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Memory CorruptionΒΆ

Running with

keep going even in encountering corruption, in order to establish context
write malloc debug output to stderr rather than devtty

Implicates VRML scenehandler creation.:

779 GiGaRunActionGDML::BeginOfRunAction i 0 c V
780 GiGaRunActionGDML::WriteVis vis open
781 /vis/sceneHandler/create VRML2FILE
782 G4VisManager::SetCurrentGraphicsSystem: system now VRML2FILE
783 Graphics system set to VRML2FILE
784 New scene handler "scene-handler-0" created.
785 *** glibc detected *** python: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0f5f63f8 ***
786 /vis/viewer/create ! ! 600
787 *** glibc detected *** python: malloc: top chunk is corrupt: 0x0f5f63f0 ***
788 G4VisManager::CreateViewer: new viewer created.
789  view parameters are:
790   View parameters and options:
791   Drawing style: wireframe

1886 G4GDML: Writing '/data1/env/local/env/geant4/geometry/gdml/VDGVDGX_20131204-1252/g4_00.gdml' done !
1887 GiGaRunActionGDML::BeginOfRunAction i 3 c V
1888 GiGaRunActionGDML::WriteVis vis open
1889 /vis/sceneHandler/create VRML2FILE
1890 G4VisManager::SetCurrentGraphicsSystem: system now VRML2FILE
1891 Graphics system set to VRML2FILE
1892 New scene handler "scene-handler-1" created.
1893 /vis/sceneHandler/attach
1894 *** glibc detected *** python: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0f608c80 ***
1895 Scene "scene-0" attached to scene handler "scene-handler-1.
1896   (You may have to refresh with "/vis/viewer/flush" if view is not "auto-refresh".)
1897 *** glibc detected *** python: double free or corruption (out): 0x0fe3c1a8 ***
1898 *** glibc detected *** python: malloc: top chunk is corrupt: 0x0f608c78 ***
1899 /vis/viewer/create ! ! 600
1900 G4VisManager::CreateViewer: new viewer created.
1901  view parameters are:
1902   View parameters and options:
1903   Drawing style: wireframe
1904   Auxiliary edges: invisible
  1. Exporting DAE only D shows no corruption.

  2. With VRML alone V get the corruption:

    779 GiGaRunActionGDML::BeginOfRunAction i 0 c V
    780 GiGaRunActionGDML::WriteVis vis open
    781 /vis/sceneHandler/create VRML2FILE
    782 G4VisManager::SetCurrentGraphicsSystem: system now VRML2FILE
    783 Graphics system set to VRML2FILE
    784 *** glibc detected *** python: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0e3f22b8 ***
    785 New scene handler "scene-handler-0" created.
    786 /vis/viewer/create ! ! 600
    787 G4VisManager::CreateViewer: new viewer created.
    788  view parameters are: