeview.sh --with-chroma --load 1 --debugkernel --debugphoton 1337 --wipepropagate
materials 2:GdDopedLS
Looks like GdDopedLS has a reemission probability of 0.4 and no wavelength distribution to back it up:
2014-07-02 17:15:22,228 env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daechromacontext:59 setup_rng_states using seed 0
[ 1] 1337 material_code 33816320 inner 2 outer 3 si -1 ri1 1.453600 ri2 1.462000 abs 0.001000 sca 850.000000 rem 0.400000 ncdf -0.000008 w0 60.000000 st 20.000000 cdf lo/up 0.000000 0.000000
[ 2] 1337 material_code 33816320 inner 2 outer 3 si -1 ri1 1.478100 ri2 1.487800 abs 3358.373535 sca 500000.000000 rem 0.000000 ncdf -0.000008 w0 60.000000 st 20.000000 cdf lo/up 0.000000 0.000000
[ 3] 1337 material_code 50724608 inner 3 outer 5 si -1 ri1 1.487800 ri2 1.478100 abs 8000.000000 sca 500000.000000 rem 0.000000 ncdf -0.000008 w0 60.000000 st 20.000000 cdf lo/up 0.000000 0.000000
[ 4] 1337 material_code 84147968 inner 5 outer 3 si -1 ri1 1.478100 ri2 1.487800 abs 3236.346924 sca 500000.000000 rem 0.000000 ncdf -0.000008 w0 60.000000 st 20.000000 cdf lo/up 0.000000 0.000000
[ 5] 1337 material_code 51379968 inner 3 outer 15 si -1 ri1 1.456400 ri2 1.487800 abs 2672.763672 sca 500000.000000 rem 0.000000 ncdf -0.000008 w0 60.000000 st 20.000000 cdf lo/up 0.000000 0.000000
[ 6] 1337 material_code 261888 inner 0 outer 3 si -1 ri1 1.487800 ri2 1.000270 abs 8000.000000 sca 500000.000000 rem 0.000000 ncdf -0.000008 w0 60.000000 st 20.000000 cdf lo/up 0.000000 0.000000
[ 7] 1337 material_code 218169088 inner 13 outer 0 si -1 ri1 1.000270 ri2 1.000000 abs 10000000.000000 sca 1000000.000000 rem 0.000000 ncdf -0.000008 w0 60.000000 st 20.000000 cdf lo/up 0.000000 0.000000
[ 8] 1337 material_code 218169088 inner 13 outer 0 si -1 ri1 1.000000 ri2 1.000270 abs 0.001000 sca 1000000.000000 rem 0.000000 ncdf -0.000008 w0 60.000000 st 20.000000 cdf lo/up 0.000000 0.000000
FILL_STATE START [ 1337] slot 1 steps 1 lht 1217 tpos 11.141 -18229.10 -799469.38 -7061.55 w 88.99 dir -0.04 0.90 0.43 pol 0.974 -0.057 0.220
TO_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 1337] slot -1 steps 1 lht 1217 tpos 11.141 -18229.10 -799469.38 -7061.55 w inf dir 0.03 0.13 -0.99 pol 0.821 0.563 0.098 BULK_REEMIT
FILL_STATE CONTINUE [ 1337] slot 2 steps 2 lht 1254 tpos 11.141 -18229.10 -799469.38 -7061.55 w inf dir 0.03 0.13 -0.99 pol 0.821 0.563 0.098 BULK_REEMIT
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 1337] slot -1 steps 2 lht 1254 tpos 18.972 -18186.38 -799257.06 -8635.00 w inf dir 0.03 0.13 -0.99 pol 0.821 0.563 0.098 BULK_REEMIT
AT_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 1337] slot -1 steps 2 lht 1254 tpos 18.972 -18186.38 -799257.06 -8635.00 w inf dir 0.03 0.13 -0.99 pol 0.195 0.971 0.135 BULK_REEMIT
FILL_STATE PASS [ 1337] slot 3 steps 3 lht 990 tpos 18.972 -18186.38 -799257.06 -8635.00 w inf dir 0.03 0.13 -0.99 pol 0.195 0.971 0.135 BULK_REEMIT
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 1337] slot -1 steps 3 lht 990 tpos 19.047 -18185.97 -799255.06 -8650.00 w inf dir 0.03 0.13 -0.99 pol 0.195 0.971 0.135 BULK_REEMIT
AT_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 1337] slot -1 steps 3 lht 990 tpos 19.047 -18185.97 -799255.06 -8650.00 w inf dir 0.03 0.13 -0.99 pol 0.195 0.971 0.136 BULK_REEMIT
FILL_STATE PASS [ 1337] slot 4 steps 4 lht 634 tpos 19.047 -18185.97 -799255.06 -8650.00 w inf dir 0.03 0.13 -0.99 pol 0.195 0.971 0.136 BULK_REEMIT
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 1337] slot -1 steps 4 lht 634 tpos 21.247 -18173.97 -799195.44 -9092.00 w inf dir 0.03 0.13 -0.99 pol 0.195 0.971 0.136 BULK_REEMIT
