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Chroma Modeling of Sensitive Detectors


  1. Chroma/DetSim mismatch:
    • DetSim, QE handled as a Bialkali material EFFICIENCY property
    • Chroma, Surface.detect property
  2. To raise SURFACE_DETECT in Chroma need to make PMT Cathods into surfaces with Surface.detect property corresponding to the QE (matching what ProcessHits does)

GPU hit formation

cutdown CPL to just the hits

Non-trivial, with GPU processing to make such selections. Study chroma slicing.

ChromaManager singleton

  • develop as part of pkg NuWa-trunk/dybgaudi/Utilities/Chroma (probably rename to G4DAEChroma)
  • where to construct the transform cache ? need access from within a StackAction (or other G4 level class) so a G4 singleton manager seems like the most natural

Runtime interface to Chroma GPU propagation, send photons get hits in reply (or at least hit data with which to form them).

Grab everything possible from the StackAction into ChromaManager to avoid duplication. Initially considered naming G4DAEChroma but that could be confusing as this will clearly never be able to be sent upstream like the G4DAE exporter.

  • As considering to move photon collection into the processes, to avoid stack addition/deletion overhead.
  • also it would be cleaner and more reusable to keep the simulation aspect distinct from analysis aspects

Responsible for

  • batching configuration
  • photon collection,
  • serialization, sending to GPU,
  • getting reply, deserialization, forming hits
  • holding the transform cache

Holding transform cache avoids transporting both global and local coordinates for pos/pol/mon in the transport class for millions of photons (or thousands? of hits).

  • will need a volume index, as well as channel_id


I’m killing all generated OP from G4 point, does that allow me other optimizations.

correspondence between the COLLADA boundgeom.matrix and G4 TopTransform

For forming Hits on GPU need to do local coordinate transform somewhere as ProcessHits provides the local coordinate of hits wrt to the sensitive volume (PMT Cathode).

Added transform dumping to gausstools GiGaRunActionExport::WriteIdMap and compare with boundgeom matrices of nodes.

volume 0


.1 # GiGaRunActionExport::WriteIdMap fields: index,pmtid,pmtid(hex),pvname  npv:12230
 2 0 0 0  (0,0,0)
 3    [ (           1             0             0)
 4      (           0             1             0)
 5      (           0             0             1) ]
 6  Universe

volume 1

.7 1 0 0  (664494,-449556,2110)
 8    [ (   -0.543174      -0.83962             0)
 9      (     0.83962     -0.543174             0)
10      (           0             0             1) ]
11  /dd/Structure/Sites/db-rock
In [13]: np.set_printoptions(precision=5, suppress=True)

In [27]: m1 = DAENode.get("1").boundgeom.matrix
2014-10-13 16:11:40,609 env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daenode:686 INFO     arg 1 => indices [1] => node   __dd__Structure__Sites__db-rock0xc15d358.0             __dd__Materials__Rock0xc0300c8

In [35]: m1
array([[     -0.54317,      -0.83962,       0.     ,  -16520.     ],
       [      0.83962,      -0.54317,       0.     , -802110.     ],
       [      0.     ,       0.     ,       1.     ,   -2110.     ],
       [      0.     ,       0.     ,       0.     ,       1.     ]], dtype=float

In [28]: invert_homogenous(m1)
array([[     -0.54317,       0.83962,       0.     ,  664494.35857],
       [     -0.83962,      -0.54317,       0.     , -449555.84222],
       [      0.     ,       0.     ,       1.     ,    2110.     ],
       [      0.     ,       0.     ,       0.     ,       1.     ]])
  • some correspondence but there is a definition difference to clear up

last volume

61147 12229 0 0  (664494,-449556,12410)
61148    [ (   -0.543174      -0.83962             0)
61149      (     0.83962     -0.543174             0)
61150      (           0             0             1) ]
61151  /dd/Geometry/Sites/lvNearHallBot#pvNearHallRadSlabs#pvNearHallRadSlab9

In [16]: m = DAENode.get("12229").boundgeom.matrix
2014-10-13 15:57:01,308 env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daenode:686 INFO     arg 12229 => indices [12229] => node   __dd__Geometry__Sites__lvNearHallBot--pvNearHallRadSlabs--pvNearHallRadSlab90xc15cf08.0             __dd__Materials__RadRock0xcd2f508

In [17]: m
array([[     -0.54317,      -0.83962,       0.     ,  -16520.     ],
       [      0.83962,      -0.54317,       0.     , -802110.     ],
       [      0.     ,       0.     ,       1.     ,  -12410.     ],
       [      0.     ,       0.     ,       0.     ,       1.     ]], dtype=float32)

In [25]: from env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daeview.daeutil import invert_homogenous

In [26]: invert_homogenous( m )    # translation result matches, rotation is transposed
array([[     -0.54317,       0.83962,       0.     ,  664494.35857],
       [     -0.83962,      -0.54317,       0.     , -449555.84222],
       [      0.     ,       0.     ,       1.     ,   12410.     ],
       [      0.     ,       0.     ,       0.     ,       1.     ]])

all volumes compared

Loosening tolerances succeeds to get all volumes to match.

