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Geant4 StackingAction

Geant4 EventManager


099 void G4EventManager::DoProcessing(G4Event* anEvent)
100 {
122   G4ThreeVector center(0,0,0);
123   G4Navigator* navigator =
124       G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetNavigatorForTracking();
125   navigator->LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(center,0,false);
127   G4Track * track;
128   G4TrackStatus istop;
139   trackContainer->PrepareNewEvent();
///   G4StackManager  userStackAction PrepareNewEvent called in turn
145   sdManager = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointerIfExist();
///   G4SDManager
146   if(sdManager)
147   { currentEvent->SetHCofThisEvent(sdManager->PrepareNewEvent()); }
149   if(userEventAction) userEventAction->BeginOfEventAction(currentEvent);
159   if(!abortRequested)
160   { StackTracks( transformer->GimmePrimaries( currentEvent, trackIDCounter ),true ); }
///        StackTracks pushes each primary onto G4StackManager with  trackContainer->PushOneTrack
///        at which point the user stacking action gets to Classify the track which directs which stack
///        the track is placed on
171   G4VTrajectory* previousTrajectory;
172   while( ( track = trackContainer->PopNextTrack(&previousTrajectory) ) != 0 )
173   {
184     tracking = true;
185     trackManager->ProcessOneTrack( track );
///     G4TrackingManager::ProcessOneTrack .... ALMOST 98% OF TIME IS SPENT IN THERE
186     istop = track->GetTrackStatus();
187     tracking = false;
198     G4VTrajectory * aTrajectory = 0;
217     G4TrackVector * secondaries = trackManager->GimmeSecondaries();
218     switch (istop)
219     {
220       case fStopButAlive:
221       case fSuspend:
222         trackContainer->PushOneTrack( track, aTrajectory );
223         StackTracks( secondaries );
///         pushing secondary tracks onto stack
224         break;
226       case fPostponeToNextEvent:
227         trackContainer->PushOneTrack( track );
228         StackTracks( secondaries );
229         break;
231       case fStopAndKill:
232         StackTracks( secondaries );
233         delete track;
234         break;
236       case fAlive:
237         G4cout << "Illeagal TrackStatus returned from G4TrackingManager!"
238              << G4endl;
239       case fKillTrackAndSecondaries:
240         //if( secondaries ) secondaries->clearAndDestroy();
241         if( secondaries )
242         {
243           for(size_t i=0;i<secondaries->size();i++)
244           { delete (*secondaries)[i]; }
245           secondaries->clear();
246         }
247         delete track;
248         break;
249     }
250   }
260   if(sdManager)
261   { sdManager->TerminateCurrentEvent(currentEvent->GetHCofThisEvent()); }
263   if(userEventAction) userEventAction->EndOfEventAction(currentEvent);
265   stateManager->SetNewState(G4State_GeomClosed);
266   currentEvent = 0;
267   abortRequested = false;
268 }


270 void G4EventManager::StackTracks(G4TrackVector *trackVector,G4bool IDhasAlreadySet)
271 {
272   G4Track * newTrack;
274   if( trackVector )
275   {
277     size_t n_passedTrack = trackVector->size();
278     if( n_passedTrack == 0 ) return;
279     for( size_t i = 0; i < n_passedTrack; i++ )
280     {
281       newTrack = (*trackVector)[ i ];
282       trackIDCounter++;
283       if(!IDhasAlreadySet)
284       {
285         newTrack->SetTrackID( trackIDCounter );
286         if(newTrack->GetDynamicParticle()->GetPrimaryParticle())
287         {
288           G4PrimaryParticle* pp
289             = (G4PrimaryParticle*)(newTrack->GetDynamicParticle()->GetPrimaryParticle());
290           pp->SetTrackID(trackIDCounter);
291         }
292       }
293       newTrack->SetOriginTouchableHandle(newTrack->GetTouchableHandle());
294       trackContainer->PushOneTrack( newTrack );
304     }
305     trackVector->clear();
306   }
307 }


54 // class description:
55 //
56 //  G4EventManager controls an event. This class must be a singleton
57 //      and should be constructed by G4RunManager.
58 //
60 class G4EventManager
61 {
77   public: // with description
78       void ProcessOneEvent(G4Event* anEvent);
79       //  This method is the main entry to this class for simulating an event.
81       void ProcessOneEvent(G4TrackVector* trackVector,G4Event* anEvent=0);
82       //  This is an alternative entry for large HEP experiments which create G4Track
83       // objects by themselves directly without using G4VPrimaryGenerator or user
84       // primary generator action. Dummy G4Event object will be created if "anEvent" is null
85       // for internal use, but this dummy object will be deleted at the end of this
86       // method and will never be available for the use after the processing.
87       // Note that in this case of null G4Event pointer no output of the simulated event
88       // is returned by this method, but the user must implement some mechanism
89       // of storing output by his/herself, e.g. in his/her UserEventAction and/or
90       // sensitive detectors.
91       //  If valid G4Event object is given, this object will not be deleted with
92       // this method and output objects such as hits collections and trajectories
93       // will be associated to this event object. If this event object has valid
94       // primary vertices/particles, they will be added to the given trackvector input.
96   private:
97       void DoProcessing(G4Event* anEvent);
98       void StackTracks(G4TrackVector *trackVector, G4bool IDhasAlreadySet=false);