AT_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 1337] slot -1 steps 4 lht 634 tpos 21.247 -18173.97 -799195.44 -9092.00 w inf dir 0.03 0.13 -0.99 pol 0.195 0.971 0.135 BULK_REEMIT
FILL_STATE PASS [ 1337] slot 5 steps 5 lht 631702 tpos 21.247 -18173.97 -799195.44 -9092.00 w inf dir 0.03 0.13 -0.99 pol 0.195 0.971 0.135 BULK_REEMIT
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 1337] slot -1 steps 5 lht 631702 tpos 21.335 -18173.48 -799193.00 -9110.00 w inf dir 0.03 0.13 -0.99 pol 0.195 0.971 0.135 BULK_REEMIT
AT_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 1337] slot -1 steps 5 lht 631702 tpos 21.335 -18173.48 -799193.00 -9110.00 w inf dir 0.03 0.13 -0.99 pol 0.196 0.972 0.133 BULK_REEMIT
FILL_STATE PASS [ 1337] slot 6 steps 6 lht 632006 tpos 21.335 -18173.48 -799193.00 -9110.00 w inf dir 0.03 0.13 -0.99 pol 0.196 0.972 0.133 BULK_REEMIT
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 1337] slot -1 steps 6 lht 632006 tpos 21.384 -18173.22 -799191.69 -9119.90 w inf dir 0.03 0.13 -0.99 pol 0.196 0.972 0.133 BULK_REEMIT
AT_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 1337] slot -1 steps 6 lht 632006 tpos 21.384 -18173.22 -799191.69 -9119.90 w inf dir 0.04 0.19 -0.98 pol 0.193 0.961 0.197 BULK_REEMIT
FILL_STATE PASS [ 1337] slot 7 steps 7 lht 632304 tpos 21.384 -18173.22 -799191.69 -9119.90 w inf dir 0.04 0.19 -0.98 pol 0.193 0.961 0.197 BULK_REEMIT
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 1337] slot -1 steps 7 lht 632304 tpos 21.385 -18173.22 -799191.69 -9119.95 w inf dir 0.04 0.19 -0.98 pol 0.193 0.961 0.197 BULK_REEMIT
AT_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 1337] slot -1 steps 7 lht 632304 tpos 21.385 -18173.22 -799191.69 -9119.95 w inf dir 0.04 0.19 -0.98 pol 0.193 0.961 0.197 BULK_REEMIT
FILL_STATE PASS [ 1337] slot 8 steps 8 lht 632331 tpos 21.385 -18173.22 -799191.69 -9119.95 w inf dir 0.04 0.19 -0.98 pol 0.193 0.961 0.197 BULK_REEMIT
TO_BOUNDARY BREAK [ 1337] slot -1 steps 8 lht -1 tpos 21.385 -18173.22 -799191.69 -9119.95 w inf dir 0.04 0.19 -0.98 pol 0.193 0.961 0.197 BULK_REEMIT BULK_ABSORB
2014-07-02 17:15:23,323 env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daephotonsanalyzer:273 write_propagated /usr/local/env/tmp/1/propagated-0.npz
577 else {
578 // reemission, the sample method need modification
579 G4double CIIvalue = G4UniformRand()*
580 ScintillationIntegral->GetMaxValue();
581 if (CIIvalue == 0.0) {
582 // return unchanged particle and no secondaries
583 aParticleChange.SetNumberOfSecondaries(0);
584 return G4VRestDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(aTrack, aStep);
585 }
586 sampledEnergy=
587 ScintillationIntegral->GetEnergy(CIIvalue);
588 if (verboseLevel>1) {
589 G4cout << "oldEnergy = " <<aTrack.GetKineticEnergy() << G4endl;
590 G4cout << "reemittedSampledEnergy = " << sampledEnergy
591 << "\nreemittedCIIvalue = " << CIIvalue << G4endl;
592 }
593 }
595 // Generate random photon direction
Disappearance is much less common now, but some cases remain:
delta:1 blyth$ daephotonsanalyzer.sh propagated-0.npz
2014-07-01 12:49:19,354 env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daephotonsanalyzer:350 creating DAEPhotonsAnalyzer for propagated-0.npz
2014-07-01 12:49:19,355 env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daephotonsanalyzer:191 load propagated from propagated-0.npz
2014-07-01 12:49:19,379 env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daephotonsanalyzer:382 dropping into IPython.embed() try: z.<TAB>
In [1]: z.p_flags[3126]
array([[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 32, 0, 0, 4],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 34, 0, 0, 12],