  • env/geant4/geometry/collada/

geant4 transforms


.69 class G4AffineTransform
 70 {
 72 public:
 74   G4AffineTransform();
 76 public: // with description
 78   G4AffineTransform(const G4ThreeVector &tlate);
 79     // Translation only: under t'form translate point at origin by tlate
 81   G4AffineTransform(const G4RotationMatrix &rot);
 82     // Rotation only: under t'form rotate by rot
 84   G4AffineTransform(const G4RotationMatrix &rot,
 85                     const G4ThreeVector &tlate);
 86     // Under t'form: rotate by rot then translate by tlate
 88   G4AffineTransform(const G4RotationMatrix *rot,
 89                     const G4ThreeVector &tlate);
 90     // Optionally rotate by *rot then translate by tlate - rot may be null
113   G4ThreeVector TransformPoint(const G4ThreeVector &vec) const;
114     // Transform the specified point: returns vec*rot+tlate
116   G4ThreeVector TransformAxis(const G4ThreeVector &axis) const;
117     // Transform the specified axis: returns
119   void ApplyPointTransform(G4ThreeVector &vec) const;
120     // Transform the specified point (in place): sets vec=vec*rot+tlate
122   void ApplyAxisTransform(G4ThreeVector &axis) const;
123     // Transform the specified axis (in place): sets axis=axis*rot;

pycollada boundgeom nodes matrix

Binding is done by based on the full geometry of the COLLADA export. Partial exports at C++ level would result in binding (ie coordinate system) based on a different Universe.

Every bound node has a 4x4 matrix associated:

delta:~ blyth$ -i
2014-10-13 14:42:13,194 env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daenode:2344 INFO     /Users/blyth/env/bin/
2014-10-13 14:42:13,194 env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daenode:2289 INFO     Using pvar DAE_NAME_DYB to resolve path : /usr/local/env/geant4/geometry/export/DayaBay_VGDX_20140414-1300/g4_00.dae
2014-10-13 14:42:13,261 env.geant4.geometry.collada.idmap:165 INFO     found 685 unique ids

In [1]: DAENode.get("0").boundgeom.matrix
2014-10-13 14:42:28,560 env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daenode:686 INFO     arg 0 => indices [0] => node   top.0             __dd__Materials__Vacuum0xbf9fcc0
array([[ 1.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  1.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  1.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  1.]], dtype=float32)

In [3]: DAENode.get("1000").boundgeom.matrix
2014-10-13 14:42:39,694 env.geant4.geometry.collada.g4daenode:686 INFO     arg 1000 => indices [1000] => node   __dd__Geometry__RPC__lvRPCGasgap23--pvStrip23Array--pvStrip23ArrayOne..6--pvStrip23Unit0xc128768.46             __dd__Materials__MixGas0xc21d930
array([[ -5.39289117e-01,  -8.41108799e-01,  -4.12638858e-02,
       [  8.42120171e-01,  -5.38641453e-01,  -2.64251661e-02,
       [  0.00000000e+00,  -4.89999987e-02,   9.98799026e-01,
       [  0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,
          1.00000000e+00]], dtype=float32)

Raw unbound COLLADA matrix elements are written by G4DAEWriteStructure::TraverseVolumeTree:

G4Transform3D daughterR;

daughterR = TraverseVolumeTree(physvol->GetLogicalVolume(),depth+1);

G4RotationMatrix rot, invrot;
if (physvol->GetFrameRotation() != 0)
   rot = *(physvol->GetFrameRotation());
   invrot = rot.inverse();

// G4Transform3D P(rot,physvol->GetObjectTranslation());  GDML does this : not inverting the rotation portion
G4Transform3D P(invrot,physvol->GetObjectTranslation());


The unbound matrices just provide the position of volume relative to parent. When binding is done by the objects call in

564         dae = collada.Collada(path)
565         log.debug("pycollada parse completed ")
566         boundgeom = list(dae.scene.objects('geometry'))
567         top = dae.scene.nodes[0]
568         log.debug("pycollada binding completed, found %s  " % len(boundgeom))

the node tree heirarchy of matrices are multiplied to arrive at the scene graph bound matrix.

ProcessHits Hit formation


333     const G4TouchableHistory* hist =
334         dynamic_cast<const G4TouchableHistory*>(preStepPoint->GetTouchable());
340     const DetectorElement* de = this->SensDetElem(*hist);
341     if (!de) return false;
343     // wangzhe QE calculation starts here.
344     int pmtid = this->SensDetId(*de);
459     DayaBay::SimPmtHit* sphit = new DayaBay::SimPmtHit();
461     // base hit
463     // Time since event created
464     sphit->setHitTime(preStepPoint->GetGlobalTime());
466     //#include "G4NavigationHistory.hh"
468     const G4AffineTransform& trans = hist->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform();
469     const G4ThreeVector& global_pos = preStepPoint->GetPosition();
470     G4ThreeVector pos = trans.TransformPoint(global_pos);
471     sphit->setLocalPos(pos);
472     sphit->setSensDetId(pmtid);
474     // pmt hit
475     // sphit->setDir(...);       // for now
476     G4ThreeVector pol = trans.TransformAxis(track->GetPolarization());
477     pol = pol.unit();
478     G4ThreeVector dir = trans.TransformAxis(track->GetMomentum());
479     dir = dir.unit();
480     sphit->setPol(pol);
481     sphit->setDir(dir);
482     sphit->setWavelength(wavelength);
483     sphit->setType(0);
484     // G4cerr<<"PMT: set hit weight "<<weight<<G4endl; //gonchar
485     sphit->setWeight(weight);
delta:geant4.10.00.p01 blyth$ find source -name '*.hh'  -exec grep -H GetTopTransform {} \;
source/geometry/volumes/include/G4NavigationHistory.hh:  inline const G4AffineTransform& GetTopTransform() const;

90   inline const G4AffineTransform& GetTopTransform() const;
91     // Returns topmost transform.

