Initially was numbering as index 279, but that is with time ordering sort on load, which with all mock photons starting at 1ns means randomly ordered. Actially is mock photon index 513 when lpos is (0,0,1500) ie shoot from 1.5m infront of PMT:
index 511 pos (-19104.3,-796636,-9297.4) dir (-0,0,-1) pol (0,0,1) _t 1 _wavelength 550 _pmtid 0x1051910
index 512 pos (-17737.6,-801707,-9297.4) dir (-0,0,-1) pol (0,0,1) _t 1 _wavelength 550 _pmtid 0x1051911
index 513 pos (-16650.4,-803385,-9297.4) dir (-0,0,-1) pol (0,0,1) _t 1 _wavelength 550 _pmtid 0x1051912
index 514 pos (-15302.4,-802513,-9297.4) dir (-0,0,-1) pol (0,0,1) _t 1 _wavelength 550 _pmtid 0x1051913
index 515 pos (-16389.6,-800835,-9297.4) dir (-0,0,-1) pol (0,0,1) _t 1 _wavelength 550 _pmtid 0x1051914
index 516 pos (-16520,-802110,-9297.4) dir (-0,0,-1) pol (0,0,1) _t 1 _wavelength 550 _pmtid 0x1051915
The PMT 0x1051912 is in water shield on mid-line between ADs and underneath. The Looks like photon getting stuck on AD table ?
delta:~ blyth$ --target 0x1051912
sending [--target 0x1051912] to host:port delta.local:15006
In [8]: np.where(a.history & 1<<31)
Out[8]: (array([513]),)
In [9]: a.dump(513)
[[ -16650.424 -803385.25 -9610. 2.404]
[ nan nan nan 550. ]
[ 0. 0. 1. 1. ]
[ 0. 0. -0. 0. ]]
photonid: 513
history: 2147483713
pmtid: 0 --debugkernel --debugphoton 279 ## wrong one --debugphoton 513 # nope not handled --debugkernel --debugphoton 513 ## restart with correct one
mocknuwa-- MOCK ## sling the MOCK photons at it
2014-11-26 17:13:11,863 INFO env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daephotonspropagator:149 nwork 684 step 0 max_steps 30 nsteps 30
2014-11-26 17:13:11,863 INFO env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daephotonspropagator:157 prepared_call first_photon 0 photons_this_round 684 nsteps 30
2014-11-26 17:13:11,863 INFO env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daechromacontext:262 _get_rng_states
2014-11-26 17:13:11,863 INFO env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daechromacontext:226 setup_rng_states using seed 0
[ 1] 513 material_code 421004288 inner 25 outer 24 si 4 ri1 1.346476 ri2 1.000000 abs 15077.077148 sca 1000000.000000 rem 0.000000 ncdf 38 w0 60.000000 st 20.000000 cdf lo/up 0.000000 0.000000
FILL_STATE START [ 513] slot 1 steps 1 lht 1799018 tpos 1.000 -16650.42 -803385.25 -9297.40 w 550.00 dir -0.00 0.00 -1.00 pol 0.000 0.000 1.000
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 513] slot -1 steps 1 lht 1799018 tpos 2.404 -16650.42 -803385.25 -9610.00 w 550.00 dir -0.00 0.00 -1.00 pol 0.000 0.000 1.000
AT_SURFACE CONTINUE [ 513] slot -1 steps 1 lht 1799018 tpos 2.404 -16650.42 -803385.25 -9610.00 w 550.00 dir nan nan nan pol 0.000 0.000 1.000 REFLECT_SPECULAR
2014-11-26 17:13:12,577 INFO env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daephotonspropagator:185 launch sequence times [0.28745388793945315]
630 if (s.surface_index != -1)
631 {
632 // **propagate_at_surface** for default surface model
633 //
636 // #. REFLECT_DIFFUSE(CONTINUE) .direction .polarization
637 // #. REFLECT_SPECULAR(CONTINUE) .direction
638 // #. NO other option, so never PASS?
639 //
640 command = propagate_at_surface(p, s, rng, g, use_weights);
641 status = STATUS_AT_SURFACE ;
643 PDUMP( p, photon_id, status, steps, command, -1);
645 if (command == BREAK) break ;
646 if (command == CONTINUE) continue;
649 PDUMP_ALL( p, photon_id, status, steps, command, -1);
650 }
Problem is the AD table is horizontal and photon direction vertically down so arrives at normal incidence with incident_angle zero.