[ 34, 1101913600, 1107947402, 0]], dtype=uint32)
Out[2]: 12
Out[3]: 32
Out[4]: 34
In [1]: z.p_lht[3126]
array([[2382597, 3126, 1, 0],
[2165175, 3126, 2, 1],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ -1, 3126, 2, 2],
[ -1, 3126, 2, 2]], dtype=int32)
The photon is invisible between 31.411 and 34.4839. Fail to staddle ?:
In [6]: z.p_post[3126]
array([[ -19966.8516, -796813.3125, -7034.7739, 21.7334],
[ -22015.8867, -796247.3125, -6789.8774, 31.411 ],
[ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ],
[ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ],
[ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ],
[ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ],
[ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ],
[ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ],
[ -21424.3594, -796217.1875, -6569.8042, 34.4839],
[ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ]], dtype=float32)
g4daeview.sh --with-chroma --load 1 --wipepropagate --debugkernel --debugphoton 3126
FILL_STATE START [ 3126] slot 0 steps 1 lht 2382597 tpos 21.733 -19966.85 -796813.31 -7034.77 w 383.00 dir -0.96 0.26 0.11 pol -0.284 -0.933 -0.220
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 3126] slot -1 steps 1 lht 2382597 tpos 31.411 -22015.89 -796247.31 -6789.88 w 383.00 dir -0.96 0.26 0.11 pol -0.284 -0.933 -0.220
AT_SURFACE CONTINUE [ 3126] slot -1 steps 1 lht 2382597 tpos 31.411 -22015.89 -796247.31 -6789.88 w 383.00 dir 0.94 0.05 0.35 pol -0.350 0.221 0.910 REFLECT_DIFFUSE
FILL_STATE CONTINUE [ 3126] slot 1 steps 2 lht 2165175 tpos 31.411 -22015.89 -796247.31 -6789.88 w 383.00 dir 0.94 0.05 0.35 pol -0.350 0.221 0.910 REFLECT_DIFFUSE
TO_BOUNDARY BREAK [ 3126] slot -1 steps 2 lht -1 tpos 34.484 -21424.36 -796217.19 -6569.80 w 383.00 dir 0.94 0.05 0.35 pol -0.350 0.221 0.910 REFLECT_DIFFUSE BULK_ABSORB
Formerly (before moved to max_slots-2 for final position, for truncation amelioration) had some appararently direct from the Geant4(muon) NO_HIT(grey) photons appearing outside AD in line with muon direction at 20-30ns
delta:1 blyth$ daephotonsanalyzer.sh propagated-0.npz
In [14]: no_hits = np.where( z.propagated['flags'][::-10,0] == 1 )[0]
In [16]: no_hits
array([ 818, 846, 865, 890, 927, 949, 988, 1015, 1028, 1061, 1141,
1158, 1160, 1196, 1248])
In [31]: z.propagated['position_time'][::10][4164-no_hits]
array([[ -20837.0723, -795441.1875, -7052.3433, 27.145 ],
[ -20685.9727, -795674.1875, -7053.2344, 26.2188],
[ -20553.4551, -795878.5 , -7054.0117, 25.4065],
[ -20486.6914, -796003.4375, -7059.9165, 24.9435],
[ -20346.3223, -796198.0625, -7055.0967, 24.1361],
[ -20244.8359, -796354.625 , -7055.6226, 23.5137],
[ -20119.9609, -796547.25 , -7056.1987, 22.748 ],
[ -19886.707 , -796628.6875, -7042.4688, 22.1542],
[ -19982.6934, -796758.5 , -7057.3345, 21.9085],
[ -19897.7383, -796890.0625, -7057.2769, 21.3854],
[ -19671.6348, -797238.6875, -7058.2666, 19.9992],
[ -19638.5586, -797291.6875, -7058.1128, 19.791 ],
[ -19636.4805, -797296.1875, -7056.1191, 19.7753],
[ -19571.9023, -797392.5 , -7058.5796, 19.3877],
[ -19457.2754, -797569.3125, -7058.8467, 18.6849]], dtype=float32)
In [3]: z.last_flags
array([[ 65, 0, 0, 12],
[ 2, 0, 0, 12],
[ 2, 0, 0, 12],
[578, 0, 0, 12],
[514, 0, 0, 12],
[514, 0, 0, 12]], dtype=uint32)
In [4]: z.last_flags[:,3]
Out[4]: array([12, 12, 12, ..., 12, 12, 12], dtype=uint32)
In [5]: np.where( z.last_flags[:,3] != 12 )
(array([ 111, 117, 208, 302, 415, 572, 660, 701, 720, 765, 769,
773, 809, 842, 952, 962, 1072, 1078, 1118, 1178, 1305, 1519,
1585, 1592, 1608, 1615, 1650, 1709, 1753, 1856, 1873, 1876, 1880,