145 #if defined(WIN32)
146   std::vector<G4NavigationLevel> fNavHistory;
147 #else
148   std::vector<G4NavigationLevel,
149               G4EnhancedVecAllocator<G4NavigationLevel> > fNavHistory;
150     // The geometrical tree; uses specialized allocator to optimize memory
151     // handling, reduce possible fragmentation and use of malloc in MT mode
152 #endif
154   G4int fStackDepth;
155     // Depth of stack: effectively depth in geometrical tree


 98 inline
 99 const G4AffineTransform& G4NavigationHistory::GetTopTransform() const
100 {
101   return fNavHistory[fStackDepth].GetTransform();
102 }


 54 class G4NavigationLevel
 55 {
 57  public:  // with description
 59    G4NavigationLevel(G4VPhysicalVolume*       newPtrPhysVol,
 60                      const G4AffineTransform& newT,
 61                      EVolume                  newVolTp,
 62                      G4int                    newRepNo= -1);
 64    G4NavigationLevel(G4VPhysicalVolume*       newPtrPhysVol,
 65                      const G4AffineTransform& levelAbove,
 66                      const G4AffineTransform& relativeCurrent,
 67                      EVolume                  newVolTp,
 68                      G4int                    newRepNo= -1);
 69      // As the previous constructor, but instead of giving Transform, give
 70      // the AffineTransform to the level above and the current level's
 71      // Transform relative to that.
 73    G4NavigationLevel();
 74    G4NavigationLevel( const G4NavigationLevel& );
 76    ~G4NavigationLevel();
 78    G4NavigationLevel& operator=(const G4NavigationLevel &right);
 80    inline G4VPhysicalVolume*       GetPhysicalVolume() const;
 81    inline const G4AffineTransform* GetTransformPtr() const ;  // New
 82    inline const G4AffineTransform& GetTransform() const ;     // Old


 84    inline const G4AffineTransform& GetTransform() const ;     // Old
 86    inline EVolume            GetVolumeType() const ;
 87    inline G4int              GetReplicaNo() const ;
 98  private:
100    G4AffineTransform  sTransform;
101      // Compounded global->local transformation (takes a point in the
102      // global reference system to the system of the volume at this level)

Adding Detection Surfaces

Using a surface per-PMT exceeds a limit

  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/geant4/geometry/collada/g4daeview/", line 133, in main
    cpl_end = propagator.propagate(cpl_begin)
  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/env/geant4/geometry/collada/g4daeview/", line 48, in propagate
  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/src/chroma/chroma/gpu/", line 145, in propagate
    if ga.max(self.flags).get() & (1 << 31):
  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pycuda/", line 1249, in f
    krnl = get_minmax_kernel(what, a.dtype)
  File "<string>", line 2, in get_minmax_kernel
  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pycuda/", line 404, in context_dependent_memoize
    result = func(*args)
  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pycuda/", line 393, in get_minmax_kernel
    }, preamble="#define MY_INFINITY (1./0)")
  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pycuda/", line 206, in __init__
  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pycuda/", line 184, in get_reduction_kernel_and_types
    func = mod.get_function(name)
  File "/usr/local/env/chroma_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pycuda/", line 285, in get_function
    return self.module.get_function(name)
pycuda._driver.LaunchError: cuModuleGetFunction failed: launch failed
PyCUDA WARNING: a clean-up operation failed (dead context maybe?)
cuModuleUnload failed: launch failed
PyCUDA WARNING: a clean-up operation failed (dead context maybe?)
cuMemFree failed: launch failed
PyCUDA WARNING: a clean-up operation failed (dead context maybe?)
cuMemFree failed: launch failed
delta:chroma blyth$

In [2]: len(cg.unique_surfaces)
Out[2]: 714

An obvious limitation is from chroma/gpu/

145         material_codes = (((geometry.material1_index & 0xff) << 24) |
146                           ((geometry.material2_index & 0xff) << 16) |
147                           ((geometry.surface_index & 0xff) << 8)).astype(np.uint32)

As unique identifiers are squeezed into one byte:

In [1]: 0xff
Out[1]: 255
54 struct Geometry
55 {
56     float3 *vertices;
57     uint3 *triangles;
58     unsigned int *material_codes;
59     unsigned int *colors;
60     uint4 *primary_nodes;
61     uint4 *extra_nodes;
62     Material **materials;
63     Surface **surfaces;
64     float3 world_origin;
65     float world_scale;
66     int nprimary_nodes;
67 };


  1. How hits are handled in Chroma ?


103 class Solid(object):
104     """Solid object attaches materials, surfaces, and colors to each triangle
105     in a Mesh object."""
106     def __init__(self, mesh, material1=None, material2=None, surface=None, color=0x33ffffff):
107         self.mesh = mesh

/// collection of solids, maybe with a material flagged as a detector_material
/// Nope: detector_material appears unused

261 class Geometry(object):
262     "Geometry object."
263     def __init__(self, detector_material=None):
264         self.detector_material = detector_material
265         self.solids = []
266         self.solid_rotations = []
267         self.solid_displacements = []
268         self.bvh = None

/// to get detection, need to model as a surface with detect property ?

