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Geant4 Hits

What passes HCE to Initialize and EndOfEvent ?


213 void G4SDStructure::Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*HCE)
214 {
215   size_t i;
216   // Broadcast to subdirectories.
217   for( i=0; i<structure.size(); i++ )
218   {
219     structure[i]->Initialize(HCE);
220   }
221   // Initialize all detectors in this directory.
222   for( i=0; i<detector.size(); i++ )
223   {
224     if(detector[i]->isActive()) detector[i]->Initialize(HCE);
225   }
226 }
43 //  This class is exclusively used by G4SDManager for handling the tree
44 // structure of the user's sensitive detector names.
45 //
47 class G4SDStructure
48 {
49   public:
50       G4SDStructure(G4String aPath);
51       ~G4SDStructure();
53       G4int operator==(const G4SDStructure &right) const;
55       void AddNewDetector(G4VSensitiveDetector*aSD, G4String treeStructure);
56       void Activate(G4String aName, G4bool sensitiveFlag);
57       void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*HCE);
58       void Terminate(G4HCofThisEvent*HCE);
59       G4VSensitiveDetector* FindSensitiveDetector(G4String aName, G4bool warning = true);
60       G4VSensitiveDetector* GetSD(G4String aName);
61       void ListTree();
63   private:
64       G4SDStructure* FindSubDirectory(G4String subD);
65       G4String ExtractDirName(G4String aPath);
66       void RemoveSD(G4VSensitiveDetector*);
68   private:
69       std::vector<G4SDStructure*> structure;
70       std::vector<G4VSensitiveDetector*> detector;
71       G4String pathName;
72       G4String dirName;
73       G4int verboseLevel;


[blyth@belle7 src]$ svn cp ../../DetSim/src/
[blyth@belle7 src]$ svn cp ../../DetSim/src/DsPmtSensDet.h DsChromaPmtSensDet.h
A         DsChromaPmtSensDet.h


.50 class G4VSensitiveDetector
 51 {

 68   public: // with description
 69       virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
 70       virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
 71       //  These two methods are invoked at the begining and at the end of each
 72       // event. The hits collection(s) created by this sensitive detector must
 73       // be set to the G4HCofThisEvent object at one of these two methods.

 84   protected: // with description

 85       virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*aStep,G4TouchableHistory*ROhist) = 0;
 86       //  The user MUST implement this method for generating hit(s) using the
 87       // information of G4Step object. Note that the volume and the position
 88       // information is kept in PreStepPoint of G4Step.
 89       //  Be aware that this method is a protected method and it sill be invoked
 90       // by Hit() method of Base class after Readout geometry associated to the
 91       // sensitive detector is handled.
 92       //  "ROhist" will be given only is a Readout geometry is defined to this
 93       // sensitive detector. The G4TouchableHistory object of the tracking geometry
 94       // is stored in the PreStepPoint object of G4Step.

 95       virtual G4int GetCollectionID(G4int i);
 96       //  This is a utility method which returns the hits collection ID of the
 97       // "i"-th collection. "i" is the order (starting with zero) of the collection
 98       // whose name is stored to the collectionName protected vector.

 99       G4CollectionNameVector collectionName;
100       //  This protected name vector must be filled at the constructor of the user's
101       // concrete class for registering the name(s) of hits collection(s) being
102       // created by this particular sensitive detector.
104   protected:
105       G4String SensitiveDetectorName; // detector name
106       G4String thePathName;           // directory path
107       G4String fullPathName;          // path + detector name
108       G4int verboseLevel;
109       G4bool active;
110       G4VReadOutGeometry * ROgeometry;
111       G4VSDFilter* filter;
113   public: // with description

114       inline G4bool Hit(G4Step*aStep)
115       {
116         G4TouchableHistory* ROhis = 0;
117         if(!isActive()) return false;
118         if(filter)
119         { if(!(filter->Accept(aStep))) return false; }
120         if(ROgeometry)
121         { if(!(ROgeometry->CheckROVolume(aStep,ROhis))) return false; }
122         return ProcessHits(aStep,ROhis);
123       }
124       //  This is the public method invoked by G4SteppingManager for generating
125       // hit(s). The actual user's implementation for generating hit(s) must be
126       // implemented in GenerateHits() virtual protected method. This method
127       // MUST NOT be overrided.