1949, 1997, 2003, 2012, 2053, 2106, 2186, 2191, 2216, 2236, 2288,
2300, 2309, 2377, 2422, 2439, 2445, 2455, 2547, 2555, 2623, 2666,
2669, 2791, 2860, 3017, 3024, 3158, 3192, 3212, 3244, 3288, 3293,
3332, 3371, 3399, 3453, 3468, 3496, 3521, 3545, 3559, 3688, 3690,
3811, 3831, 3835, 3890, 3938, 3940, 3950, 3970, 4033, 4041, 4062,
4068, 4112, 4155]),)
In [6]:
In [6]: np.where( z.last_post[:,3] < 0.001 )
(array([ 111, 117, 208, 302, 415, 572, 660, 701, 720, 765, 769,
773, 809, 842, 952, 962, 1072, 1078, 1118, 1178, 1305, 1519,
1585, 1592, 1608, 1615, 1650, 1709, 1753, 1856, 1873, 1876, 1880,
1949, 1997, 2003, 2012, 2053, 2106, 2186, 2191, 2216, 2236, 2288,
2300, 2309, 2377, 2422, 2439, 2445, 2455, 2547, 2555, 2623, 2666,
2669, 2791, 2860, 3017, 3024, 3158, 3192, 3212, 3244, 3288, 3293,
3332, 3371, 3399, 3453, 3468, 3496, 3521, 3545, 3559, 3688, 3690,
3811, 3831, 3835, 3890, 3938, 3940, 3950, 3970, 4033, 4041, 4062,
4068, 4112, 4155]),)
Hmm 91 not filled:
In [7]: not_done = np.where( z.last_flags[:,3] != 12 )[0]
In [11]: len(not_done)
Out[11]: 91
In [8]: z.last_flags[not_done]
array([[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
After fix to save STATUE_ENQUEUE, they are filled but not done:
In [6]: z.last_flags[not_done]
array([[ 80, 0, 0, 11],
[ 64, 0, 0, 11],
[ 64, 0, 0, 11],
[ 64, 0, 0, 11],
[ 64, 0, 0, 11],
[ 64, 0, 0, 11],
[ 64, 0, 0, 11],
[ 64, 0, 0, 11],
[ 64, 0, 0, 11],
[ 80, 0, 0, 11],
[ 64, 0, 0, 11],
[ 96, 0, 0, 11],
[ 64, 0, 0, 11],
[608, 0, 0, 11],
[ 80, 0, 0, 11],
[ 64, 0, 0, 11],
[ 64, 0, 0, 11],
[112, 0, 0, 11],
[576, 0, 0, 11],
[ 96, 0, 0, 11],
Just not saved:
In [17]: z.propagated['position_time'][1110:1120]
array([[ -17035.1074, -801313.25 , -7065.2979, 4.5006],
[ -17035.1074, -801313.25 , -7065.2979, 4.5006],
[ -16996.2812, -801357.9375, -7056.0366, 4.7988],
[ -16984.5684, -801371.4375, -7053.2563, 4.8891],
[ -16815.4824, -801566. , -7012.2808, 6.1676],
[ -16981.1055, -801368.5 , -6971.5107, 7.4459],
[ -16992.5918, -801354.8125, -6968.7422, 7.5364],
[ -17268.082 , -801026.3125, -6902.0137, 9.695 ],
[ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ],
[ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ]], dtype=float32)
In [20]: z.propagated['flags'][1110:1120]
array([[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 4],
[ 0, 0, 0, 4],
[ 0, 0, 0, 4],
[ 64, 0, 0, 4],
[ 64, 0, 0, 4],
[ 64, 0, 0, 4],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 80, 1083180326, 1128190499, 0]], dtype=uint32)
In [21]: z.propagated['flags'][1170:1180]
array([[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 4],
[ 0, 0, 0, 4],
[ 0, 0, 0, 4],
[ 64, 0, 0, 4],
[ 64, 0, 0, 4],
[ 64, 0, 0, 4],
[ 64, 0, 0, 4],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 64, 1083301678, 1123152860, 0]], dtype=uint32)
Maybe its an 8 slot bug, nope its due to 100 step truncation, STATUS_ENQUEUE was not being written:
In [22]: z.propagated['last_hit_triangle'][1170:1180]
array([[ -1, 0, 0, 0],
[ 576, 117, 1, 1],
[ 288, 117, 2, 2],
[616675, 117, 3, 3],
[ 288, 117, 4, 4],
[ 576, 117, 5, 5],
[ 909, 117, 6, 6],
[ 1197, 117, 7, 7],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[625654, 117, 100, 101]], dtype=int32)
In [18]: z.propagated['position_time'][1120:1130]
array([[ -17015.4941, -801317.4375, -7084.8896, 4.505 ],
[ -17015.4941, -801317.4375, -7084.8896, 4.505 ],
[ -17170.748 , -800957.0625, -6044.4136, 10.0594],
[ -17174.9473, -800947.625 , -6018.001 , 10.2017],
[ -17242.541 , -800790.6875, -5565. , 12.6317],
[ -17242.5488, -800790.6875, -5564.9502, 12.632 ],
[ -17243.6074, -800788.25 , -5557.8618, 12.6698],
[ -17245.8926, -800782.9375, -5542.4385, 12.7525],