234 class Surface(object):
235     """Surface optical properties."""
236     def __init__(self, name='none', model=0):
237 = name
238         self.model = model
240         self.set('detect', 0)
241         self.set('absorb', 0)
242         self.set('reemit', 0)
243         self.set('reflect_diffuse', 0)
244         self.set('reflect_specular', 0)
245         self.set('eta', 0)
246         self.set('k', 0)
247         self.set('reemission_cdf', 0)
249         self.thickness = 0.0
250         self.transmissive = 0
252     def set(self, name, value, wavelengths=standard_wavelengths):
253         if np.iterable(value):
254             if len(value) != len(wavelengths):
255                 raise ValueError('shape mismatch')
256         else:
257             value = np.tile(value, len(wavelengths))
259         if (np.asarray(value) < 0.0).any():
260             raise Exception('all probabilities must be >= 0.0')
262         self.__dict__[name] = np.array(zip(wavelengths, value), dtype=np.float32)
263     def __repr__(self):
264         return '<Surface %s>' %

detector_material not used ?

(chroma_env)delta:chroma blyth$ find . -type f -exec grep -H detector_material {} \;
./chroma/    def __init__(self, detector_material=None):
./chroma/        Geometry.__init__(self, detector_material=detector_material)
./chroma/    def __init__(self, detector_material=None):
./chroma/        self.detector_material = detector_material
./chroma/            self.photon_generator = generator.photon.G4ParallelGenerator(geant4_processes, detector.detector_material, base_seed=self.seed)
  1. Chroma looks to expect sensdet to be represented as surfaces as needed to get a SURFACE_DETECT ?

detsim does EFFICIENCY lookup on Bialkali materialof the cathode


118   <!-- The Photo Cathode -->
119   <!-- use if limit photocathode to a face on diameter gt 167mm. -->
120   <logvol name="lvPmtHemiCathode" material="Bialkali" sensdet="DsPmtSensDet">
121     <union name="pmt-hemi-cathode">
122       <sphere name="pmt-hemi-cathode-face"
123           outerRadius="PmtHemiFaceROCvac"
124           innerRadius="PmtHemiFaceROCvac-PmtHemiCathodeThickness"
125           deltaThetaAngle="PmtHemiFaceCathodeAngle"/>
126       <sphere name="pmt-hemi-cathode-belly"
127           outerRadius="PmtHemiBellyROCvac"
128           innerRadius="PmtHemiBellyROCvac-PmtHemiCathodeThickness"
129           startThetaAngle="PmtHemiBellyCathodeAngleStart"
130           deltaThetaAngle="PmtHemiBellyCathodeAngleDelta"/>
131       <posXYZ z="PmtHemiFaceOff-PmtHemiBellyOff"/>
132     </union>
133   </logvol>
134   <!-- use if limit photocathode to a face on diameter lt 167mm. -->
135   <!--
136   <logvol name="lvPmtHemiCathode" material="Bialkali" sensdet="DsPmtSensDet">
137     <sphere name="pmt-hemi-cathode-face"
138         outerRadius="PmtHemiFaceROCvac"
139         innerRadius="PmtHemiFaceROCvac-PmtHemiCathodeThickness"
140         deltaThetaAngle="PmtHemiFaceCathodeAngle"/>
141   </logvol>


72   <!-- The Photo Cathode -->
73   <logvol name="lvHeadonPmtCathode" material="Bialkali" sensdet="DsPmtSensDet">
74     <tubs name="headon-pmt-cath"
75           sizeZ="HeadonPmtCathodeThickness"
76       outerRadius="HeadonPmtGlassRadius-HeadonPmtGlassWallThick"/>
77   </logvol>


