For simple memory check make sure a non-split load.
2nd gpu_used numbers show change with prior.
(chroma_env)delta:MockNuWa blyth$ python
a : start
a_gpu_used : 1269.06M
a_min_free_gpu_mem : 300.00M
b : after materials,surfaces
b_gpu_used : 1270.11M 1.05M
c : after colors, idmap
c_gpu_used : 1299.48M 29.37M ## large? for colors and idmap, maybe context setup for kernels ?
d : after nodes
d_gpu_used : 1354.40M 54.92M ## matches expectation for nodes
d_nodes_nbytes : 54.91M
d_nodes_itemsize : 16
d_nodes_count : 3.43M 16 * 3431850 = 54909600 ( 54.91 M)
d_split_index : 3.43M
d_extra_nodes_count : 1
d_splitting : 0
e_triangles_nbytes : 28.83M
e_triangles_itemsize : 12
e_triangles_count : 2.40M 12 * 2402432 = 28829184 ( 28.83 M)
e : after triangles
e_gpu_used : 1383.23M 28.84M ## matches expectation for triangles
e_triangles_gpu : 1
f_vertices_nbytes : 14.60M
f_vertices_itemsize : 12
f_vertices_count : 1.22M 12 * 1216452 = 14597424 ( 14.60 M)
f : after vertices
f_gpu_used : 1397.91M 14.68M ## matches expectation for vertices
f_vertices_gpu : 1
g : after geometry struct
g_gpu_used : 1397.91M 0
(chroma_env)delta:MockNuWa blyth$
In [12]: 1397.91 - 1269.06
Out[12]: 128.85000000000014 # only ~129 MB
So where is Geometry populated:
(chroma_env)delta:cuda blyth$ grep geometry_types.h *.* "geometry_types.h"
geometry.h:#include "geometry_types.h" # device funcs that query the geometry, accessing nodes/triangles etc..
From python with chroma/gpu/ using pycuda.gpuarray and
46 struct Node
47 {
48 float3 lower;
49 float3 upper;
50 unsigned int child;
51 unsigned int nchild;
52 };
54 struct Geometry
55 {
56 float3 *vertices;
57 uint3 *triangles;
58 unsigned int *material_codes;
59 unsigned int *colors;
60 uint4 *primary_nodes;
61 uint4 *extra_nodes;
62 Material **materials;
63 Surface **surfaces;
64 float3 world_origin;
65 float world_scale;
66 int nprimary_nodes;
67 };
GPUGeometry class that converts into GPU side geometry using CUDA types from geometry_types.h
simon:chroma blyth$ find . -name '*.py' -exec grep -H GPUGeometry {} \;
./ self.gpu_geometry = gpu.GPUGeometry(self.geometry)
./ gpu_geometry = gpu.GPUGeometry(geometry, print_usage=False)
./ gpu_geometry = gpu.GPUGeometry(geometry)
./gpu/ chroma.gpu.geometry import GPUGeometry
./gpu/ GPUDetector(GPUGeometry):
./gpu/ GPUGeometry.__init__(self, detector, wavelengths=wavelengths, print_usage=False)
./gpu/ GPUGeometry(object):
./ self.gpu_geometry = gpu.GPUGeometry(detector)
(chroma_env)delta:chroma blyth$ find ../bin -type f -exec grep -H GPUGeometry {} \;
../bin/chroma-bvh:from chroma.gpu.geometry import GPUGeometry
../bin/chroma-bvh: gpu_geometry = GPUGeometry(geometry)
GPU Geometry struct is constructed and populated from the below python using
13 class GPUGeometry(object):
14 def __init__(self, geometry, wavelengths=None, print_usage=False, min_free_gpu_mem=300e6):
15 if wavelengths is None:
16 wavelengths = standard_wavelengths
18 try:
19 wavelength_step = np.unique(np.diff(wavelengths)).item()
20 except ValueError:
21 raise ValueError('wavelengths must be equally spaced apart.')
