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Visualizing GenSteps

G4DAEChroma CUDA tune

Small Problem Size

For small problem size there is clear pattern of improving performance as increase threads_per_block from too small 32 out to 256 (about half the work size) where a minimum is reached. Beyond the minimum there is only a very slight degradation as increase further.

Does that mean having two active blocks is the most efficient config ?

In [2]: scatter("select threads_per_block,tottime from log, ctrl on log.ctrl_id = where>307;")

sqlite> select batch.nwork, threads_per_block,tottime from log, ctrl, batch  on log.ctrl_id = and log.batch_id = where>307;
nwork       threads_per_block  tottime
----------  -----------------  ----------
445         32                 0.105339
445         64                 0.069023
445         96                 0.066592
445         128                0.059896
445         160                0.052635
445         192                0.049819
445         224                0.046049
445         256                0.045372
445         288                0.045148
445         320                0.045277
445         352                0.045376
445         384                0.045921
445         416                0.045918
445         448                0.045956
445         480                0.045953
445         512                0.045972

Large problem size

Seems pretty much flat across threads_per_block from 32 to 512. Attempts to push beyond 512 cause crashes.

sqlite> select batch.nwork, threads_per_block,tottime from log, ctrl, batch  on log.ctrl_id = and log.batch_id = where batch.nwork > 3200  ;
nwork       threads_per_block  tottime
----------  -----------------  ----------
4585        64                 0.359394
4585        128                0.351535
4585        192                0.369758
4585        256                0.371362
4585        320                0.376655
4585        384                0.377518
4585        448                0.378556
4585        512                0.384698

3201        64                 0.227585
3201        128                0.220926
3201        192                0.224383
3201        256                0.228088
3201        320                0.221011
3201        384                0.279568
3201        448                0.222894
3201        512                0.226172

Variation of time with workload

Time per 1000 work items is slightly increasing as increase workload, and would correspond to 80s for 1M : that cannot be correct. Perhaps as are in straggler mode, with small workloads so far.

sqlite> select batch.nwork, threads_per_block,tottime, tottime/batch.nwork*1000 from log, ctrl, batch  on log.ctrl_id = and log.batch_id = where batch.nwork > 100 and threads_per_block = 256 order by batch.nwork  ;
nwork       threads_per_block  tottime     tottime/batch.nwork*1000
----------  -----------------  ----------  ------------------------
233         256                0.064202    0.275545064377682
445         256                0.045276    0.101743820224719
445         256                0.045372    0.101959550561798
1869        256                0.143624    0.0768453718566078
1888        256                0.141632    0.0750169491525424
2025        256                0.124308    0.0613866666666667
2053        256                0.132408    0.0644948855333658
2053        256                0.132172    0.0643799318071115
2463        256                0.173663    0.0705087291920422
2553        256                0.259664    0.101709361535448
2779        256                0.208306    0.0749571788413098
2979        256                0.247615    0.0831201745552199
3095        256                0.268925    0.0868901453957997
3095        256                0.269127    0.0869554119547657
3159        256                0.241424    0.0764241848686293
3201        256                0.228088    0.0712552327397688
4585        256                0.371362    0.0809949836423119

Larger than 512 ?

768 and 1024 are giving error in upload_queues:

  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/geant4/geometry/collada/g4daeview/", line 61, in propagate
  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/src/chroma/chroma/gpu/", line 234, in propagate_hit
    self.upload_queues( nwork )
  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/src/chroma/chroma/gpu/", line 175, in upload_queues
    self.input_queue_gpu = ga.to_gpu(input_queue)
  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pycuda/", line 865, in to_gpu
    result = GPUArray(ary.shape, ary.dtype, allocator, strides=ary.strides)
  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pycuda/", line 187, in __init__
    self.gpudata = self.allocator(self.size * self.dtype.itemsize)
pycuda._driver.LaunchError: cuMemAlloc failed: launch timeout
_finish_up : cuda cleanup
PyCUDA WARNING: a clean-up operation failed (dead context maybe?)
cuModuleUnload failed: launch timeout

Straggler Mode

For higher workloads chroma does single stepping with multiple kernel launches. The small workloads have been checking with so far fit into small remainder stragglers and are all done in a single launch.

239         small_remainder = nthreads_per_block * 16 * 8
240         block=(nthreads_per_block,1,1)
242         results = {}
243         results['name'] = "propagate_hit"
244         results['nphotons'] = nphotons
245         results['nwork'] = nwork
246         results['nsmall'] = small_remainder
247         results['COLUMNS'] = "name:s,nphotons:i,nwork:i,nsmall:i"
255         while step < max_steps:
256             npass += 1
257             if nwork < small_remainder or use_weights:
258                 nsteps = max_steps - step
259                 log.debug("increase nsteps for stragglers: small_remainder %s nwork %s nsteps %s max_steps %s " % (small_remainder, nwork, nsteps, max_steps))
260             else:
261                 nsteps = 1 # Just finish the rest of the steps if the # of photons is low
262             pass
263   "nwork %s step %s max_steps %s nsteps %s " % (nwork, step,max_steps, nsteps) )
265             abort = False
266             for first_photon, photons_this_round, blocks in chunk_iterator(nwork, nthreads_per_block, max_blocks):
267                 if abort:
268                     nabort += 1
269                 else:
270                     grid = (blocks, 1)
271                     args = (
272                         np.int32(first_photon),
273                         np.int32(photons_this_round),
274                         self.input_queue_gpu[1:].gpudata,

Propagate Queues

  1. propagation of first_photon + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x ie the launch set starting at first_photon
120 __global__ void
121 propagate_hit(
122       int first_photon,
123       int nthreads,
124       unsigned int *input_queue,
125       unsigned int *output_queue,
126       curandState *rng_states,
127       float3 *positions,
128       float3 *directions,
129       float *wavelengths,
130       float3 *polarizations,
131       float *times,
132       unsigned int *histories,
133       int *last_hit_triangles,
134       float *weights,
135       int max_steps,
136       int use_weights,
137       int scatter_first,
138       Geometry *g,
139       int* solid_map,
140       int* solid_id_to_channel_id )
141 {
142     __shared__ Geometry sg;
144     if (threadIdx.x == 0)
145     sg = *g;
147     __syncthreads();
149     int id = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
151     if (id >= nthreads)
152     return;
154     g = &sg;
156     curandState rng = rng_states[id];
158     int photon_id = input_queue[first_photon + id];
160     Photon p;
161     p.position = positions[photon_id];


230     // Not done, put photon in output queue
231     if ((p.history & (NO_HIT | BULK_ABSORB | SURFACE_DETECT | SURFACE_ABSORB | NAN_ABORT)) == 0)
232     {
233         int out_idx = atomicAdd(output_queue, 1);  // atomic add 1 to slot zero value, returns non-incremented original value, pulling a queue ticket
234         output_queue[out_idx] = photon_id;
235     }