07   <catalog name="BialkaliProperties">
10     <!-- From G4dyb -->
11     <tabproperty name="PhotoCathodeQE"
12          type="EFFICIENCY"
13          xunit="eV"
14          yunit=""
15          xaxis="PhotonEnergy"
16          yaxis="QuantumEfficiency">
17                  1.55000                 0.00010
18                  1.80000                 0.00200
19                  1.90000                 0.00500
38                  2.99000                 0.22000
39                  3.06000                 0.22000
40                  3.14000                 0.23000
41                  3.22000                 0.24000
42                  3.31000                 0.24000
43                  3.40000                 0.24000
44                  3.49000                 0.23000
45                  3.59000                 0.22000
46                  3.70000                 0.21000
47                  3.81000                 0.17000
48                  3.94000                 0.14000
49                  4.07000                 0.09000
50                  4.10000                 0.03500
56     </tabproperty>
59     <!-- From G4dyb -->
60     <tabproperty name="PhotoCathodeRefractionIndex"
61          type="RINDEX"
62          xunit="eV"
63          xaxis="PhotonEnergy"
64          yaxis="RefractionIndex">
65     1.55    2.9
66     6.20    2.9
67     10.33   2.9
68     15.5    2.9
69     </tabproperty>
71     <tabproperty name="PhotoCathodeImaginaryIndex"
72          type="KINDEX"
73          xunit="eV"
74          xaxis="PhotonEnergy"
75          yaxis="RefractionIndex">
76     1.55    1.6
77     6.20    1.6
78     10.33   1.6
79     15.5    1.6
80     </tabproperty>
[blyth@belle7 dybgaudi]$ find . -name '*.cc' -exec grep -H RINDEX {} \;
./Simulation/DetSim/src/        G4MaterialPropertyVector* Rindex = aMPT->GetProperty("RINDEX");
./Simulation/DetSim/src/       Rindex = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetProperty("RINDEX");
./Simulation/DetSim/src/           theStatus = NoRINDEX;
./Simulation/DetSim/src/           theStatus = NoRINDEX;
./Simulation/DetSim/src/                  Rindex = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetProperty("RINDEX");
./Simulation/DetSim/src/            theStatus = NoRINDEX;
./Simulation/DetSim/src/                      aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetProperty("REALRINDEX");
./Simulation/DetSim/src/                      aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetProperty("IMAGINARYRINDEX");
./Simulation/DetSim/src/                 Rindex = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetProperty("RINDEX");
./Simulation/DetSim/src/        theStatus = NoRINDEX;
./Simulation/DetSim/src/                if ( theStatus == NoRINDEX )
./Simulation/DetSim/src/                        G4cout << " *** NoRINDEX *** " << G4endl;
./Simulation/DetSim/src/                aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetProperty("RINDEX");
./Simulation/DetSim/src/                   aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetProperty("RINDEX");
./Simulation/DetSim/src/                     Rindex = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetProperty("RINDEX");
./DybAlg/src/components/   // v.push_back("RINDEX");
./Reconstruction/PoolMuonRec/src/    if(type=="RINDEX") {
[blyth@belle7 dybgaudi]$
[blyth@belle7 dybgaudi]$ find . -name '*.cc' -exec grep -H KINDEX {} \;
[blyth@belle7 dybgaudi]$


056 DsPmtSensDet::DsPmtSensDet(const std::string& type,
 57                            const std::string& name,
 58                            const IInterface*  parent)
 59     : G4VSensitiveDetector(name)
 60     , GiGaSensDetBase(type,name,parent)
 61     , m_t2de(0)
 62 {
 63     info() << "DsPmtSensDet (" << type << "/" << name << ") created" << endreq;
 65     declareProperty("CathodeLogicalVolume",
 66                     m_cathodeLogVols,
 67                     "Photo-Cathode logical volume to which this SD is attached.");
 69     declareProperty("TouchableToDetelem", m_t2deName = "TH2DE",
 70                     "The ITouchableToDetectorElement to use to resolve sensor.");
 72     declareProperty("SensorStructures",m_sensorStructures,
 73                     "TDS Paths in which to look for sensor detector elements"
 74                     " using this sensitive detector");
 76     declareProperty("PackedIdPropertyName",m_idParameter="PmtID",
 77                     "The name of the user property holding the PMT ID.");
 79     declareProperty("QEffParameterName",m_qeffParamName="EFFICIENCY",
 80                     "name of user parameter in the photo cathode volume that"
 81                     " holds the quantum efficiency tabproperty");
 83     declareProperty("QEScale",m_qeScale=1.0 / 0.9,
 84                     "Upward scaling of the quantum efficiency by inverse of mean PMT-to-PMT efficiency in electronics simulation.");
 86     declareProperty("ConvertWeightToEff", m_ConvertWeightToEff=false,
 87                     "Treat to the optical photon weight as to preliminary applied QE."
 88                     "Will affect only the primary photons (GtDiffuserBallTool, etc.).");
 90     m_cathodeLogVols.push_back("/dd/Geometry/PMT/lvPmtHemiCathode");
 91     m_cathodeLogVols.push_back("/dd/Geometry/PMT/lvHeadonPmtCathode");
 92 }

277 double DsPmtSensDet::SensDetQE(G4LogicalVolume* logvol, double energy)
278 {
279     G4Material* mat = logvol->GetMaterial();
280     if (!mat) {
281         warning () << "No material for " << logvol->GetName() << endreq;
282         return -1;
283     }
286      G4MaterialPropertiesTable* mattab = mat->GetMaterialPropertiesTable();
287     if (mattab) {
288         G4MaterialPropertyVector* qevec = mattab->GetProperty(m_qeffParamName.c_str());
289         if (qevec) {
291       verbose() << m_qeffParamName << ":("
292           << qevec->GetMinPhotonEnergy()/CLHEP::eV << " eV,"
293           << qevec->GetMinProperty() << ")-->("
294           << qevec->GetMaxPhotonEnergy()/CLHEP::eV << " eV,"
295           << qevec->GetMaxProperty() << ")"
296           << " particle energy is " << energy/CLHEP::eV
297           << endreq;
299       return qevec->GetProperty(energy);
301         }
302     }
303     else {
304         debug () << "No material properties in " << logvol->GetName() << endreq;
305     }
307     int ndaught = logvol->GetNoDaughters();
308     for (int ind=0; ind < ndaught; ++ind) {
309         G4VPhysicalVolume* physvol = logvol->GetDaughter(ind);
310         double qe = this->SensDetQE(physvol->GetLogicalVolume(),energy);
311         if (qe < 0) return qe;
312     }
313     warning() << "All attempts failed to find " << m_qeffParamName
314               << " in " << logvol->GetName() << endreq;
315     return -1;
316 }

