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G4DAECHROMA transport testing

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G4DAEChroma.cpp : ZMQResponder, CUDA kernel call

G4DAEChroma Memory Leak

Executive Summary

Initial concerns over large VSIZE appear unfounded, just the way OSX does its totting up. Question remains: why is CPU usage so high ? The GPU should be doing the work, CPU just doing copies and marshalling ?

Initial Observation of 30G VSIZE

Running a mocknuwa scan matrix of 16(configs)x48(batches) reveals the python propagating process to balloon in VSIZE shown by top. Got to 30G and the machine became sluggish before interrupting it at config 11.

   MockNuWa 1:49 1:17

Not ballooning to 30G

VSIZE is steady at 30G, and starts there even before doing any propagations.

Doing an activity monitor sample gives a hint of how it gets to 30G. All the dependencies of chroma, even although they are not being used are presumably contributing to the 30G.

  • pygame
  • opengl
  • geant4
  • avoiding kitchen sink gets to 30.75 G by avoiding unused dependencies like pygame and geant4


28G listed under VM_ALLOCATE

(chroma_env)delta:~ blyth$ pgrep python
(chroma_env)delta:~ blyth$ vmmap 45624
Virtual Memory Map of process 45624 (python)
Output report format:  2.2  -- 64-bit process

==== Non-writable regions for process 45624
__TEXT                 0000000105b60000-0000000105b62000 [    8K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /usr/local/env/chroma_env/bin/python
__LINKEDIT             0000000105b63000-0000000105b64000 [    4K] r--/rwx SM=COW  /usr/local/env/chroma_env/bin/python


__LINKEDIT             0000000117408000-000000011740b000 [   12K] r--/rwx SM=COW  /usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pycuda/
STACK GUARD            000000011f216000-000000011f217000 [    4K] ---/rwx SM=NUL  stack guard for thread 2
STACK GUARD            000000011f299000-000000011f29a000 [    4K] ---/rwx SM=NUL  stack guard for thread 3
VM_ALLOCATE            0000000200000000-0000000900000000 [ 28.0G] ---/rwx SM=NUL
STACK GUARD            00007fff560a0000-00007fff598a0000 [ 56.0M] ---/rwx SM=NUL  stack guard for thread 0
__TEXT                 00007fff65ccf000-00007fff65d03000 [  208K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /usr/lib/dyld
__LINKEDIT             00007fff65d42000-00007fff65d56000 [   80K] r--/rwx SM=COW  /usr/lib/dyld
__TEXT                 00007fff87ef7000-00007fff87f09000 [   72K] r-x/r-x SM=COW  /usr/lib/libz.1.2.5.dylib

==== Summary for process 45624
ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=146.2M resident=59.2M(40%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=87.1M(60%)
Writable regions: Total=404.6M written=108.9M(27%) resident=361.6M(89%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=43.0M(11%)

REGION TYPE                      VIRTUAL
===========                      =======
IOKit                             109.2M
IOKit (reserved)                      8K        reserved VM address space (unallocated)
Kernel Alloc Once                     4K
MALLOC                            194.8M        see MALLOC ZONE table below
MALLOC (admin)                       44K
MALLOC freed, no zone              13.9M
MALLOC_LARGE                       70.7M
STACK GUARD                        56.0M
Stack                              9752K
VM_ALLOCATE                        28.0G
__DATA                             31.3M
__LINKEDIT                         71.7M
__NV_CUDA                          6504K
__TEXT                             74.5M
__UNICODE                           544K
shared memory                         4K
===========                      =======
TOTAL                              28.6G
TOTAL, minus reserved VM space     28.6G

vmmap -resident

(chroma_env)delta:~ blyth$ vmmap -resident 45624
Virtual Memory Map of process 45624 (python)
Output report format:  2.2  -- 64-bit process

==== Non-writable regions for process 45624
__TEXT                 0000000105b60000-0000000105b62000 [    8K     8K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /usr/local/env/chroma_env/bin/python
__LINKEDIT             0000000105b63000-0000000105b64000 [    4K     4K] r--/rwx SM=COW  /usr/local/env/chroma_env/bin/python

__TEXT                 0000000117402000-0000000117406000 [   16K    16K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pycuda/
__LINKEDIT             0000000117408000-000000011740b000 [   12K    12K] r--/rwx SM=COW  /usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pycuda/
STACK GUARD            000000011f216000-000000011f217000 [    4K     0K] ---/rwx SM=NUL  stack guard for thread 2
STACK GUARD            000000011f299000-000000011f29a000 [    4K     0K] ---/rwx SM=NUL  stack guard for thread 3
VM_ALLOCATE            0000000200000000-0000000900000000 [ 28.0G     0K] ---/rwx SM=NUL
STACK GUARD            00007fff560a0000-00007fff598a0000 [ 56.0M     0K] ---/rwx SM=NUL  stack guard for thread 0
__TEXT                 00007fff65ccf000-00007fff65d03000 [  208K   208K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /usr/lib/dyld
__LINKEDIT             00007fff65d42000-00007fff65d56000 [   80K    80K] r--/rwx SM=COW  /usr/lib/dyld

==== Legend
SM=sharing mode:
    COW=copy_on_write PRV=private NUL=empty ALI=aliased
    SHM=shared ZER=zero_filled S/A=shared_alias

==== Summary for process 45624
ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=146.2M resident=59.2M(40%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=87.1M(60%)
Writable regions: Total=414.6M written=108.9M(26%) resident=361.7M(87%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=53.0M(13%)

===========                      ======= ========
IOKit                             109.2M   109.2M
IOKit (reserved)                      8K       0K        reserved VM address space (unallocated)
Kernel Alloc Once                     4K       4K
MALLOC                            204.8M   166.6M        see MALLOC ZONE table below
MALLOC (admin)                       44K      12K
MALLOC freed, no zone              13.9M    13.9M
MALLOC_LARGE                       70.7M    70.7M
STACK GUARD                        56.0M       0K
Stack                              9752K     112K
VM_ALLOCATE                        28.0G      12K
__DATA                             31.3M    6116K
__LINKEDIT                         71.7M    18.3M
__NV_CUDA                          6504K       8K
__TEXT                             74.5M    40.9M
__UNICODE                           544K     544K
shared memory                         4K       4K
===========                      ======= ========
TOTAL                              28.6G   426.2M
TOTAL, minus reserved VM space     28.6G   426.2M

                                 VIRTUAL   RESIDENT ALLOCATION      BYTES
MALLOC ZONE                         SIZE       SIZE      COUNT  ALLOCATED  % FULL
===========                      =======  =========  =========  =========  ======
DefaultMallocZone_0x105b64000     204.4M     166.5M      23534     166.1M     81%
GFXMallocZone_0x1093a9000             0K         0K          0         0K
===========                      =======  =========  =========  =========  ======
TOTAL                             204.4M     166.5M      23534     166.1M     81%