23 geometry_source = get_cu_source('geometry_types.h')
24 material_struct_size = characterize.sizeof('Material', geometry_source)
25 surface_struct_size = characterize.sizeof('Surface', geometry_source)
26 geometry_struct_size = characterize.sizeof('Geometry', geometry_source)
The materials/surfaces/mesh from the python geometry object are transferred over to the GPU and Geometry struct is created to hold the pointers.
Some fiddly splitting of data between GPU and CPU ?:
196 def Mapped(array):
197 '''Analog to pycuda.driver.InOut(), but indicates this array
198 is memory mapped to the device space and should not be copied.
200 To simplify coding, Mapped() will pass anything with a gpudata
201 member, like a gpuarray, through unchanged.
202 '''
203 if hasattr(array, 'gpudata'):
204 return array
205 else:
206 return np.intp(array.base.get_device_pointer())
In [91]: np.intp
Out[91]: numpy.int32
Heavy lifting of getting geometry onto GPU:
134 self.vertices = mapped_empty(shape=len(geometry.mesh.vertices),
135 dtype=ga.vec.float3,
136 write_combined=True)
137 self.triangles = mapped_empty(shape=len(geometry.mesh.triangles),
138 dtype=ga.vec.uint3,
139 write_combined=True)
140 self.vertices[:] = to_float3(geometry.mesh.vertices)
141 self.triangles[:] = to_uint3(geometry.mesh.triangles)
143 self.world_origin = ga.vec.make_float3(*geometry.bvh.world_coords.world_origin)
144 self.world_scale = np.float32(geometry.bvh.world_coords.world_scale)
146 material_codes = (((geometry.material1_index & 0xff) << 24) |
147 ((geometry.material2_index & 0xff) << 16) |
148 ((geometry.surface_index & 0xff) << 8)).astype(np.uint32)
149 self.material_codes = ga.to_gpu(material_codes)
/// packing 3 single byte indices (0:255) into unint32 with low byte empty
In [110]: "0x%x" % (((0xaa & 0xff) << 24) | ((0xbb & 0xff) << 16) | ((0xcc & 0xff) << 8))
Out[110]: '0xaabbcc00'
150 colors = geometry.colors.astype(np.uint32)
151 self.colors = ga.to_gpu(colors)
152 self.solid_id_map = ga.to_gpu(geometry.solid_id.astype(np.uint32))
154 # Limit memory usage by splitting BVH into on and off-GPU parts
155 gpu_free, gpu_total = cuda.mem_get_info()
156 node_array_usage = geometry.bvh.nodes.nbytes
158 # Figure out how many elements we can fit on the GPU,
159 # but no fewer than 100 elements, and no more than the number of actual nodes
160 n_nodes = len(geometry.bvh.nodes)
161 split_index = min(
162 max(int((gpu_free - min_free_gpu_mem) / geometry.bvh.nodes.itemsize),100),
163 n_nodes
164 )
166 self.nodes = ga.to_gpu(geometry.bvh.nodes[:split_index])
167 n_extra = max(1, (n_nodes - split_index)) # forbid zero size
168 self.extra_nodes = mapped_empty(shape=n_extra,
169 dtype=geometry.bvh.nodes.dtype,
170 write_combined=True)
171 if split_index < n_nodes:
172'Splitting BVH between GPU and CPU memory at node %d' % split_index)
173 self.extra_nodes[:] = geometry.bvh.nodes[split_index:]
175 # See if there is enough memory to put the and/ortriangles back on the GPU
176 gpu_free, gpu_total = cuda.mem_get_info()
177 if self.triangles.nbytes < (gpu_free - min_free_gpu_mem):
178 self.triangles = ga.to_gpu(self.triangles)
179'Optimization: Sufficient memory to move triangles onto GPU')
181 gpu_free, gpu_total = cuda.mem_get_info()
182 if self.vertices.nbytes < (gpu_free - min_free_gpu_mem):
183 self.vertices = ga.to_gpu(self.vertices)
184'Optimization: Sufficient memory to move vertices onto GPU')
186 self.gpudata = make_gpu_struct(geometry_struct_size,
187 [Mapped(self.vertices),
188 Mapped(self.triangles),
189 self.material_codes,
190 self.colors, self.nodes,
191 Mapped(self.extra_nodes),
192 self.material_pointer_array,
193 self.surface_pointer_array,
194 self.world_origin,
195 self.world_scale,
196 np.int32(len(self.nodes))])
Hmm, there are loadsa materials and surfaces, so whats this material_codes qty ?:
146 material_codes = (((geometry.material1_index & 0xff) << 24) |
147 ((geometry.material2_index & 0xff) << 16) |
148 ((geometry.surface_index & 0xff) << 8)).astype(np.uint32)
149 self.material_codes = ga.to_gpu(material_codes)
/// packing 3 single byte indices (0:255) into unint32 with low byte empty
In [110]: "0x%x" % (((0xaa & 0xff) << 24) | ((0xbb & 0xff) << 16) | ((0xcc & 0xff) << 8))
Out[110]: '0xaabbcc00'
In [130]: (np.array([(1<<8)-1, (1<<8), (1<<8)+1 ]) & 0xff ).astype(np.uint32)
Out[130]: array([255, 0, 1], dtype=uint32)
301 def flatten(self):
302 """
303 Create the flat list of triangles (and triangle properties)
304 from the list of solids in this geometry.
306 This does not build the BVH! If you want to use the geometry
307 for rendering or simulation, you should call build() instead.
308 """
310 # Don't run this function twice!
311 if hasattr(self, 'mesh'):
312 return
314 nv = np.cumsum([0] + [len(solid.mesh.vertices) for solid in self.solids])
315 nt = np.cumsum([0] + [len(solid.mesh.triangles) for solid in self.solids])
317 vertices = np.empty((nv[-1],3), dtype=np.float32)
318 triangles = np.empty((nt[-1],3), dtype=np.uint32)
321'Flattening detector mesh...')
322' triangles: %d' % len(triangles))
323' vertices: %d' % len(vertices))
326 for i, solid in enumerate(self.solids):
327 vertices[nv[i]:nv[i+1]] = \
328 np.inner(solid.mesh.vertices, self.solid_rotations[i]) + self.solid_displacements[i]
329 triangles[nt[i]:nt[i+1]] = solid.mesh.triangles + nv[i]
331 # Different solids are very unlikely to share vertices, so this goes much faster
332 self.mesh = Mesh(vertices, triangles, remove_duplicate_vertices=False)
334 self.colors = np.concatenate([solid.color for solid in self.solids])
336 self.solid_id = np.concatenate([filled_array(i, shape=len(solid.mesh.triangles), dtype=np.uint32) for i, solid in enumerate(self.solids)])
338 self.unique_materials = list(np.unique(np.concatenate([solid.unique_materials for solid in self.solids])))
340 material_lookup = dict(zip(self.unique_materials, range(len(self.unique_materials))))
// map from material to its unique index
342 self.material1_index = np.concatenate([solid.material1_indices(material_lookup) for solid in self.solids])
// array of material1 indices of every triangle in every solid
344 self.material2_index = np.concatenate([solid.material2_indices(material_lookup) for solid in self.solids])
346 self.unique_surfaces = list(np.unique(np.concatenate([solid.unique_surfaces for solid in self.solids])))
348 surface_lookup = dict(zip(self.unique_surfaces, range(len(self.unique_surfaces))))
350 self.surface_index = np.concatenate([solid.surface_indices(surface_lookup) for solid in self.solids])
352 try:
353 self.surface_index[self.surface_index == surface_lookup[None]] = -1
354 except KeyError:
355 pass
79 __device__ void
80 fill_state(State &s, Photon &p, Geometry *g)
81 {
82 p.last_hit_triangle = intersect_mesh(p.position, p.direction, g,
83 s.distance_to_boundary,
84 p.last_hit_triangle);
86 if (p.last_hit_triangle == -1) {
87 p.history |= NO_HIT;
88 return;
89 }
91 Triangle t = get_triangle(g, p.last_hit_triangle);
93 unsigned int material_code = g->material_codes[p.last_hit_triangle];
95 int inner_material_index = convert(0xFF & (material_code >> 24));
96 int outer_material_index = convert(0xFF & (material_code >> 16));
97 s.surface_index = convert(0xFF & (material_code >> 8));
In [135]: "0x%x" % (0xff & (0xaabbcc00 >> 24 ))
Out[135]: '0xaa'
In [136]: "0x%x" % (0xff & (0xaabbcc00 >> 16 ))
Out[136]: '0xbb'
In [137]: "0x%x" % (0xff & (0xaabbcc00 >> 8 ))
Out[137]: '0xcc'
99 float3 v01 = t.v1 - t.v0;
00 float3 v12 = t.v2 - t.v1;
02 s.surface_normal = normalize(cross(v01, v12));
04 Material *material1, *material2;
05 if (dot(s.surface_normal,-p.direction) > 0.0f) {
06 // outside to inside
07 material1 = g->materials[outer_material_index];
08 material2 = g->materials[inner_material_index];
10 s.inside_to_outside = false;
11 }
12 else {
13 // inside to outside
14 material1 = g->materials[inner_material_index];
15 material2 = g->materials[outer_material_index];
16 s.surface_normal = -s.surface_normal;
18 s.inside_to_outside = true;
19 }
21 s.refractive_index1 = interp_property(material1, p.wavelength,
22 material1->refractive_index);
23 s.refractive_index2 = interp_property(material2, p.wavelength,
24 material2->refractive_index);
25 s.absorption_length = interp_property(material1, p.wavelength,
26 material1->absorption_length);
27 s.scattering_length = interp_property(material1, p.wavelength,
28 material1->scattering_length);
29 s.reemission_prob = interp_property(material1, p.wavelength,
30 material1->reemission_prob);
32 s.material1 = material1;
33 } // fill_state
def load_geometry_from_string
28 "filename.stl" or "filename.stl.bz2" - Create a geometry from a
29 3D mesh on disk. This model will not be cached, but the
30 BVH can be, depending on whether update_bvh_cache is True.
Parse STL files (simple format of vertices and triangles) into Mesh objects.
My impression was that the wavelengths used are held in the material/surface structs and interpolated as appropriate.:
15 # all material/surface properties are interpolated at these
16 # wavelengths when they are sent to the gpu
17 standard_wavelengths = np.arange(60, 810, 20).astype(np.float32)
19 class Mesh(object):
20 "Triangle mesh object."
21 def __init__(self, vertices, triangles, remove_duplicate_vertices=False):
22 vertices = np.asarray(vertices, dtype=np.float32)
23 triangles = np.asarray(triangles, dtype=np.int32)
Python side geometry
Chroma geometry construction currently done in “ad-hoc” python such as chroma/demo/, Not out of some “standard” file format, like G4DAE COLLADA+metadata
A bounding volume hierarchy for a triangle mesh.
For the purposes of Chroma, a BVH is a tree with the following properties:
46 struct Node
47 {
48 float3 lower;
49 float3 upper;
50 unsigned int child;
51 unsigned int nchild;
52 };
For space reasons, the BVH bounds are internally represented using 16-bit unsigned fixed point coordinates. Normally, we would want to hide that from you, but we would like to avoid rounding issues and high memory usage caused by converting back and forth between floating point and fixed point representations. For similar reasons, the node array is stored in a packed record format that can be directly mapped to the GPU. In general, you will not need to manipulate the contents of the BVH node array directly.
Stack based recursive tree walk:
36 /* Finds the intersection between a ray and `geometry`. If the ray does
37 intersect the mesh and the index of the intersected triangle is not equal
38 to `last_hit_triangle`, set `min_distance` to the distance from `origin` to
39 the intersection and return the index of the triangle which the ray
40 intersected, else return -1. */
41 __device__ int
42 intersect_mesh(const float3 &origin, const float3& direction, Geometry *g,
43 float &min_distance, int last_hit_triangle = -1)
44 {
45 int triangle_index = -1;