cathode example


26 # r7081hqe photocathode material surface
27 # source: hamamatsu supplied datasheet for r7081hqe pmt serial number zd0062
28 r7081hqe_photocathode = Surface('r7081hqe_photocathode')
29 r7081hqe_photocathode.detect = \
30     np.array([(260.0,  0.00),
31               (270.0,  0.04), (280.0,  0.07), (290.0,  0.77), (300.0,  4.57),
32               (310.0, 11.80), (320.0, 17.70), (330.0, 23.50), (340.0, 27.54),
33               (350.0, 30.52), (360.0, 31.60), (370.0, 31.90), (380.0, 32.20),
34               (390.0, 32.00), (400.0, 31.80), (410.0, 30.80), (420.0, 30.16),
35               (430.0, 29.24), (440.0, 28.31), (450.0, 27.41), (460.0, 26.25),
36               (470.0, 24.90), (480.0, 23.05), (490.0, 21.58), (500.0, 19.94),
37               (510.0, 18.48), (520.0, 17.01), (530.0, 15.34), (540.0, 12.93),
38               (550.0, 10.17), (560.0,  7.86), (570.0,  6.23), (580.0,  5.07),
39               (590.0,  4.03), (600.0,  3.18), (610.0,  2.38), (620.0,  1.72),
40               (630.0,  0.95), (640.0,  0.71), (650.0,  0.44), (660.0,  0.25),
41               (670.0,  0.14), (680.0,  0.07), (690.0,  0.03), (700.0,  0.02),
42               (710.0,  0.00)])
43 # convert percent -> fraction
44 r7081hqe_photocathode.detect[:,1] /= 100.0
45 # roughly the same amount of detected photons are absorbed without detection
46 r7081hqe_photocathode.absorb = r7081hqe_photocathode.detect
47 # remaining photons are diffusely reflected
48 r7081hqe_photocathode.set('reflect_diffuse', 1.0 - r7081hqe_photocathode.detect[:,1] - r7081hqe_photocathode.absorb[:,1], wavelengths=r7081hqe_photocathode.detect[:,0])


05 class Detector(Geometry):
06     '''A Detector is a subclass of Geometry that allows some Solids
07     to be marked as photon detectors, which we will suggestively call
08     "PMTs."  Each detector is imagined to be connected to an electronics
09     channel that records a hit time and charge.
11     Each PMT has two integers identifying it: a channel index and a
12     channel ID.  When all of the channels in the detector are stored
13     in a Numpy array, they will be stored in index order.  Channel
14     indices star from zero and have no gaps.  Channel ID numbers are
15     arbitrary integers that identify a PMT uniquely in a stable way.
16     They are written out to disk when using the Chroma ROOT format,
17     and are used when reading events back in to map channels back
18     into the correct array index.
20     For now, all the PMTs share a single set of time and charge
21     distributions.  In the future, this will be generalized to
22     allow per-channel distributions.
23     '''
25     def __init__(self, detector_material=None):
26         Geometry.__init__(self, detector_material=detector_material)
28         # Using numpy arrays here to allow for fancy indexing
29         self.solid_id_to_channel_index = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int32)
30         self.channel_index_to_solid_id = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int32)
32         self.channel_index_to_channel_id = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int32)
34         # If the ID numbers are arbitrary, we can't treat them
35         # as array indices, so have to use a dictionary
36         self.channel_id_to_channel_index = {}
38         # zero time and unit charge distributions
39         self.time_cdf = (np.array([-0.01, 0.01]), np.array([0.0, 1.0]))
40         self.charge_cdf = (np.array([0.99, 1.00]), np.array([0.0, 1.0]))


When have a channel_id associated to a volume add_pmt is used instead of add_solid. The idmap adds channel_id attribute to some DAENode. Which in geometry conversion to chroma results in use of add_pmt rather than add_solid


