With MyTMessage used on stack in the test (rather than heap) get pointer being freed was not allocated as it goes out of scope:
ChromaZMQRootTest(36786,0x7fff7ab15310) malloc: *** error for object 0x10561df08: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Suspect something funny related to the TObject status bits and the fact that the object is serialized in one place and deserialised elsewhere. Saw something similar with pyzmq which was resolved using PyROOT ROOT.SetOwnnership(kFALSE).
Currently MyTMessage usage on heap without deletion looks like a leak. Need to investigate TObject internals to understand further.
[blyth@belle7 cmt]$ czrt-nuwapkg-testserver
=== nuwacmt-config : for pkg /data1/env/local/dyb/NuWa-trunk/dybgaudi/Utilities/ChromaZMQRootTest
Removing all previous make fragments from i686-slc5-gcc41-dbg
Creating setup scripts.
Creating cleanup scripts.
do_bind tcp://*:5555
Initially czrt.sh gives symbol loading issue
After a czrt-build runs, but meets NUU network blockage:
delta:collada blyth$ czrt.sh
zmq-broker-url : tcp://
zmq-broker-url-frontend : tcp://
zmq-broker-url-backend : tcp://
zmq-broker-host :
ZMQRoot::ZMQRoot envvar [CHROMA_CLIENT_CONFIG][Q] config [tcp://]
ChromaPhotonList::Print [6]
ZMQRoot::SendObject sent bytes: 457
Attempt to tunnel through the block, getting refused:
delta:~ blyth$ czrt.sh --zmqtunnelnode=N
zmq-broker-url : tcp://
zmq-broker-url-frontend : tcp://
zmq-broker-url-backend : tcp://
zmq-broker-host :
=== ssh-tunnel-open : opening ssh tunnel using below command
ssh -fN -p 22 -L N
=== ssh-tunnel-open : modifying ZMQ_BROKER_URL_FRONTEND to tcp:// in order to use the ssh tunnel
ZMQRoot::ZMQRoot envvar [CHROMA_CLIENT_CONFIG][Q] config [tcp://]
ChromaPhotonList::Print [6]
ZMQRoot::SendObject sent bytes: 457
channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused
channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused
channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused
Not getting through, nothing showing on broker:
[blyth@belle7 env]$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYB/external/zmq/4.0.4/i686-slc5-gcc41-dbg/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH CHROMA_CLIENT_CONFIG=tcp:// ChromaZMQRootTest.exe
ZMQRoot::ZMQRoot envvar [CHROMA_CLIENT_CONFIG] config [tcp://]
ChromaPhotonList::Print UID [0] [6]
ZMQRoot::SendObject sent bytes: 457
[blyth@belle7 src]$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYB/external/zmq/4.0.4/i686-slc5-gcc41-dbg/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ECHO_SERVER_CONFIG=tcp://*:4000 ZMQEchoServer.exe
do_bind tcp://*:4000
do_receive zmq_msg_recv waiting...
do_receive got bytes:457
do_send... sending msg of 457 bytes
do_send... queued 457 bytes
do_receive zmq_msg_recv waiting...
[blyth@belle7 ~]$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYB/external/zmq/4.0.4/i686-slc5-gcc41-dbg/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH CHROMA_CLIENT_CONFIG=tcp:// ChromaZMQRootTest.exe
ZMQRoot::ZMQRoot envvar [CHROMA_CLIENT_CONFIG] config [tcp://]
ChromaPhotonList::Print UID [0] [6]
ZMQRoot::SendObject sent bytes: 457
ZMQRoot::ReceiveObject received bytes: 457
ZMQRoot::ReceiveObject reading TObject from the TMessage
ZMQRoot::ReceiveObject returning TObject
ChromaPhotonList::Print UID [0] [6]
ChromaPhotonList::Print UID [0] [6]
ChromaPhotonList::Details [6]
index 0 pos (1,1,1) mom (2,2,2) pol (3,3,3) _t 0 _wavelength 100 _pmtid 101
index 1 pos (1,1,1) mom (2,2,2) pol (3,3,3) _t 0 _wavelength 100 _pmtid 101
index 2 pos (1,1,1) mom (2,2,2) pol (3,3,3) _t 0 _wavelength 100 _pmtid 101
index 3 pos (1,1,1) mom (2,2,2) pol (3,3,3) _t 0 _wavelength 100 _pmtid 101
index 4 pos (1,1,1) mom (2,2,2) pol (3,3,3) _t 0 _wavelength 100 _pmtid 101
index 5 pos (1,1,1) mom (2,2,2) pol (3,3,3) _t 0 _wavelength 100 _pmtid 101
[blyth@belle7 ~]$