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Fossil SCM


See Fossil SCM for details on building, installation and serving. This is to collect usage shortcuts and adhere to standard places to keep fossil repos and wcdirs.

f-clone url name

f-open name

create working copy dir if it doesnt exist, cd into it and fossil open the repo there. Equivalent of svn checkout

CAUTION fossil open unlike svn checkout acts in PWD, so this function creates a new name wcdir and changes directory to it before opening

f-ui name

local only access

f-web name

open the launctl configured daemon on server port : which is remotely accessible if firewall allows:

simon:cson blyth$ f-web cson
open http://localhost:591/cson/


open the password setting page in webinterface, in order to set it something more memorable than the randomlu assigned password that the f-clone yielded


lists all repositories and checkouts on the node as recorded in the global_config table of the ~/.fossil DB

f-localtime name Use localtime on timeline rather than UTC

Hmm, didnt work:

simon:env.f blyth$ fossil sql
sqlite>  SELECT datetime('now','localtime') ;
2013-04-02 11:55:33

f-sqlite3 name

command line sqlite3 shell connected to repo NB not precisely the same as running fossil sql from a checkout, eg note that localtime works:

simon:e blyth$ f-sqlite3 env
sqlite3 /var/scm/fossil/env.fossil
sqlite> SELECT datetime('now','localtime') ;
2013-04-02 19:59:45

Fossil cloning SOP

  1. run f-clone url name notice the generated password for the $USER
  2. open web interface at http://localhost:591/name/
  3. login as $USER using generated password
  4. click [Admin], [Users], [$USER]
  5. edit the password to something memorable and click [Apply Changes], then [Login]

Fossil Config

Kept in ~/.env.cnf

  • server level in [fossil] section
  • repo level in [name.fossil] sections