54     def add_pmt(self, pmt, rotation=None, displacement=None, channel_id=None):
55         """Add the PMT `pmt` to the geometry. When building the final triangle
56         mesh, `solid` will be placed by rotating it with the rotation matrix
57         `rotation` and displacing it by the vector `displacement`, just like
58         add_solid().
60             `pmt``: instance of chroma.Solid
61                 Solid representing a PMT.
62             `rotation`: numpy.matrix (3x3)
63                 Rotation to apply to PMT mesh before displacement.  Defaults to
64                 identity rotation.
65             `displacement`: numpy.ndarray (shape=3)
66                 3-vector displacement to apply to PMT mesh after rotation.
67                 Defaults to zero vector.
68             `channel_id`: int
69                 Integer identifier for this PMT.  May be any integer, with no
70                 requirement for consective numbering.  Defaults to None,
71                 where the ID number will be set to the generated channel index.
72                 The channel_id must be representable as a 32-bit integer.
74             Returns: dictionary { 'solid_id' : solid_id,
75                                   'channel_index' : channel_index,
76                                   'channel_id' : channel_id }
77         """
82         channel_index = len(self.channel_index_to_solid_id)
83         if channel_id is None:
84             channel_id = channel_index
86         # add_solid resized this array already
87         self.solid_id_to_channel_index[solid_id] = channel_index
89         # resize channel_index arrays before filling
90         self.channel_index_to_solid_id.resize(channel_index+1)
91         self.channel_index_to_solid_id[channel_index] = solid_id
92         self.channel_index_to_channel_id.resize(channel_index+1)
93         self.channel_index_to_channel_id[channel_index] = channel_id
95         # dictionary does not need resizing
96         self.channel_id_to_channel_index[channel_id] = channel_index


50         self.solid_id_to_channel_index.resize(solid_id+1)
51         self.solid_id_to_channel_index[solid_id] = -1 # solid maps to no channel


To get the mapping copied to GPU need to use GPUDetector rather than GPUGeometry:

14 class GPUDetector(GPUGeometry):
15     def __init__(self, detector, wavelengths=None, print_usage=False):
16         GPUGeometry.__init__(self, detector, wavelengths=wavelengths, print_usage=False)
17         self.solid_id_to_channel_index_gpu = \
18             ga.to_gpu(detector.solid_id_to_channel_index.astype(np.int32))
19         self.nchannels = detector.num_channels()
22         self.time_cdf_x_gpu = ga.to_gpu(detector.time_cdf[0].astype(np.float32))
23         self.time_cdf_y_gpu = ga.to_gpu(detector.time_cdf[1].astype(np.float32))
25         self.charge_cdf_x_gpu = ga.to_gpu(detector.charge_cdf[0].astype(np.float32))
26         self.charge_cdf_y_gpu = ga.to_gpu(detector.charge_cdf[1].astype(np.float32))
28         detector_source = get_cu_source('detector.h')
29         detector_struct_size = characterize.sizeof('Detector', detector_source)
30         self.detector_gpu = make_gpu_struct(detector_struct_size,
31                                             [self.solid_id_to_channel_index_gpu,
32                                              self.time_cdf_x_gpu,
33                                              self.time_cdf_y_gpu,
34                                              self.charge_cdf_x_gpu,
35                                              self.charge_cdf_y_gpu,
36                                              np.int32(self.nchannels),
37                                              np.int32(len(detector.time_cdf[0])),
38                                              np.int32(len(detector.charge_cdf[0])),
39                                              np.float32(detector.charge_cdf[0][-1] / 2**16)])

Crucial connection between solids and channels, handled in solid_id_to_channel_index[solid_id]. This distinquishes sensitive solids (PMTs).:

simon:chroma blyth$ find . -name '*.*' -exec grep -H solid_id_to_channel_index {} \;
./cuda/      int channel_index = detector->solid_id_to_channel_index[solid_id];
./cuda/      channel_index = detector->solid_id_to_channel_index[solid_id];
./cuda/detector.h:    int *solid_id_to_channel_index;
./        self.solid_id_to_channel_index = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int32)
./        self.solid_id_to_channel_index.resize(solid_id+1)
./        self.solid_id_to_channel_index[solid_id] = -1 # solid maps to no channel
./        self.solid_id_to_channel_index[solid_id] = channel_index
./gpu/        self.solid_id_to_channel_index_gpu = gpu_detector.solid_id_to_channel_index_gpu
./gpu/        self.solid_id_to_channel_index_gpu = \
./gpu/            ga.to_gpu(detector.solid_id_to_channel_index.astype(np.int32))
./gpu/                                            [self.solid_id_to_channel_index_gpu,


60     def acquire(self, gpuphotons, rng_states, nthreads_per_block=64, max_blocks=1024, start_photon=None, nphotons=None, weight=1.0):
61         if start_photon is None:
62             start_photon = 0
63         if nphotons is None:
64             nphotons = len(gpuphotons.pos) - start_photon
66         if self.ndaq == 1:
67             for first_photon, photons_this_round, blocks in \
68                     chunk_iterator(nphotons, nthreads_per_block, max_blocks):
69                 self.gpu_funcs.run_daq(rng_states, np.uint32(0x1 << 2),
70                                        np.int32(start_photon+first_photon), np.int32(photons_this_round), gpuphotons.t,
71                                        gpuphotons.flags, gpuphotons.last_hit_triangles, gpuphotons.weights,
72                                        self.solid_id_map_gpu,
73                                        self.detector_gpu,
74                                        self.earliest_time_int_gpu,
75                                        self.channel_q_int_gpu, self.channel_history_gpu,
76                                        np.float32(weight),
77                                        block=(nthreads_per_block,1,1), grid=(blocks,1))


Uses atomics to do histogramming, and find earliest time.


35 __global__ void
36 run_daq(curandState *s, unsigned int detection_state,
37     int first_photon, int nphotons, float *photon_times,
38     unsigned int *photon_histories, int *last_hit_triangles,
39     float *weights,
40     int *solid_map,
41     Detector *detector,
42     unsigned int *earliest_time_int,
43     unsigned int *channel_q_int, unsigned int *channel_histories,
44     float global_weight)
45 {
47     int id = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
49     if (id < nphotons) {
50     curandState rng = s[id];
51     int photon_id = id + first_photon;
52     int triangle_id = last_hit_triangles[photon_id];
54     if (triangle_id > -1) {
55         int solid_id = solid_map[triangle_id];
56         unsigned int history = photon_histories[photon_id];
57         int channel_index = detector->solid_id_to_channel_index[solid_id];
59         if (channel_index >= 0 && (history & detection_state)) {
61         float weight = weights[photon_id] * global_weight;
62         if (curand_uniform(&rng) < weight) {
63             float time = photon_times[photon_id] +
64                       sample_cdf(&rng, detector->time_cdf_len,
65                                        detector->time_cdf_x, detector->time_cdf_y);
66             unsigned int time_int = float_to_sortable_int(time);
68             float charge = sample_cdf(&rng, detector->charge_cdf_len,
69                                             detector->charge_cdf_x,
70                                             detector->charge_cdf_y);
71             unsigned int charge_int = roundf(charge / detector->charge_unit);
73             atomicMin(earliest_time_int + channel_index, time_int);
74             atomicAdd(channel_q_int + channel_index, charge_int);
75             atomicOr(channel_histories + channel_index, history);
76         } // if weighted photon contributes
78         } // if photon detected by a channel
80     } // if photon terminated on surface
82     s[id] = rng;
84     }

Hmm is the CDF sampling here equivalent to QE handling in ProcessHits ?

  • no, seems not : the equivalent is done in ElecSim presumably


18 struct Surface
19 {
20     float *detect;
21     float *absorb;
22     float *reemit;
23     float *reflect_diffuse;
24     float *reflect_specular;
25     float *eta;
26     float *k;
27     float *reemission_cdf;
29     unsigned int model;
30     unsigned int n;
31     unsigned int transmissive;
32     float step;
33     float wavelength0;
34     float thickness;
35 };

Looks like equivent of ProcessHits QE is to set, the surface detect property.


47 enum
48 {
49     NO_HIT           = 0x1 << 0,
50     BULK_ABSORB      = 0x1 << 1,
51     SURFACE_DETECT   = 0x1 << 2,
52     SURFACE_ABSORB   = 0x1 << 3,
53     RAYLEIGH_SCATTER = 0x1 << 4,
54     REFLECT_DIFFUSE  = 0x1 << 5,
55     REFLECT_SPECULAR = 0x1 << 6,
56     SURFACE_REEMIT   = 0x1 << 7,
57     SURFACE_TRANSMIT = 0x1 << 8,
58     BULK_REEMIT      = 0x1 << 9,
59     NAN_ABORT        = 0x1 << 31
60 }; // processes
In [16]: np.uint32(0x1 << 2)
Out[16]: 4


  • how do the sample_cdf compare with those from Geant4/DetSim ?
    • THINK there is no comparison, ElecSim code being complex moral equivalent


photon_id > triangle_id > solid_id > channel_index
35 __global__ void
36 run_daq(curandState *s, unsigned int detection_state,
37     int first_photon, int nphotons, float *photon_times,
38     unsigned int *photon_histories, int *last_hit_triangles,
39     float *weights,
40     int *solid_map,
41     Detector *detector,
42     unsigned int *earliest_time_int,
43     unsigned int *channel_q_int, unsigned int *channel_histories,
44     float global_weight)
45 {
47     int id = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
49     if (id < nphotons) {
50     curandState rng = s[id];
51     int photon_id = id + first_photon;
52     int triangle_id = last_hit_triangles[photon_id];
54     if (triangle_id > -1) {
55         int solid_id = solid_map[triangle_id];
56         unsigned int history = photon_histories[photon_id];
57         int channel_index = detector->solid_id_to_channel_index[solid_id];
59         if (channel_index >= 0 && (history & detection_state)) {                  // SURFACE_DETECT flagged in history
61         float weight = weights[photon_id] * global_weight;
62         if (curand_uniform(&rng) < weight) {
63             float time = photon_times[photon_id] +
64             sample_cdf(&rng, detector->time_cdf_len,
65                    detector->time_cdf_x, detector->time_cdf_y);
66             unsigned int time_int = float_to_sortable_int(time);
68             float charge = sample_cdf(&rng, detector->charge_cdf_len,
69                       detector->charge_cdf_x,
70                       detector->charge_cdf_y);
71             unsigned int charge_int = roundf(charge / detector->charge_unit);
73             atomicMin(earliest_time_int + channel_index, time_int);
74             atomicAdd(channel_q_int + channel_index, charge_int);
75             atomicOr(channel_histories + channel_index, history);
76         } // if weighted photon contributes
78         } // if photon detected by a channel
80     } // if photon terminated on surface
82     s[id] = rng;
84     }
86 }