[ -17328.8535, -800590.375 , -4987.998 , 15.7173],
[ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ]], dtype=float32)
In [11]: z.last_post[:,3].min()
Out[11]: 2.3316712
In [12]: z.last_post[:,3].max()
Out[12]: 1371.0537
In [13]: z.time_range
Out[13]: [0.0, 1371.0537]
In [14]: z.t0
array([ 1.4179, 2.3273, 2.3649, ..., 863.4072, 865.5709,
1356.45 ], dtype=float32)
In [15]: z.t0.min()
Out[15]: 1.4178798
In [16]: z.tf.min()
Out[16]: 2.3316712
Both the below were caused by interpolation bug
Seed values are controlled by –seed x which now defaults to 0 (formerly None which corresponds to a time and process id based seed).
Repeatability is checked using –debugpropagation option, now on by default. The check in DAEPhotonsAnalyzer is performed on writing propagated-<seed>.npz when a prior file exists.
Use –debugpropagate to write files propagated-<seed>.npz into the directory corresponding to event path. This is done after performing propagations, which happen as event files are loaded eg:
g4daeview.sh --with-chroma --load 1 --debugpropagate
These files contain numpy arrays of the VBO content. Such files can be interactively examined using daephotonsanalyzer.sh:
delta:~ blyth$ daephotonsanalyzer.sh propagated-0.npz
2014-06-27 18:14:09,645 env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daephotonsanalyzer:236 creating DAEPhotonsAnalyzer for propagated-0.npz
2014-06-27 18:14:09,670 env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daephotonsanalyzer:241 dropping into IPython.embed() try: z.<TAB>
In [1]: z.flags
Out[1]: array([ 65, 2, 2, ..., 578, 514, 514], dtype=uint32)
In [2]: len(z.flags)
Out[2]: 4165
In [3]: len(z.propagated)
Out[3]: 41650
In [4]: a = z.propagated['position_time']
In [9]: a[60:70,:] # with max_slots=10 position_time for photon_id = 6
array([[ -16823.5898, -801640.625 , -7065.897 , 2.5105],
[ -16901.7969, -801623.9375, -7041.4619, 2.9237],
[ -17071.3887, -801951.4375, -6928.5552, 4.83 ],
[ -17469.5137, -801868.0625, -6804.0322, 6.9324],
[ -17962.4277, -802183.5625, -6624.877 , 9.9572],
[ -18238.0645, -801937. , -6511.6592, 11.8687],
[ -18533.707 , -802130.625 , -6404.1758, 13.6942],
[ -18308.5176, -801930. , -6764.2158, 16.0154],
[ -18306.3887, -801928. , -6767.6338, 16.0304],
[ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ]], dtype=float32)
VBO slots are restricted via max_slots (eg 10) which is often less than max_steps (eg 100). But the tail flags written in
Using –debugkernel –debugphoton 6 dumps the steps of the propagation for photon_id 6, note that the positions/times match the above read from VBO:
delta:~ blyth$ g4daeview.sh --with-chroma --load 1 --debugkernel --debugphoton 6 --pid 6
2014-06-27 18:23:50,079 env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daechromacontext:59 setup_rng_states using seed 0
FILL_STATE START [ 6] slot 0 steps 1 lht 621543 tpos 2.510 -16823.59 -801640.62 -7065.90 w 383.88 dir -0.94 0.20 0.29 pol -0.121 -0.956 0.266
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 6] slot -1 steps 1 lht 621543 tpos 2.924 -16901.80 -801623.94 -7041.46 w 383.88 dir -0.94 0.20 0.29 pol -0.121 -0.956 0.266
AT_SURFACE CONTINUE [ 6] slot -1 steps 1 lht 621543 tpos 2.924 -16901.80 -801623.94 -7041.46 w 383.88 dir -0.44 -0.85 0.29 pol -0.121 -0.956 0.266 REFLECT_SPECULAR
FILL_STATE CONTINUE [ 6] slot 1 steps 2 lht 214 tpos 2.924 -16901.80 -801623.94 -7041.46 w 383.88 dir -0.44 -0.85 0.29 pol -0.121 -0.956 0.266 REFLECT_SPECULAR
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 6] slot -1 steps 2 lht 214 tpos 4.830 -17071.39 -801951.44 -6928.56 w 383.88 dir -0.44 -0.85 0.29 pol -0.121 -0.956 0.266 REFLECT_SPECULAR
