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G4DAEView geometry cache

Without the geocache (but with bvh cache as normal) takes ~13 seconds to be ready to propagate:

delta:chroma blyth$
2014-11-27 17:19:10,541 INFO    env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.g4daechroma:62  ***** g4daechroma start
2014-11-27 17:19:22,980 INFO    env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daechromacontext:114 *** first GPU hit : done
2014-11-27 17:19:22,981 INFO    env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.g4daechroma:91  ***** post G4DAEChroma ctor
2014-11-27 17:19:22,981 INFO    env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.g4daechroma:44  start polling responder: DAEDirectResponder connect tcp://
2014-11-27 17:19:22,981 INFO    env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.g4daechroma:48  polling 0
2014-11-27 17:19:34,001 INFO    env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.g4daechroma:48  polling 10

With geocache g4daechroma (and bvh cache) is ready for propagating in under a second from launch:

delta:chroma blyth$ --geocache
2014-11-27 17:14:28,103 INFO    env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.g4daechroma:62  ***** post DAEDirectConfig.parse
2014-11-27 17:14:28,103 INFO    env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.g4daechroma:69  load chroma_geometry from /tmp/env/chroma_geometry
2014-11-27 17:14:28,701 INFO    env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.g4daechroma:91  ***** post G4DAEChroma ctor
2014-11-27 17:14:28,701 INFO    env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.g4daechroma:44  start polling responder: DAEDirectResponder connect tcp://
2014-11-27 17:14:28,701 INFO    env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.g4daechroma:48  polling 0
2014-11-27 17:14:39,726 INFO    env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.g4daechroma:48  polling 10

With geocache, getting reproducible digests:

delta:~ blyth$ MOCK

  "caller":   {
      "COLUMNS":  "htag:s,dphotons:s,dhits:s,dhitlist:s",
      "dhitlist": "3382b4abb870dc3c5215502bf5052448",
      "dhits":    "d520df2bfe622ccabaa3af843fc07d67",
      "dphotons": "65851b617842abf44939f206b942c7b7",
      "empty":    0,
      "htag": "aaMOCK"

But they are different from the non geocache digests:

"caller":   {
    "COLUMNS":  "htag:s,dphotons:s,dhits:s,dhitlist:s",
    "dhitlist": "7b7d251bac9528612a6f8aebc8a61f27",
    "dhits":    "5313b547ea381eadf14983c40855face",
    "dphotons": "65851b617842abf44939f206b942c7b7",
    "empty":    0,
    "htag": "hhMOCK"

Huh numerical diffs but they hit same PMTs:

1: a = ph("aaMOCK")
2: h = ph("hhMOCK")

In [36]: np.all(a.pmtid == h.pmtid)
Out[36]: DAEPhotonsNPL(True, dtype=bool)
In [39]: d = a - h

In [47]: z = np.zeros( (4,4), dtype=a.dtype )

In [51]: for i in range(len(d)):
   ....:     if not np.allclose(d[i],z):print i,d[i]
29 [[ 0.     0.     0.     0.   ]
 [ 0.802 -0.032  0.162  0.   ]
 [-1.289  1.471  0.141  0.   ]
 [ 0.     0.     0.     0.   ]]
54 [[-1122.146   742.875   132.865     6.074]
 [   -0.591     0.485    -0.837     0.   ]
 [   -0.249     0.758     0.394     0.   ]
 [    0.        0.        0.        0.   ]]
65 [[ 1231.623   353.375  2412.509     4.237]
 [   -1.186    -0.438    -0.325     0.   ]
 [   -0.489     1.203     0.        0.   ]
 [    0.        0.        0.        0.   ]]
In [53]: count = 0

In [54]: for i in range(len(d)):
   ....:     if not np.allclose(d[i],z):count+=1

In [55]: count
Out[55]: 120

In [56]: len(d)
Out[56]: 684

In [57]: 120./684.
Out[57]: 0.17543859649122806

Hmm the majority are identical, 17% are discrepant, all that hit PMTs are identical:

In [59]: a[a.pmtid > 0].shape
Out[59]: (72, 4, 4)

In [60]: h[h.pmtid > 0].shape
Out[60]: (72, 4, 4)

In [62]: np.all(a[a.pmtid > 0] == h[h.pmtid > 0])
Out[62]: DAEPhotonsNPL(True, dtype=bool)

Probably some surface or material index in the cache differs ? And all photons that interact with it go awry.

In [67]: len(np.where(a.history != h.history)[0])
Out[67]: 117

In [68]: len(np.where(a.history == h.history)[0])
Out[68]: 567
2014-11-27 17:56:26,147 INFO    env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.g4daechroma:79  ***** post make_chroma_geometry
2014-11-27 17:56:26,147 INFO    chroma.npycacheable :248 skip bvh type <class 'chroma.bvh.bvh.BVH'>  <chroma.bvh.bvh.BVH object at 0x11f186d50>
2014-11-27 17:56:26,147 INFO    chroma.npycacheable :110 save_list /tmp/env/chroma_geometry/chroma.detector:Detector:0x11aace190/charge_cdf len 2
2014-11-27 17:56:26,230 WARNING chroma.npycacheable :107 skip list/tuple thats too long 9068 /tmp/env/chroma_geometry/chroma.detector:Detector:0x11aace190/solid_displacements
2014-11-27 17:56:26,238 WARNING chroma.npycacheable :107 skip list/tuple thats too long 9068 /tmp/env/chroma_geometry/chroma.detector:Detector:0x11aace190/solid_rotations
2014-11-27 17:56:26,238 WARNING chroma.npycacheable :107 skip list/tuple thats too long 9068 /tmp/env/chroma_geometry/chroma.detector:Detector:0x11aace190/solids
2014-11-27 17:56:26,246 INFO    chroma.npycacheable :110 save_list /tmp/env/chroma_geometry/chroma.detector:Detector:0x11aace190/time_cdf len 2
2014-11-27 17:56:26,247 INFO    chroma.npycacheable :110 save_list /tmp/env/chroma_geometry/chroma.detector:Detector:0x11aace190/unique_materials len 29
2014-11-27 17:56:26,270 INFO    chroma.npycacheable :110 save_list /tmp/env/chroma_geometry/chroma.detector:Detector:0x11aace190/unique_surfaces len 31
2014-11-27 17:56:26,270 WARNING chroma.npycacheable :119 skipping sequence element 0 None
In [2]: chroma_geometry.unique_surfaces
 <Surface __dd__Geometry__AdDetails__AdSurfacesAll__RSOilSurface>,
 <Surface __dd__Geometry__AdDetails__AdSurfacesAll__AdCableTraySurface>,
 <Surface __dd__Geometry__PoolDetails__PoolSurfacesAll__LegInIWSTubSurface>,

Hope its that None:

114         for i in range(len(geometry.unique_surfaces)):
115             surface = geometry.unique_surfaces[i]
117             if surface is None:
118                 # need something to copy to the surface array struct
119                 # that is the same size as a 64-bit pointer.
120                 # this pointer will never be used by the simulation.
121                 self.surface_ptrs.append(np.uint64(0))
122                 continue

Yep, with geocache after fixing the persisting of the None surface are back to identical results:

"caller":   {
    "COLUMNS":  "htag:s,dphotons:s,dhits:s,dhitlist:s",
    "dhitlist": "7b7d251bac9528612a6f8aebc8a61f27",
    "dhits":    "5313b547ea381eadf14983c40855face",
    "dphotons": "65851b617842abf44939f206b942c7b7",
    "empty":    0,
    "htag": "bbMOCK"

"caller":   {
    "COLUMNS":  "htag:s,dphotons:s,dhits:s,dhitlist:s",
    "dhitlist": "7b7d251bac9528612a6f8aebc8a61f27",
    "dhits":    "5313b547ea381eadf14983c40855face",
    "dphotons": "65851b617842abf44939f206b942c7b7",
    "empty":    0,
    "htag": "ccMOCK"

Unwanted Geant4 import coming in with some chroma import with g4daechroma?:

/usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Geant4/__init__.pyc in _run_abort(signum, frame)
    240     gRunManager.AbortRun(True)
    241   else:
--> 242     raise KeyboardInterrupt
    244 if (threading.activeCount() == 1):

Trying with have diverged again:

"caller":   {
    "COLUMNS":  "htag:s,dphotons:s,dhits:s,dhitlist:s",
    "dhitlist": "1af89ad33e6eaeba73da0ba62f19214f",
    "dhits":    "34b666d4225350ae22e1643ce94278fe",
    "dphotons": "65851b617842abf44939f206b942c7b7",
    "empty":    0,
    "htag": "ddMOCK"

Hmm here g4daeview without the geocache, get a match to with geocache:

"caller":   {
    "COLUMNS":  "htag:s,dphotons:s,dhits:s,dhitlist:s",
    "dhitlist": "1af89ad33e6eaeba73da0ba62f19214f",
    "dhits":    "34b666d4225350ae22e1643ce94278fe",
    "dphotons": "65851b617842abf44939f206b942c7b7",
    "empty":    0,
    "htag": "ffMOCK"
In [86]: np.all(c == h)
Out[86]: DAEPhotonsNPL(True, dtype=bool)

b = ph("ddMOCK")

In [80]: b[b.pmtid>0].shape
Out[80]: (76, 4, 4)

In [81]: a[a.pmtid>0].shape
Out[81]: (72, 4, 4)

Most all are different:

In [92]: count = 0

In [93]: for i in range(len(d)):
   ....:     if not np.allclose(d[i],z):count+=1

In [94]: count
Out[94]: 681

With a fresh updated cache:

delta:chroma blyth$ --geocacheupdate

"caller":   {
    "COLUMNS":  "htag:s,dphotons:s,dhits:s,dhitlist:s",
    "dhitlist": "7b7d251bac9528612a6f8aebc8a61f27",
    "dhits":    "5313b547ea381eadf14983c40855face",
    "dphotons": "65851b617842abf44939f206b942c7b7",
    "empty":    0,
    "htag": "gdcMOCK"

Operating from that cache get agreement:

delta:chroma blyth$ --geocache

"caller":   {
    "COLUMNS":  "htag:s,dphotons:s,dhits:s,dhitlist:s",
    "dhitlist": "7b7d251bac9528612a6f8aebc8a61f27",
    "dhits":    "5313b547ea381eadf14983c40855face",
    "dphotons": "65851b617842abf44939f206b942c7b7",
    "empty":    0,
    "htag": "gdccMOCK"

Running off that cache:

delta:chroma blyth$ --geocache

Get a bookmark related need for solids:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/blyth/env/bin/", line 4, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/geant4/geometry/collada/g4daeview/", line 352, in main
    scene = DAEScene(geometry, chroma_geometry, config )
  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/geant4/geometry/collada/g4daeview/", line 74, in __init__
    self.bookmarks = DAEBookmarks(config, geometry )
  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/geant4/geometry/collada/g4daeview/", line 42, in __init__
    self.load(ipath, geometry)
  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/geant4/geometry/collada/g4daeview/", line 176, in load
    view = DAEViewpoint.fromini( cfg, geometry )
  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/geant4/geometry/collada/g4daeview/", line 347, in fromini
    solid = geometry.find_solid_by_index(v)
  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/geant4/geometry/collada/g4daeview/", line 390, in find_solid_by_index
    selection = filter(lambda _:str(_.index) == index, self.solids)
AttributeError: 'DAEGeometry' object has no attribute 'solids'

After avoiding that succeed to launch in about a second:

delta:chroma blyth$ --geocache

But still mismatched:

"caller":   {
    "COLUMNS":  "htag:s,dphotons:s,dhits:s,dhitlist:s",
    "dhitlist": "1af89ad33e6eaeba73da0ba62f19214f",
    "dhits":    "34b666d4225350ae22e1643ce94278fe",
    "dphotons": "65851b617842abf44939f206b942c7b7",
    "empty":    0,
    "htag": "gdvMOCK"
v = ph("gdvMOCK")
c = ph("gdcMOCK")

In [17]: z = np.zeros((4,4), dtype=c.dtype)

In [18]: cmv = c - v

In [19]: count = 0

In [20]: for i in range(len(cmv)):
   ....:     if not np.allclose(cmv[i],z):count += 1

In [21]: count
Out[21]: 681

In [22]: len(cmv)
Out[22]: 684

Hmm only first last and middle agree, thats suspicious:

In [27]: for i in range(len(cmv)):
   ....:     if np.allclose(cmv[i],z):print i
In [28]: 684/2
Out[28]: 342
n [36]: c[0,3].view(np.int32)
Out[36]: DAEPhotonsNPL([0, 0, 2, 0], dtype=int32)

In [37]: c[341,3].view(np.int32)
Out[37]: DAEPhotonsNPL([     341,        0,        4, 16909842], dtype=int32)

In [38]: c[683,3].view(np.int32)
Out[38]: DAEPhotonsNPL([683,   0,  64,   0], dtype=int32)

Fixed Problem was the time sorting again

  • need to reduce duplication between g4daeview and g4daechroma some more to avoid such issues
(chroma_env)delta:g4daeview blyth$ --geocache

"caller":   {
    "COLUMNS":  "htag:s,dphotons:s,dhits:s,dhitlist:s",
    "dhitlist": "1af89ad33e6eaeba73da0ba62f19214f",
    "dhits":    "34b666d4225350ae22e1643ce94278fe",
    "dphotons": "65851b617842abf44939f206b942c7b7",
    "empty":    0,
    "htag": "gdcMOCK"

"caller":   {
    "COLUMNS":  "htag:s,dphotons:s,dhits:s,dhitlist:s",
    "dhitlist": "1af89ad33e6eaeba73da0ba62f19214f",
    "dhits":    "34b666d4225350ae22e1643ce94278fe",
    "dphotons": "65851b617842abf44939f206b942c7b7",
    "empty":    0,
    "htag": "gdcnocacheMOCK"
(chroma_env)delta:g4daeview blyth$ --geocache

"caller":   {
    "COLUMNS":  "htag:s,dphotons:s,dhits:s,dhitlist:s",
    "dhitlist": "1af89ad33e6eaeba73da0ba62f19214f",
    "dhits":    "34b666d4225350ae22e1643ce94278fe",
    "dphotons": "65851b617842abf44939f206b942c7b7",
    "empty":    0,
    "htag": "gdvMOCK"

"caller":   {
    "COLUMNS":  "htag:s,dphotons:s,dhits:s,dhitlist:s",
    "dhitlist": "1af89ad33e6eaeba73da0ba62f19214f",
    "dhits":    "34b666d4225350ae22e1643ce94278fe",
    "dphotons": "65851b617842abf44939f206b942c7b7",
    "empty":    0,
    "htag": "gdvnocacheMOCK"