43 //  This is a singleton class which manages the sensitive detectors.
44 // The user cannot access to the constructor. The pointer of the
45 // only existing object can be got via G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()
46 // static method. The first invokation of this static method makes
47 // the singleton object.
48 //
50 class G4SDManager
51 {
52   public: // with description
53       static G4SDManager* GetSDMpointer();
54       // Returns the pointer to the singleton object.

64   public: // with description
65       void AddNewDetector(G4VSensitiveDetector*aSD);
66       //  Registors the user's sensitive detector. This method must be invoked
67       // when the user construct his/her sensitive detector.
68       void Activate(G4String dName, G4bool activeFlag);
69       //  Activate/inactivate the registered sensitive detector. For the inactivated
70       // detectors, hits collections will not be stored to the G4HCofThisEvent object.
71       G4int GetCollectionID(G4String colName);
72       G4int GetCollectionID(G4VHitsCollection * aHC);
73       //  These two methods return the ID number of the sensitive detector.
75   public:
76       G4VSensitiveDetector* FindSensitiveDetector(G4String dName, G4bool warning = true);
77       G4HCofThisEvent* PrepareNewEvent();
78       void TerminateCurrentEvent(G4HCofThisEvent* HCE);
79       void AddNewCollection(G4String SDname,G4String DCname);
82   private:
83       static G4ThreadLocal G4SDManager * fSDManager;
84       G4SDStructure * treeTop;
85       G4int verboseLevel;
86       G4HCtable* HCtable;
87       G4SDmessenger* theMessenger;


To get hit from G4OpBoundaryProcess DoAbsorption needs to be called and the rm

 165 G4VParticleChange*
 166 G4OpBoundaryProcess::PostStepDoIt(const G4Track& aTrack, const G4Step& aStep)
 167 {
 540         if ( theStatus == Detection ) InvokeSD(pStep);
 542         return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(aTrack, aStep);
 543 }

1344 G4bool G4OpBoundaryProcess::InvokeSD(const G4Step* pStep)
1345 {
1346   G4Step aStep = *pStep;
1348   aStep.AddTotalEnergyDeposit(thePhotonMomentum);
1350   G4VSensitiveDetector* sd = aStep.GetPostStepPoint()->GetSensitiveDetector();
1351   if (sd) return sd->Hit(&aStep);
1352   else return false;
1353 }

306 inline
307 void G4OpBoundaryProcess::DoAbsorption()
308 {
309               theStatus = Absorption;
311               if ( G4BooleanRand(theEfficiency) ) {
///                   need  u < theEfficiency
313                  // EnergyDeposited =/= 0 means: photon has been detected
314                  theStatus = Detection;
315                  aParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(thePhotonMomentum);
316               }
317               else {
318                  aParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(0.0);
319               }
321               NewMomentum = OldMomentum;
322               NewPolarization = OldPolarization;
324 //              aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(0.0);
325               aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);
326 }

Huh seems like DoAbsorption never getting called as theReflectivity is defaulting to 1.0 and theTransmittance to 0.0:

483         else if (type == dielectric_dielectric) {
485           if ( theFinish == polishedbackpainted ||
486                theFinish == groundbackpainted ) {
487              DielectricDielectric();
488           }
489           else {
490              G4double rand = G4UniformRand();
491              if ( rand > theReflectivity ) {
492                 if (rand > theReflectivity + theTransmittance) {
493                    DoAbsorption();
494                 } else {
495                    theStatus = Transmission;
496                    NewMomentum = OldMomentum;
497                    NewPolarization = OldPolarization;
498                 }
499              }