AT_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 6] slot -1 steps 2 lht 214 tpos 4.830 -17071.39 -801951.44 -6928.56 w 383.88 dir -0.94 0.20 0.29 pol 0.138 0.968 -0.208 REFLECT_SPECULAR
FILL_STATE PASS [ 6] slot 2 steps 3 lht 621451 tpos 4.830 -17071.39 -801951.44 -6928.56 w 383.88 dir -0.94 0.20 0.29 pol 0.138 0.968 -0.208 REFLECT_SPECULAR
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 6] slot -1 steps 3 lht 621451 tpos 6.932 -17469.51 -801868.06 -6804.03 w 383.88 dir -0.94 0.20 0.29 pol 0.138 0.968 -0.208 REFLECT_SPECULAR
AT_SURFACE CONTINUE [ 6] slot -1 steps 3 lht 621451 tpos 6.932 -17469.51 -801868.06 -6804.03 w 383.88 dir -0.81 -0.52 0.29 pol 0.138 0.968 -0.208 REFLECT_SPECULAR
FILL_STATE CONTINUE [ 6] slot 3 steps 4 lht 211 tpos 6.932 -17469.51 -801868.06 -6804.03 w 383.88 dir -0.81 -0.52 0.29 pol 0.138 0.968 -0.208 REFLECT_SPECULAR
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 6] slot -1 steps 4 lht 211 tpos 9.957 -17962.43 -802183.56 -6624.88 w 383.88 dir -0.81 -0.52 0.29 pol 0.138 0.968 -0.208 REFLECT_SPECULAR
AT_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 6] slot -1 steps 4 lht 211 tpos 9.957 -17962.43 -802183.56 -6624.88 w 383.88 dir -0.71 0.64 0.29 pol 0.603 0.770 -0.208 REFLECT_SPECULAR
FILL_STATE PASS [ 6] slot 4 steps 5 lht 621031 tpos 9.957 -17962.43 -802183.56 -6624.88 w 383.88 dir -0.71 0.64 0.29 pol 0.603 0.770 -0.208 REFLECT_SPECULAR
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 6] slot -1 steps 5 lht 621031 tpos 11.869 -18238.06 -801937.00 -6511.66 w 383.88 dir -0.71 0.64 0.29 pol 0.603 0.770 -0.208 REFLECT_SPECULAR
AT_SURFACE CONTINUE [ 6] slot -1 steps 5 lht 621031 tpos 11.869 -18238.06 -801937.00 -6511.66 w 383.88 dir -0.80 -0.52 0.29 pol 0.603 0.770 -0.208 REFLECT_SPECULAR
FILL_STATE CONTINUE [ 6] slot 5 steps 6 lht 210 tpos 11.869 -18238.06 -801937.00 -6511.66 w 383.88 dir -0.80 -0.52 0.29 pol 0.603 0.770 -0.208 REFLECT_SPECULAR
TO_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 6] slot -1 steps 6 lht -1 tpos 13.694 -18533.71 -802130.62 -6404.18 w 383.88 dir 0.48 0.43 -0.77 pol 0.565 0.817 0.118 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
FILL_STATE CONTINUE [ 6] slot 6 steps 7 lht 370007 tpos 13.694 -18533.71 -802130.62 -6404.18 w 383.88 dir 0.48 0.43 -0.77 pol 0.565 0.817 0.118 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 6] slot -1 steps 7 lht 370007 tpos 16.015 -18308.52 -801930.00 -6764.22 w 383.88 dir 0.48 0.43 -0.77 pol 0.565 0.817 0.118 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
AT_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 6] slot -1 steps 7 lht 370007 tpos 16.015 -18308.52 -801930.00 -6764.22 w 383.88 dir 0.47 0.45 -0.76 pol -0.303 0.893 0.334 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
FILL_STATE PASS [ 6] slot 7 steps 8 lht 372085 tpos 16.015 -18308.52 -801930.00 -6764.22 w 383.88 dir 0.47 0.45 -0.76 pol -0.303 0.893 0.334 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 6] slot -1 steps 8 lht 372085 tpos 16.030 -18306.39 -801928.00 -6767.63 w 383.88 dir 0.47 0.45 -0.76 pol -0.303 0.893 0.334 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
AT_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 6] slot -1 steps 8 lht 372085 tpos 16.030 -18306.39 -801928.00 -6767.63 w 383.88 dir 0.55 0.08 -0.83 pol -0.094 0.995 0.037 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
FILL_STATE PASS [ 6] slot 8 steps 9 lht 372228 tpos 16.030 -18306.39 -801928.00 -6767.63 w 383.88 dir 0.55 0.08 -0.83 pol -0.094 0.995 0.037 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 6] slot -1 steps 9 lht 372228 tpos 16.031 -18306.35 -801928.00 -6767.69 w 383.88 dir 0.55 0.08 -0.83 pol -0.094 0.995 0.037 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
AT_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 6] slot -1 steps 9 lht 372228 tpos 16.031 -18306.35 -801928.00 -6767.69 w 383.88 dir 0.47 0.44 -0.76 pol -0.288 0.894 0.342 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
FILL_STATE PASS [ 6] slot 9 steps 10 lht 370727 tpos 16.031 -18306.35 -801928.00 -6767.69 w 383.88 dir 0.47 0.44 -0.76 pol -0.288 0.894 0.342 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 6] slot -1 steps 10 lht 370727 tpos 16.031 -18306.28 -801927.94 -6767.80 w 383.88 dir 0.47 0.44 -0.76 pol -0.288 0.894 0.342 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
AT_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 6] slot -1 steps 10 lht 370727 tpos 16.031 -18306.28 -801927.94 -6767.80 w 383.88 dir -0.18 0.97 0.15 pol -0.530 -0.229 0.816 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
FILL_STATE PASS [ 6] slot 10 steps 11 lht 372228 tpos 16.031 -18306.28 -801927.94 -6767.80 w 383.88 dir -0.18 0.97 0.15 pol -0.530 -0.229 0.816 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 6] slot -1 steps 11 lht 372228 tpos 16.032 -18306.30 -801927.81 -6767.78 w 383.88 dir -0.18 0.97 0.15 pol -0.530 -0.229 0.816 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
AT_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 6] slot -1 steps 11 lht 372228 tpos 16.032 -18306.30 -801927.81 -6767.78 w 383.88 dir -0.33 0.86 0.38 pol 0.441 0.497 -0.747 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
FILL_STATE PASS [ 6] slot 11 steps 12 lht 372085 tpos 16.032 -18306.30 -801927.81 -6767.78 w 383.88 dir -0.33 0.86 0.38 pol 0.441 0.497 -0.747 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 6] slot -1 steps 12 lht 372085 tpos 16.032 -18306.32 -801927.75 -6767.76 w 383.88 dir -0.33 0.86 0.38 pol 0.441 0.497 -0.747 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
AT_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 6] slot -1 steps 12 lht 372085 tpos 16.032 -18306.32 -801927.75 -6767.76 w 383.88 dir -0.19 0.97 0.15 pol 0.517 0.228 -0.825 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
FILL_STATE PASS [ 6] slot 12 steps 13 lht 370007 tpos 16.032 -18306.32 -801927.75 -6767.76 w 383.88 dir -0.19 0.97 0.15 pol 0.517 0.228 -0.825 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 6] slot -1 steps 13 lht 370007 tpos 16.054 -18307.16 -801923.38 -6767.07 w 383.88 dir -0.19 0.97 0.15 pol 0.517 0.228 -0.825 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
AT_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 6] slot -1 steps 13 lht 370007 tpos 16.054 -18307.16 -801923.38 -6767.07 w 383.88 dir -0.20 0.97 0.17 pol 0.528 0.249 -0.812 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
FILL_STATE PASS [ 6] slot 13 steps 14 lht 330 tpos 16.054 -18307.16 -801923.38 -6767.07 w 383.88 dir -0.20 0.97 0.17 pol 0.528 0.249 -0.812 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 6] slot -1 steps 14 lht 330 tpos 17.370 -18359.22 -801666.25 -6722.09 w 383.88 dir -0.20 0.97 0.17 pol 0.528 0.249 -0.812 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
AT_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 6] slot -1 steps 14 lht 330 tpos 17.370 -18359.22 -801666.25 -6722.09 w 383.88 dir -0.19 0.97 0.17 pol -0.829 -0.248 0.500 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
FILL_STATE PASS [ 6] slot 14 steps 15 lht 618 tpos 17.370 -18359.22 -801666.25 -6722.09 w 383.88 dir -0.19 0.97 0.17 pol -0.829 -0.248 0.500 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 6] slot -1 steps 15 lht 618 tpos 17.465 -18362.79 -801648.06 -6718.98 w 383.88 dir -0.19 0.97 0.17 pol -0.829 -0.248 0.500 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