464 __device__ int
465 propagate_at_specular_reflector(Photon &p, State &s)
466 {
467 float incident_angle = get_theta(s.surface_normal, -p.direction);
468 float3 incident_plane_normal = cross(p.direction, s.surface_normal);
469 incident_plane_normal /= norm(incident_plane_normal);
471 p.direction = rotate(s.surface_normal, incident_angle, incident_plane_normal);
473 p.history |= REFLECT_SPECULAR;
476 #ifdef VBO_DEBUG
477 if( == 513 )
478 {
479 printf("id %d incident_angle %f %f %f %f \n",, incident_angle, s.surface_normal.x, s.surface_normal.y, s.surface_normal.z );
480 }
481 #endif
484 return CONTINUE;
485 } // propagate_at_specular_reflector
014-11-26 17:37:48,041 INFO env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daechromacontext:262 _get_rng_states
2014-11-26 17:37:48,042 INFO env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daechromacontext:226 setup_rng_states using seed 0
[ 1] 513 material_code 421004288 inner 25 outer 24 si 4 ri1 1.346476 ri2 1.000000 abs 15077.077148 sca 1000000.000000 rem 0.000000 ncdf 38 w0 60.000000 st 20.000000 cdf lo/up 0.000000 0.000000
FILL_STATE START [ 513] slot 1 steps 1 lht 1799018 tpos 1.000 -16650.42 -803385.25 -9297.40 w 550.00 dir -0.00 0.00 -1.00 pol 0.000 0.000 1.000
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 513] slot -1 steps 1 lht 1799018 tpos 2.404 -16650.42 -803385.25 -9610.00 w 550.00 dir -0.00 0.00 -1.00 pol 0.000 0.000 1.000
id 513 incident_angle 0.000000 0.000000 -0.000000 1.000000
AT_SURFACE CONTINUE [ 513] slot -1 steps 1 lht 1799018 tpos 2.404 -16650.42 -803385.25 -9610.00 w 550.00 dir nan nan nan pol 0.000 0.000 1.000 REFLECT_SPECULAR
2014-11-26 17:37:48,981 INFO env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daephotonspropagator:185 launch sequence times [0.46804925537109376]
2014-11-26 18:03:03,368 INFO env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daechromacontext:262 _get_rng_states
2014-11-26 18:03:03,368 INFO env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daechromacontext:226 setup_rng_states using seed 0
[ 1] 513 material_code 421004288 inner 25 outer 24 si 4 ri1 1.346476 ri2 1.000000 abs 15077.077148 sca 1000000.000000 rem 0.000000 ncdf 38 w0 60.000000 st 20.000000 cdf lo/up 0.000000 0.000000
FILL_STATE START [ 513] slot 1 steps 1 lht 1799018 tpos 1.000 -16650.42 -803385.25 -9297.40 w 550.00 dir -0.00 0.00 -1.00 pol 0.000 0.000 1.000
TO_BOUNDARY PASS [ 513] slot -1 steps 1 lht 1799018 tpos 2.404 -16650.42 -803385.25 -9610.00 w 550.00 dir -0.00 0.00 -1.00 pol 0.000 0.000 1.000
id 513 incident_angle 0.000000
id 513 s.surface_normal 0.000000 -0.000000 1.000000
id 513 p.direction -0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000
id 513 incident_plane_normal 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
id 513 norm(incident_plane_..) 0.000000
id 513 incident_plane_normal nan nan nan
id 513 p.direction nan nan nan
AT_SURFACE CONTINUE [ 513] slot -1 steps 1 lht 1799018 tpos 2.404 -16650.42 -803385.25 -9610.00 w 550.00 dir nan nan nan pol 0.000 0.000 1.000 REFLECT_SPECULAR
2014-11-26 18:03:04,376 INFO env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daephotonspropagator:185 launch sequence times [0.5438138427734375]
2014-11-26 18:03:04,382 WARNING env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daephotonsanalyzer:450 cannot write_propagated with event that has not been saved to file and subsequently loaded
2014-11-26 18:03:04,383 INFO env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daephotonsanalyzer:201 _last_index