AT_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 6] slot -1 steps 15 lht 618 tpos 17.465 -18362.79 -801648.06 -6718.98 w 383.88 dir -0.19 0.97 0.17 pol -0.829 -0.250 0.500 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
FILL_STATE PASS [ 6] slot 15 steps 16 lht 949 tpos 17.465 -18362.79 -801648.06 -6718.98 w 383.88 dir -0.19 0.97 0.17 pol -0.829 -0.250 0.500 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR
TO_BOUNDARY CONTINUE [ 6] slot -1 steps 16 lht 949 tpos 17.574 -18366.97 -801626.94 -6715.35 w inf dir 0.63 0.69 0.36 pol 0.671 -0.716 0.190 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR BULK_REEMIT
FILL_STATE CONTINUE [ 6] slot 16 steps 17 lht 951 tpos 17.574 -18366.97 -801626.94 -6715.35 w inf dir 0.63 0.69 0.36 pol 0.671 -0.716 0.190 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR BULK_REEMIT
TO_BOUNDARY BREAK [ 6] slot -1 steps 17 lht -1 tpos 17.671 -18354.58 -801613.44 -6708.33 w inf dir 0.63 0.69 0.36 pol 0.671 -0.716 0.190 RAYLEIGH_SCATTER REFLECT_SPECULAR BULK_REEMIT BULK_ABSORB
# born within first 10ns that undergo all those processes
Avoid uncertainties from truncation effects by keeping n below max_slots-1.:
--mode 7 --max-slots 10
Otherwise photons keep springing into life.:
--cohort 0,10,-1 # ns
udp.py --cohort 2,3,-1 --style spagetti
udp.py --cohort 2.5,2.6,1 --style spagetti # selects a 6 bouncer, between the PMTs
# interactive changing cohort in spagetti mode, allows to select single photons
# flags/history menu selection indicates it to be REFLECT_SPECULAR,BULK_ABSORB
# animation fails to visualize it ? current psave approach missing specular bouncers ?
Positive cohort mode dumps photon_id from the kernel:
udp.py --cohort 0,10,1
I: photon_id 6 tail_birth 2.510489 tail_death 17.670887 cohort 0.000000 10.000000 1.000000
I: photon_id 279 tail_birth 5.828637 tail_death 83.182884 cohort 0.000000 10.000000 1.000000
I: photon_id 541 tail_birth 7.159081 tail_death 45.278973 cohort 0.000000 10.000000 1.000000
I: photon_id 412 tail_birth 6.597654 tail_death 92.039955 cohort 0.000000 10.000000 1.000000
I: photon_id 157 tail_birth 4.990300 tail_death 30.397882 cohort 0.000000 10.000000 1.000000
I: photon_id 898 tail_birth 9.194763 tail_death 29.307714 cohort 0.000000 10.000000 1.000000
I: photon_id 916 tail_birth 9.298509 tail_death 35.309608 cohort 0.000000 10.000000 1.000000
I: photon_id 920 tail_birth 9.309920 tail_death 102.759193 cohort 0.000000 10.000000 1.000000
I: photon_id 816 tail_birth 8.671006 tail_death 33.654274 cohort 0.000000 10.000000 1.000000
I: photon_id 938 tail_birth 9.390456 tail_death 25.577848 cohort 0.000000 10.000000 1.000000
I: photon_id 949 tail_birth 9.440248 tail_death 74.828758 cohort 0.000000 10.000000 1.000000
I: photon_id 738 tail_birth 8.296719 tail_death 75.682594 cohort 0.000000 10.000000 1.000000
I: photon_id 766 tail_birth 8.447924 tail_death 45.957516 cohort 0.000000 10.000000 1.000000
I: photon_id 731 tail_birth 8.250953 tail_death 38.883736 cohort 0.000000 10.000000 1.000000
udp.py --cohort 2.51,2.52,1. # down to single photon_id 6
udp.py --mode 0 --style confetti
## despite animation not working, using time reveal --mode 0 and confetti style allows to see the direction, bounce times
Highlight a single photon by increasing presentation point size:
udp.py --pid 938
udp.py --style confetti,spagetti,movie-extra --cohort 0,10,-1 --pid 541 --bits RAYLEIGH_SCATTER,REFLECT_SPECULAR,BULK_REEMIT,BULK_ABSORB
## bizarre off-the-cliff and jump around as go beyond 19ns in pid 541